sorry all black font read it all here

What we are about to explain is not at all hard to understand.

It involves every one of the oil and natural gas wells that have ever been drilled within each and every state in Continental America (hereafter referred to as "inland" wells).

It also involves every oil and natural gas well that has ever been drilled in the Gulf Of Mexico (hereafter referred to as "offshore" wells).

It also involves what's known as the Hugoton Panhandle Natural Gas Reserve, which at varying depths,..lies beneath, .but totally encompasses,. the entire North American Continent; Running all the way from the northern tip of Canada, to the southern most tip of Old Mexico, and from ten miles west into our Pacific Ocean, all the way to about ten miles or so, east, into our Atlantic Ocean. Hereafter referred to as the H-P Reserve.

Which means the H-P Reserve, as well,..fully encompasses the Gulf Of Mexico.

That is to say that the entire North American Continent, is perched directly above the Hugoton Panhandle Natural Gas Reserve.

To best describe the H-P Reserve: Imagine that an horrendously large, but for the most part very shallow, ocean of natural gas and oil, exists at various depths directly beneath the ground we walk on, and that the floor of this "ocean" is extremely mountainous, so that in places, the tops of some of its mountains are less than 50 feet below the ground we walk on. Now, within this "ocean area", place layers of very porous shale type rock on top of each other, until much of the ocean (which is actually the H-P Reserve) is full to the top with very porous slabs of rock, so as to absorb most of the gas and oil in most of the areas within the reserve.

Now, several hundred to several thousand feet beneath this "ocean" of oil and gas laden, very porous shale rock, place yet another ocean, this one full of fresh water, which science refers to as America's various water aquifers.

Therefore, what we have, is the layer of ground we walk on:. Beneath which, is the H-P Gas Reserve, which for the most part is nothing but deep, thick, layers of very porous, shale type rock:. Beneath which, is another section of very dense layers of shale type rock:. Beneath which are America's water aquifers:. Beneath which is somewhat of a solid massive ball (the earth).

Now, for simplicity's sake, let's say the water aquifer ends at America's shoreline at the Gulf Coast. This will allow for the following very simplistic explanation of what has taken place some one hundred or so miles out from our South Coast; into the Gulf of Mexico; where, for lack of any other way to explain it, a "basin" of pure oil has formed in the area that would normally house nature's water aquifer.

In very rough terms, except for the one thing i saved for last: We just described the H-P Reserve and its surroundings.

Pertaining to our "inland" wells:. This matter involves the process that America's energy companies have been using ever since the year 1910, to force oil and natural gas up out of the ground, into pipelines: Which, as we will document, has adversely effected the oil and gas deposits in the Gulf of Mexico: Which in turn, has drastically effected "what has resulted" from the manner in which America's energy companies have been extracting oil and natural gas from our inland wells.

And, as we will clearly document:. Each of the above problems are feeding the other.

As for the PROCESS that is, and has been used to force oil and natural gas up and out of the earth from our inland wells: Since about the year 1910, America has been extracting its oil and natural gas from the H-P Reserve by pumping high pressure water into it, which it gets from various lakes and rivers throughout America. This is referred to as the "Water Replacement" process, because in effect, they are replacing the oil and gas they remove from the reserve, with pumped in water.

In order to extract natural gas from what is basically an enormously large, "dry", and very much interconnected set of chambers called the Hugoton Natural Gas Reserve, which sits directly ABOVE America's water aquifers, which is separated from same by a thick layer of shale type soil: America's energy companies have been using twin locomotive size diesel engines at places such as Sanford, Texas (just north of Pantex) to turn incredibly huge water pumps. In this case these pumps remove water from man-made Lake Meredith (created by a large dam which was constructed on the Canadian River just to it's north) to pump huge amounts of water into the H-P Reserve, so as to force the oil and natural gas that's in the reserve, up out of the earth, into pipelines, then onward to processing plants.

The oil companies already own the drilling rights to more than eighty million acres of land in "inland" America, which provably contain an abundance of oil and natural gas. So why are they fighting so hard to obtain additional off-shore drilling rights, which are much more difficult, and some three thousand times more expensive to pursue?

This article is about to explain why !!

In the midst of America's Gulf Coast Oil Spill Disaster:
We are about to compare the DANGERS of drilling oil and/or gas wells off-shore, verses the dangers of drilling the same type of well in-land.

The life-threatening problem we're about to describe, explains why the oil companies do not. DARE .to drill on most of the eighty million acres of oil and gas rich land they already control, which are located "inland". ..(on firm soil).

