... They've received more than 3000 pieces of information from the public. ... wandering up and down the street, trying to think like a paedophile, trying ... Bill Spedding has now been publicly branded a “person of interest” in the ...
Gerald Ridsdale (born 1934) and George Pell (born 1941) both had a Catholic childhood in Ballarat,
1. WHY did Bishop George Pell accompany Father Gerald Ridsdale to court on 27 May 1993 when Ridsdale received his first conviction for child-sex crimes?
Only a year after his previous jailing, in October 1994 Ridsdale was sentenced to 18 years jail after pleading guilty to 46 counts of sex crimes against 20 girls and boys aged from 9 to 15. In 1995 an appeal against the harshness of the sentence was dismissed, leaving Ridsdale in prison until at least the year 2009.
His crimes were committed in confessional boxes, presbyteries, cars, showers and toilets. His behaviour was first reported in 1972 to church authorities. The church's response was to send Ridsdale to a different parish.
As many as 26 Victorians have committed suicide after being abused by two notorious paedophile clergymen,
Detective Carson has recently learned of two more suicides, bringing his count to 26.
George Pell has a very close relationship with Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party. He has also had allegations made against him that he abused a child which has never been tested in court. Mr Pell has also attended court supporting paedophile priests but has refused when asked by victims to attend court to support them.
“Tony Abbott hadn’t waited for the judge’s decision. “It should not surprise any Christian that there would be people who want to make unfair, wrong, mischievous, malevolent accusations against the strongest and most public Christian of the time,” the politician said when the allegations were first aired. “I’m more than ready to accept Pell’s testimony.””
As archbishop of Melbourne, he allowed a priest found to have sexually abused a teenager after officiating at his mother’s funeral to continue working in another parish. In Sydney, he said in a letter to a man named Anthony Jones that the priest who sexually assaulted him had been the subject of no other complaints, when in fact Pell had written to another of the priest’s victims that same day
I have no doubt David Ridsdale has suffered terribly because of his experiences, but his allegations about me are wrong. David Ridsdale was badly abused by his uncle, Gerald Ridsdale, then a Ballarat priest. I have always sympathised with his plight and this continues today. But unfortunately he has accused me of saying on 3 February 1993, "what will it take to keep you quiet?" so that he would not go to the police, I always strive to work amicably with all my brother priests. This included Gerald Ridsdale. We were never close friends and overlapped at St Alipius for about a year.
I accompanied him in mid-year 1993 to the Magistrates' Court. My sympathy was always with the victims and when I explained to his lawyer that I would insist on saying that Ridsdale had done great damage to his victims,
Prime Minister Tony Abbott gave a personal reference in court for the former priest Father John Nester in a child sex abuse case in 1997. Father Nester was later struck off as a clergy by the Vatican.
”Certainly a character reference from a member of parliament would hold some sway, no doubt about it,” he said.
“It probably did play a big part, but there were other things that played a bigger part. For example, John Nestor never gave evidence at the trial. He was never cross-examined.”
He said his case should be examined by the royal commission into child sex abuse.
what was the further evidence that the church obtained that led to Father Nester being struck off as a priest? Was it evidence of criminal conduct that the Church concealed?
In April 2014 Risdale was sentenced to an additional 8 years in prison for crimes against 14 children, to be served concurrently. He is now due for release in 2022 unless granted parole.
Tony Abbott and George Pell have a history of working together in politics. Before the 2004 election Tony Abbott gave an infamous interview on the ABC’s Lateline where he was caught lying and deceiving in relation to a meeting with George Pell.
TONY JONES: Tony Abbott on another matter, have you met Archbishop Pell during the election campaign?
TONY ABBOTT: Not that I can recall.
TONY JONES: Not that you can recall, because we believe that you've had at least one meeting with him quite recently?
You don't recall that?.
TONY ABBOTT: Ah, actually now that you do mention it, I did meet with Cardinal Pell.
So what?
Why shouldn't I meet with Cardinal Pell?
Tony Abbott also stated "I won't be rushing out to get my daughters vaccinated, maybe that'....
Do you trust him to do the right thing by your kids?
#You won’t be jabbing my kids Tony
http://experimentalvaccines.org/ “get the facts”
"Destroying the New World Order"
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