An American perspective on Canada-Obama Cable 09OTTAWA64

2009-01-22 16:04 sent
2010-12-01 18:06 release wiki
Embassy Ottawa

DE RUEHOT #0064/01 0221635
O 221635Z JAN 09
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 OTTAWA 000064



E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/22/2019

Classified By: Charge d'Affaires Terry A. Breese, reason 1.4 (d)

¶1. (C) Mr. President, Mission Canada warmly welcomes you
and the First Lady to Ottawa. We and Canadians alike are
thrilled that your first foreign trip as President will be to
Canada, which Canadians claim as a long-standing tradition
reflecting the vital importance of this bilateral
relationship between two democratic neighbors.


¶2. (C) Your enormous popularity among Canadians (an 81 pct
approval rating) is to Conservative Prime Minister Stephen
Harper both a blessing -- because he can for the first time
since taking office in 2006 gain politically from public and
policy association with the U.S. President -- and a curse --
because no Canadian politician of any stripe is nearly as
popular, respected, or inspiring as you are to Canadian
voters, a genuine factor in the historically low turnout in
the October 2008 Canadian federal election. Many Canadians,
especially university students, volunteered on your campaign,
and busloads traveled to Washington for your inauguration.

¶3. (C) Your decision to make Ottawa your first foreign
destination as President will do much to diminish --
temporarily, at least -- Canada's habitual inferiority
complex vis-a-vis the U.S. and its chronic but accurate
complaint that the U.S. pays far less attention to Canada
than Canada does to us.

¶4. (C) The minority status in Parliament of Harper's
Conservative Party means that it and all other parties now
remain in almost permanent campaign mode; there have been
three successive minority governments (one Liberal, two
Conservative). The bottom line questions remain when the
government will fall and on what issue. Your trip will help
to ensure that the government will survive an early February
vote of confidence on the federal budget, in which Canada
will post its first deficit in more than a decade as it
provides a stimulus package of $30-40 billion.

¶5. (C) The U.S. and Canada enjoy the world's largest
trading relationship, with more than $1.5 billion in two-way
trade crossing the border each day, including 77 pct of all
Canadian exports. With the border central to Canada's
economic well being, Canadians chafe about what they see as a
"thickening of the border" caused by U.S. actions to
strengthen homeland security since 9/11. Canadians claim
that these measures have driven up business costs and delayed
border crossers. The business and trade communities in the
U.S. and Canada both believe that the "balance" between trade
and security has been tilted too far toward security, and are
hopeful that your administration will tilt that balance back.
Canada may argue for a new mechanism (separate from the
trilateral Security and Prosperity Partnership) to address
bilateral concerns.

¶6. (C) Canadians wish that more Americans would recognize
that Canada is the largest source of imported energy for the
U.S. (including for both oil and natural gas), although there
is also keen sensitivity over the higher environmental
footprint of oil from western Canada's oil sands and concern
about the implications for Canada of your energetic calls to
develop renewable energies and reduce our reliance on
imported oil. Canada is also rich in hydroelectric power,
has similar objectives for developing renewables, and is
working strenuously to improve the environmental impact of
production from the oil sands and to expand its own wind
Qproduction from the oil sands and to expand its own wind
power capacity.

¶7. (C) Given the high integration of our two economies,
Canada will hope for a truly North American discussion of
economic stimulus, job creation, and sectoral support, as in
coordinated bilateral measures on the auto sector (for which
Canada promised a $3.4 billion assistance plan -- 20 pct of
what the U.S. offered, matching a pledge that PM Harper made
to then-President Bush in December) and in the G-20
commitments on financial sector regulation. We should ensure
that both nations continue to design complementary packages
to revive our economies.

¶8. (C) Although the climate change issue has largely been
the province of the official opposition Liberal Party, the
Conservative government now seeks to set in place measures to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and advocates a coordinated
policy with the U.S. on expanded efforts to protect our
shared environment. They hope and expect this will be a
central theme of your visit.

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¶9. (C) Arctic sovereignty is a motherhood-and-apple-pie
issue for Canadians of all political persuasions, and they
are deeply suspicious of assertions by the U.S. (and most
other concerned nations) that the Northwest Passage is a
strait for international navigation, not Canada's territorial
sea. The new Arctic policy issued at the end of the Bush
Administration, which reasserted our views on the Northwest
Passage and emphasized cooperation among Arctic nations, has
re-ignited these suspicions.

¶10. (C) Canada declined to join the U.S. in the invasion of
Iraq and instead concentrated its global counterterrorism
efforts on Afghanistan, including 2500 troops in Kandahar
Province and its largest bilateral donor program worldwide.
With the highest casualty rate among NATO partners and only
about 65,000 Canadian Forces overall, there is virtually zero
willingness across the Canadian political spectrum to extend
the current Parliamentary mandate for these forces in
Afghanistan beyond 2011, but Canada could offer up
significant new funding to strengthen the Afghan National
Army and Afghan National Police. Much will depend upon
convincing Canada that its continued contributions to the
Afghanistan effort are a critical component of your strategy
for success in Afghanistan.

¶11. (C) No matter which political party forms the Canadian
government during your Administration, Canada will remain one
of our staunchest and most like-minded of allies, our largest
trading and energy partner, and our most reliable neighbor
and friend.


¶12. (SBU) In your public remarks and media availability,
these points would be most useful from Mission Canada's

-- Canada is a true friend, trusted ally, valued trading
partner, and democratic model for the world;
-- around the world, the U.S. and Canada are working
together to defeat terrorism, promote economic development
through trade and investment, prevent the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction, and advance the cause of human
freedom and dignity;
-- Canada and the U.S. are blessed to share the beauties and
riches of North America, and will strive individually and
jointly to protect and preserve its environment, while
ensuring that our nations and the world benefit from its
extensive natural and human resources;
-- our highly integrated economies are now facing enormous
challenges, but with our traditional resilience, creativity,
sacrifice, and cooperation, our two countries will emerge
from this crisis stronger than ever;
-- while we share the prosperity that comes with the world's
largest bilateral trade relationship, we also share the
threats to that prosperity from international terrorism;
-- 21st century technology can help ensure ever more safe
and efficient transit of goods and people across this longest
undefended border in the world, and we need to work together
more fully to understand each other's security and trade
needs and to build a shared vision for the security of our
two nations from new threats while investing in technology
and infrastructure that can secure, support, and expand the
benefits of our trade;
-- the U.S. and Canada maintain extensive cooperation in the
Arctic. The U.S. views the Northwest Passage as a strait
used for international navigation -- not Canada's territorial
sea -- but does not dispute Canada's sovereignty over its
Arctic islands;
-- Canada has paid a disproportionately high price in human
Q-- Canada has paid a disproportionately high price in human
life to help the people of Afghanistan emerge from their dark
era under the Taliban, and the U.S. salutes these Canadian
contributions to the building of a democratic and successful
society in that troubled land and counts on continued
Canadian cooperation to achieve this goal;
-- U.S. Presidents and Canadian Prime Ministers come and go,
but our shared values and aspirations will continue to
underpin a robust, mutually respectful, and hugely successful
friendship and partnership that benefits not only our two
peoples but the world.

Visit Canada,s Economy and Environment Forum at
hxxp:// ada


This One 5 years later confirms my original feeling of uneasiness.
My MPP has some explaining to do Hardcore.Mister

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