It will also describe exactly what happened, and WHY it happened, that caused the well in the Gulf to break, thereby causing what will surely turn out to be our nation's most destructive singular event.

Moreover: Financially, it would make sense for the government to cancel all the leases on this land, as they are a major expense to government, and to the energy companies who are making lease payments. .However, government wants major oil companies to maintain control over this oil rich land, in order to keep it out of the hands of any small drilling company, who, not understanding the situation, might actually want to drill on it.

So, in order to keep companies like Exxon, Shell, and so on from canceling their leases, the government has been providing enormous tax breaks and incentives which more than off-set the annual lease payments that these large energy companies are paying.
Until now, you've rarely heard about the process used by.oil companies to GET oil:

As we are about to demonstrate:
The process that America's energy companies have been using for decades to force oil and natural gas up out of the ground, has now come home to roost !

Wherefore, we as Americans, Canadians, and Mexicans, are all now living directly on top of the largest, most volatile. BOMB. ever to be imagined by mankind. This report will explain the process by which this unimaginably powerful bomb has literally been created just beneath the ground we all walk on. ...And no one dares to mention it !

.I have laid a trap for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon, .and thou wast not aware: .thou art found, and also caught, .because thou hast striven against the LORD. (Jeremiah 50:24)
Preparation for what we are about you with common logic:.
To the fourth empire on earth to be founded on the principles of materialism:.
The Most High God said: When you cry..., Let your companies save you;
but the wind shall carry all your companies away; .(to foreign soil)
vanity shall take them... (Isaiah 57:13)

Does anyone claim this is not precisely what happened to America's industries?,



Both Google and Yahoo
Have quietly moved to China
IBM has moved a lot of its operations to India

America's largest WAR CONTRACTOR has moved to Dubai
taking its billions of U.S. Tax-Free Defense Dollars with it !


Halliburton: Has already moved from Houston to Dubai America's Auto Makers Have Quietly
Moved Their Best Paying Jobs,
And Their Assets, To Foreign Soil,
Yet, They Will File For Bankruptcy In America !
All our major oil companies now
have headquarters In foreign countries.
.While MANY will try to claim what you're about to read is not true, by advancing every "opinion" they can come up with to.TRY. to disprove it, .the fact is that it IS true, and proven. The science behind it is well-established, and easy to grasp.
The Science Behind It:
To start with, as I'm sure you already know, you can't remove ANYTHING from anywhere, without it being replaced by something else. For example, you cannot even remove a chair from your kitchen, without it being replaced by air from some other room, which will eventually get its air from outside, by whatever means.

Failure to replace any removed material with some other material of equal size and/or volume, will create a partial vacuum. Call it the Law of Replacement.

If you understand the above, you will understand every word we're about to say.

As documented by the following link: .Over the last hundred years or so, the water in our underground aquifers have been heavily pumped by irrigation farmers. This has lowered these water levels by 100 feet. The result has been that a partial vacuum was created in our water aquifers.

According to the Environmental News Network:
"For fossil aquifers, such as the vast U.S. Ogallala aquifer ... depletion brings pumping irrigation water to an end. Farmers who lose their irrigation water have the option of returning to lower-yield dryland farming if rainfall permits. In more arid regions, however, such as in the southwestern United States, the loss of irrigation water means the end of agriculture.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that in parts of Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas -- three leading grain-producing states -- the underground water table has dropped by more than 30 meters (100 feet). As a result, wells have gone dry on thousands of farms in the southern Great Plains. .Although this mining of America's underground water (by farming) is taking a toll on U.S. grain production, irrigated land accounts for only one fifth of the U.S. grain harvest, compared with close to three fifths of the harvest in India and four fifths in China." (End Quote)

Now that we've provided an expert source to refer to, allow us to remind you that the "PANHANDLE" portion of the Hugoton Panhandle Natural Gas Reserve we will be referring to in this article, sits directly UNDER the states of Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, which were referred to in the above article !!!!

Since about the year 1910, America has been extracting its oil and natural gas from the H-P Reserve (referred to below) by pumping high pressure water into it, which it gets from various lakes and rivers throughout America. This is referred to as the "Water Replacement" process, because in effect, they are replacing the oil and gas they remove from the reserve, with pumped in water.
In order to extract natural gas from what is basically an enormously large, "dry", and very much interconnected set of chambers called the Hugoton Natural Gas Reserve, which sits directly ABOVE the water aquifer we just discussed, which is separated from same by a thick layer of shale type soil: America's energy companies have been using twin locomotive size diesel engines (pictured to the right) at places such as Sanford, Texas (just north of Pantex) to turn incredibly huge water pumps.
In this case these pumps remove water from man-made Lake Meredith (created by a large dam which was constructed on the Canadian River just to it's north) to pump huge amounts of water into the H-P Reserve, so as to force the oil and natural gas that's in the reserve up out of the earth, into pipelines, then onward to processing plants.

