An Epidemic of Lies and Main Stream Media whoring itself to Pharma’s Advertising Dollars

Wired Magazine has become the latest reminder to the autism community that truth and science in main stream media are most certainly not one and the same. Wired’s latest cover story has also proven once again that even our children and the future generations of vaccine damaged children can be sold out for profit. In the latest edition of Wired Magazine, Amy Wallace authors the cover story; An Epidemic of Fear: How Panicked Parents Skipping Shots Endangers Us All. This disgusting piece of rabid journalism is so inherently flawed throughout, that only the least among us and those blinded by the apparent divinity of these “scientists” could possibly believe a word written by this obvious sell-out. While understanding that Amy is a respected journalist who has worked for the L.A. Times and Los Angeles Magazine, this hardly makes her a science writer and in no way should make her worthy of writing on such a heated and important debate that affects the lives of generations of children. Wallace’s articles have appeared in The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Esquire, Elle and others, and one of her last articles was entitled Farrah’s Brainy Side, hardly Mensa material.

Wallace’s ignorant and pathetic prose was nothing other than a puff piece to drum up advertising dollars for a magazine desperately wanting revenue in my humble opinion and I will be curious to see the increased numbers of pharmaceutical advertisements in upcoming issues of this normally inane magazine. While ignorant may seem a harsh term, one is ignorant when writing about something that they obviously know nothing about. However, the magazine’s editor is just plain stupid for allowing such tripe to be published, much less making this piece a cover story. While on a purely fiscal side, this editor could be deemed ingenious because the continuing debate over vaccines and autism sells magazines, the number of parents that might be swayed into believing the story is what makes this decision border on criminal and undoubtedly the number of canceled subscriptions will raise as well.

This article starts off as if Amy Wallace were Dr. Paul Offit’s press agent rather than a conscientious, investigative reporter. As usual, Jenny McCarthy must play a role in any “anti-vaccine” article and perhaps because this pathetic excuse for an investigative journalist is obviously more at ease writing about how smart Farrah was, or the latest fashion faux pas made by some idiot celebrity, this was discussed more so than usual. While I find it amazing that most that read this type of disgusting and twisted journalism don’t ever seem to read into the whole “Jenny McCarthy, an actress and former Playboy centerfold”” as what it is; a direct way to automatically disqualify her as a knowledgeable person because she happened to be photographed naked for a magazine, and quite well I might add. This is reprehensible to say the least and clearly indicts the author as someone who has not investigated this issue and has written the article with a clear agenda. Wallace even goes so far as to say that “some believe a gluten-free diet alleviates the symptoms of autism” as if you would have to be an utter moron to buy into this lie. We all know that Jenny was instrumental in getting this knowledge out to the masses and were Amy to simply look into the facts, she would have discovered that many “mainstream” scientists are now confirming that this diet is actually improving many of these children, mine included.

Wallace speaks of the science regarding this issue as if the debate is over, never once mentioning former National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Bernadine Healy and the countless other classically trained scientists and physicians that believe that this issue is anything but settled. As Offit and other idiots like him do on a consistent basis, Wallace accomplishes in her article as well; if you don’t believe vaccines are perfectly safe and are not implicated in autism and a slew of other chronic diseases, you are illiterate heathens that deserve nothing but scorn and admonishment. Isn’t this exactly what science isn’t about? Paul Offit was quoted for this article talking about why he became a doctor; “What I loved about science was its reason. You have data. You stand back and you discuss the strengths and weaknesses of that data. There’s just something very calming about that.”

Then why didn’t Wallace challenge him on his own point? Let’s talk strengths and weaknesses here. Let’s talk about the 12 studies that Wallace refers to in her miserable excuse for an article. While Wallace states “Twelve epidemiological studies have found no data that links the MMR vaccine to autism; six studies have found no trace of an association between Thimerosal and autism, and three other studies have no other indication that Thimerosal causes even subtle neurological problems.” This is one of the main reasons that I am being so angry about this idiot journalist that should really reconsider her profession and turn back to writing about breast enhancements and what Hollywood star is going to cheat on their spouse next.

Given the fact that so many morons like Offit have stated clearly that the science has been done, that we’ve exhausted the study on vaccines and autism, wouldn’t you think there would be more than 12 studies regarding this matter? Well there have been, they just don’t like the outcomes so they disregard them. You will also have to notice that not finding a link and proving there is no link is two totally different things. Most of these studies that Wallace references state in their conclusions that this matter needs to be looked into further. As far as the studies that show that Thimerosal doesn’t cause neurological disorders, this is a blatant lie. Even many of the studies that Wallace references clearly show a link between Thimerosal and neurological disorders, to include most notably, tics and stuttering.