Now, consider that America has been using this process which the Energy Companies call "Water Replacement" for just over a hundred years.

Do you still wonder where America's water is going, .and/or has gone ?

Water, not being anywhere near as thick and heavy as oil, will, over a short period of months, eventually seep right down into the water aquifers, where previously, the oil had been prevented by the shale rock from going.

In areas such as the Rocky Mountains, the H-P Reserve, which runs all the way from the northern tip of Canada to the southern most tip of Old Mexico, and from ten miles west into our Pacific Ocean, to about ten miles east into our Atlantic Ocean, consists of little more than dense, oil soaked, layers of shale rock: .And for which reason, at this time, it just isn't profitable to extract oil or gas from most Rocky Mountain deposits. Even so, several very rich oil fields co-exist with the H-P natural gas reserve in these same areas of dense shale rock in our mountains.

In places such as south Texas, oil formations are much deeper, and do not generally pose the problem we will be discussing.

However: .Should our shallower natural gas reserves ever become ignited, .them being deeper won't make any difference,. because literally everything on the North American Continent would either explode, or burn.

Let's consider the forces at work here:
First, we have a partial vacuum being formed in the cavity that is created by the oil companies removing oil and natural gas from the H-P Reserve (the cavity).

Next, we have the partial vacuum created in the water aquifers by farmers pumping so much water out of them for irrigation, that their depths have been decreased by one hundred feet. All of which vacuum simply draws even more air out of the cavity that's created in the H-P Reserve from the removal of oil and natural gas.

BOTH of which processes are being constantly assisted by GRAVITY !!

Ok, with farmers, water replacement, and gravity, all acting to create a vacuum in the cavity that gets created by the removed oil and natural gas: The only way that the "cavity" can possibly deal with ITS vacuum, is to suck air (oxygen) down into itself from the surface of the earth, mostly through vent pipes that are created during the drilling process.

Therefore, since its impossible to ever get all the oil and natural gas out of the "cavity".

What we now have is a "cavity" that's full of natural gas left from the energy companies.

Which is now also full of oxygen that's been sucked down from the surface of the earth.

Thereby effectively converting America's gas reserves into an extremely volatile BOMB,

That is made of oxygen and the remnants of natural gas,

Which literally encompasses every inch of the entire North American Continent!




One can easily see that with the water in the aquifer depleted by farmers using it for irrigation, the energy company's "replacement" water is constantly being drawn downward, thereby creating a partial vacuum in the Natural Gas Reserve above it, which then sucks oxygen into the reserve from the surface of the earth.

Although the gas reserves cover a lot of area beneath America, the water aquifers are even more enormous. So, the farmers removing a 100 feet depth of water, created a TREMENDOUS amount of vacuum to suck down the replacement water used by the energy companies for purposes of extracting gas, which by comparison, amounted to just a few inches of water in depth.


1. According to its own official maps, which we provide below, America (and both its neighbors) sit directly on top of the Hugoton-Panhandle Natural Gas Reserve, which is the largest natural gas reserve on earth.

2. According to the energy company's own public records, they already own, or have the legal rights, to in excess of eighty million acres of land in America that are known to be some of the most oil and gas rich land in the world.

3. In order to extract natural gas from what are basically an enormously large, dry, interconnected set of chambers, America's energy companies have been pumping huge amounts of water into them for just under a hundred years, to force the gas out into pipelines, then onward to processing plants.

4. Once the gas in a given part of the chamber of our natural gas reserve reaches a point where it's no longer dense enough to be economical to extract gas from, these energy companies simply move on, to areas that are more dense, in hopes that the vacuum caused by the receeding "replacement" water they had pumped into the first area, will suck enough gas in from other areas of the overall reserve, so that the area they just depleted will once again be dense enough to be economical to work.

5. Meanwhile, the law of gravity has been constantly pulling the replacement water they had previously filled that part of the gas chamber with, into our water acquifers, which are located just below the gas chambers, leaving the partial vacuum which remains, loaded with lower "remnant" levels of natural gas.

6. Granted, most of the overall gas reserve consists of fairly dense shale rock, but there are large chambers (wide open spaces) particularly in the areas where the energy companies have been removing oil and natural gas, from within the same general area.

7. With nothing else to fill the void created by the reduced water level in these areas, the resulting vacuum sucks air (oxygen) down into these huge chambers, from the surface of the earth; mostly through vent pipes created by the original drilling operation.

8. Once the oxygen to gas ratio reaches fourteen percent, the "mix" in this part of the reserve becomes volatile, and subject to exploding if and when it is ever ignited. A mix of twenty one percent oxygen to gas ratio causes that particular gas chamber to become a genuine fully loaded bomb of a magnitude that even most scientists cannot imagine, that is just waiting to be ignited.

Just the banging together of almost any two pieces of metal would explode it !!

9. At a point just thirty miles north of Pantex, where America stores its larger (and older) nuclear weapons as they wait to be dismantled, the H-P Reserve is less than - fifty feet - below the surface of the earth;. and subject to being breached by just anything falling from the sky, such as an airplane, a meteorite, or a bomb.

10. If that should ever take place, the entire North American Continent would be subject to a series of explosions and fires, until it literally ceases to exist, .because the entire North American Continent is literally perched on top of the H-P Reserve.

So, after the explosions, those parts that are made of heavily oil laden shale rock would simply burn until there is nothing left. Which means the dirt itself would burn.

I have laid a trap for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon, .and thou wast not aware: .thou art found, .and also caught, .because thou hast striven against THE LORD. (Jeremiah 50:24)
For it is the day of THE LORD's vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion. And the streams of Babylon shall be turned into pitch, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land thereof shall become burning pitch. It shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke thereof shall go up for ever: from generation to generation it shall lie waste; None shall pass through it for ever and ever. (Isaiah 34:8-10).

And the angel opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. (Revelation 9:2).

BRIMSTONE: Burning stone.
The kings of the earth, who have engaged in materialism and lived extravagantly with her, .shall bewail her, .and lament for her, .when they shall see the smoke of her burning, Standing afar off for the fear of her torment,. saying,. Alas, alas that great city Babylon,. that mighty city!
...for in one hour is thy judgment come.
And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her;. for no man buys their merchandise any more: (Revelation 18:9-10)

Think about it !
What other country..BUT..America, could these two verses possibly refer to ??

What other situation ..BUT..the Hugoton Panhandle Natural Gas Reserve, could possibly create an environment whereby such absolute TOTAL destruction could conceivably take place, over such a wide area,. in just one literal hour !!

Some will try to tell you that the earth simply will not, cannot, burn !!


An underground coal fire that has now burned for almost FIFTY years.
Some will no doubt claim we are sensationalizing the problem, and some will no doubt claim that fire cannot survive, or even exist underground. Others will no doubt claim the catastrophe we are describing just simply cannot happen to America. Try telling that to the former residents of Centralia, Pennsylvania !!
THIS.was Centralia, Pennsylvania in 1960
xxxTHIS.was Centralia, Pennsylvania in 2005


THIS...was Centralia, Pennsylvania in 2007.
Please note that the dirt itself is burning!
Fire comes up through some 13 square miles but covers an estimated 10,000 CUBIC MILES of space under the earth. It now threatens to consume three other towns, with no hopes of putting it out.
THIS, is the problem referred to in this report.
Except natural gas is much more volatile than the coal fire that consumed Centralia, Pa. Also, this source covers an estimated FOUR BILLION cubic MILES of space, it covers the entire North American Continent; in places it lies just 50 ft. beneath the surface; and it's taking on oxygen!

THE FACTS THAT ARE BEING PROVIDED ARE REAL where America stores most of its larger but older nuclear weapons as they await being dismantled. It's location is indicated by the red dot on the Texas county map. Amarillo is located just below Pantex on the map. The image to the right is the official U.S. Geological Survey of America's natural gas reserves; .which are collectively referred to as the HUGOTON PANHANDLE NATURAL GAS RESERVE. The various colors on the map indicate the density of gas and oil from one area to another.

Keep in mind the gas reserve doesn't
always follow America's shore lines.

As you can see, the entire North American Continent is perched directly on top of these reserves. The largest of the reserves within the Hugoton-Panhandle Complex is the "Panhandle Reserve," which is located a few miles north of- PANTEX, .which is just outside of Amarillo, Texas. At this location this horrendous natural gas reserve is less than fifty feet below the surface of the Earth.
... LESS THAN 50 FEET !!