Warnings of possible neurological damage are placed on the inserts of the very vaccines that doctors are injecting into our children. A Sanofi Aventis vaccine even lists autism as an adverse side effect of the vaccine. The United States Department of Health and Human Services has conceded hundreds of cases in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (which by the way shields vaccine manufacturers from liability in vaccine injuries and causes the taxpayers to foot the bill) that states that the child in question’s autism was caused by the vaccines they received. WHERE IN THE HELL IS INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM AND CAN I FIND OUT WHERE IT’S BURIED SO I CAN PAY MY LAST RESPECTS?

Wallace writes about the moronic statement made by Paul Offit where he says that he was asked to do a study on how many vaccines a child can handle. The number he came up with was; 10,000 a day, 100,000 in a lifetime! This is the man that Wallace claims is the victim in this debate! Since Offit won’t accept the challenge to debate Dr. Boyd Hailey or Dr. Andrew Wakefield (who coincidentally called for this debate on my radio show, Linderman Live!) I would like to make another offer: allow yourself to be injected with 10,000 vaccines in one day. I want them to contain all of the mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, Poly Sorbate 80 and all the other crap that my son was subjected to in 2002 (yes, despite miss Wallace’s attempt to get you to believe that Thimerosal was removed from vaccines in 2001, my son received over 250 mg of mercury in his vaccines in one day. In 2002!)

If you survive unaffected after 10,000 vaccines in one day, I will never speak another ill word about you Mr. Offit. And I would love to see the author of this story place her trust in your words as she is asking us to do, and maybe receive the 10,000 vaccines as well. Let’s see just how much Wallace believes what she just wrote or if she’s doing what I believe she is doing; whoring herself to an industry that can keep her quite busy in an era where print media is dying at an astronomical rate. There are after all, quite a bit of fraudulent Merck papers that need to be written for all of these prestigious medical journals!

Miss Wallace writes of the Autism One Conference as if the participants and attendees were at best, misguided, desperate people looking for answers anywhere they could and at worst, snake oil salesmen and their clients. Wallace even claims to have met a RECOVERED child at the conference yet still did nothing but trash talk the event and others like it. Gee, I wonder if Offit was able to introduce Ms. Wallace to a child that he has recovered. She claims that these conferences convey the message that mainstream medicine doesn’t care about you, but we do. No shit! That is the message that mainstream medicine is giving us. We didn’t pull that out of our asses you idiot! Ask Paul Offit if he can recover my child Wallace, because I have a whole lot of caring doctors, homeopaths and therapists that are doing just that. Your tripe that you have just written might just keep one parent from not looking for the recovery that could save their child from a disability that your precious mainstream doctors have no clue how to treat because they’re blinded by their own precious egos. You could have used this article to help those children instead of whoring yourself to the highest bidder.

I was also a small part of this article unfortunately. Wallace interviewed my wife and me while we were standing outside of the hotel in Chicago at the Autism One Conference. In all her interviews with Hollywood starlets, she must have learned something about acting because she came off as a caring member of the press that just wanted to get the story out, instead of the lying manipulative person that she has proved herself to be. We talked for over twenty minutes about our son’s vaccine injury resulting in regressive autism, the pain that he was in, the diet and treatments that helped him, the four years of diarrhea and the fact that he was 65% recovered, no thanks to mainstream medicine.

Unfortunately for this piece of crap reporter, she wasn’t listening one iota. She instead, in retrospect, must have been fixated on the fact that I was taking about toxic vaccines while enjoying a cigarette. No concern for the fact that if my child was being helped by the folks inside the conference, perhaps other children could be helped as well. Of course, I guess some nasty illiterate redneck smoking a cigarette was far more intriguing than my child recovering from a disease that mainstream medical doctors say is a lifelong disease (must be an L.A. thing, kinda like using all the energy you want to as long as you buy green credits to alleviate your guilt and allow you to move on with your worthless life unaffected).

Wallace also decided to search my name and found a comment that I made on a website to a story that was written about Offit channeling messages. The comment I made was; I wish he were channeling the messages, because that would mean the bastard was dead (or something very similar to that). Now she made this out like it was a bad thing. Let me be very clear about this: while Wallace used this directly in terms with Offit’s claims of death threats, this comment mentioned nothing about murder or ill intent on my part. Wishing someone dead and threatening their lives are two different things that this reporter doesn’t get. I am completely unapologetic about this statement. If Paul Offit were to die a horrible death of say….being voluntarily injected with 10,000 vaccines in one day, I wouldn’t shed a tear. In fact, given the pain that he has caused me and my friends looking for ways to help our children, I would most assuredly celebrate his demise. Call me callous if you will, but when I think of the faces of autism and how Offit has done nothing but discourage a possible solution, my hatred for the man is entirely justified. I just say what many in the community are reticent to say.

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