At only fifty feet: .The roof of one chamber of the Texas Panhandle Reserve is shallow enough to be cracked, then set ablaze, by almost anything falling from the sky, such as a falling aircraft, a meteorite, or almost any kind of bomb. This area has been referred to by local people as The Great Abyss, because it's known to be immeasurable, (which is the definition of the term abyss). Others simply refer to it as the bottomless pit. As this report continues, these titles will become extremely important.

Revelation 8:10-11
And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a torch..., and the name of the star is called Wormwood... many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. (implying radiation).
It's interesting that the Slavonic root for the name of the place in the Ukraine called Chernobyl (which is synonymous with a nuclear energy, and nuclear disaster) can be derived from the Biblical term wormwood.
And the fifth angel sounded, .and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: .and to it was given entrance to the bottomless pit.. And it opened the bottomless pit; .and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; .and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. (Revelation 9:1-2)
Previously, in this report, we described an.UNDERGROUND-fire which relied on coal as its fuel, but where coal is very slow to burn, natural gas ignites instantly. Also, where coal is seldom prone to explode, it is the very nature of natural gas to explode the instant it's ignited.

Due to the Panhandle Reserve being overworked since the very early 1900's, there are now huge pockets of natural gas all around the PANTEX nuclear storage facility.

However, in this instance, if the H-P Reserve ever explodes, it will NOTactually set off these nuclear weapons.

No indeed. .The results will be. far more catastrophic, .than if they were to all go off at once! ..Because, the explosion from the reserve will be far more powerful than the weapons themselves,. and it will.vaporize. America's nuclear weapons,. and carry their radio active particles into the atmosphere,. to be distributed all around the world.

Background Information:
In the year 1924, it was thought that this oil and gas reserve was limited to the Texas Panhandle, so it was appropriately named the Panhandle Natural Gas Reserve. The early wells were given names based on the county in which they were drilled, such as "Panhandle, Wheeler County", "Panhandle, Carson County", "Panhandle, Gray County", "Panhandle, Hutchinson County", and so on. It was later discovered that these pockets of natural gas throughout the Texas Panhandle were part of one giant reserve.

In addition to encompassing the entire Panhandle of Texas, it was discovered that this giant reserve ran all the way across the State of Kansas. Kansas had already named "its" portion of the reserve the "Hugoton Reserve". Therefore, since the Hugoton reserve and Panhandle reserve were found to be one and the same, they were simply referred to as the Hugoton-Panhandle Natural Gas Reserve.

Later, it was discovered that the massive H-P Reserve runs all the way across the entire State of Oklahoma, and beyond, encompassing areas which, like Kansas, had already given their portion of this very same gas reserve names that best suited "local" liking.

xX Eventually, it was discovered that the H-P Reserve runs all the way north into the State of Montana, and that for drilling purposes it was "tap-able" in almost any area along the way.

Then, at a later time, it was discovered that this same gas reserve runs all the way to the most northern parts of Canada, as well as all the way down to the southern most part of Old Mexico,

with its width extending about ten miles past both the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean, thereby encompassing the entire North American Continent!!

What were thought to be numerous separate gas reserves throughout the country, each of which had previously been given names that suited the people in their particular region; were now understood to all be part of the Hugoton Panhandle Natural Gas Complex.

The following is but a partial list of names for other sections of what is now known as the Hugoton Panhandle Natural Gas Reserve: a/k/a Powder River; San Juan; Uinta; Paradox; Williston Basins; Sweetgrass Arch; Central Montana Uplift; Rocky Mountains; Louisiana Henry Hub; Trenton-Black River gas play of southern New York; The Western West Virginia Discoveries; The Wyoming two hubs; and the list goes on, and on.

Some of these places pump their own replacement water into the reserve, while others pay pumping stations as far away as Sanford, Texas, and beyond, for providing their water replacement contribution, because their location HAS no water to pump.

Also, see the link to a recent article in the National Academies Press declaring (in red text about halfway down the page) that: "Most production from the Hugoton Panhandle complex (in the State of Wyoming) is connected to, or could be connected to, the BLM helium pipeline and Cliffside storage facility near Amarillo, Texas." Please take note that scientists call every one of the interconnected reserves by the name "Hugoton Panhandle Complex":.

See our link:
All of which proves that, in effect, what we have is essentially one common gas reserve that encompasses most of the area beneath the entire North American Continent; .With energy company's Water Replacement Process turning it into a BOMB of unimaginable capacity to destroy; .Thereby creating a potential disaster of Biblical proportion, without so much as one person even trying to prevent it from happening.
though the government will claim these are different reserves, and that they are not connected, a look at their own official Geological Survey clearly shows us otherwise.
Why does it matter if they are interconnected?

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