An evil atmosphere is forming around geoengineering

IN 1892 Edvard Munch witnessed a blood-red sunset over Oslo, Norway. Shaken by it, he wrote in his diary that he felt "a great, unending scream piercing through nature". The incident inspired him to create his most famous painting, The Scream.

The striking sunset was probably caused by the eruption of Krakatoa, which sent a massive plume of ash and gas into the upper atmosphere, turning sunsets red around the globe and cooling the Earth by more than a degree.

Now a powerful group of scientists, venture capitalists and conservative think tanks is coalescing around the idea of reproducing this cooling effect by injecting sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere to counter climate change. Despite the enormity of what is being proposed - nothing less than seizing control of the climate - the public has been almost entirely excluded from the planning.

Up to now, governments have been reluctant to talk about geoengineering. The reason is simple: apart from its unknown side effects, it would weaken resolve to reduce emissions.

But it may soon prove an irresistible fix. This form of geoengineering is extremely attractive because its costs are estimated to be trivial compared to those of cutting carbon. It also gets powerful lobbies off governments' backs, gives the green light to burning more coal, avoids the need to raise petrol taxes, permits yet more unrestrained growth and is no threat to consumer lifestyles.

No government is yet willing to lend support to geoengineering, but the day when a major nation backs it cannot be far off. It is even possible that a single nation suffering the effects of climate disruption may decide to act alone.

Indeed, Russia has already begun testing. Yuri Izrael, a scientist who is both a global-warming sceptic and a senior adviser to Prime Minister Putin, has tested the effects of aerosol spraying from a helicopter. He now plans a large-scale trial.

Izrael is the latest in a long line of scientists who have advocated planetary engineering. Two of the earliest and most aggressive were Edward Teller and Lowell Wood. Teller, who died in 2003, is often described as the "father of the hydrogen bomb" and was the inspiration for Dr Strangelove, the eponymous mad scientist of Stanley Kubrick's 1964 film. Wood was one of the Pentagon's foremost weaponeers, which led his critics to dub him "Dr Evil". He led Ronald Reagan's ill-fated Star Wars project.

Wood and Teller began promoting aerosol spraying in 1998. Reflecting the dominant opinion of the 1950s, they saw it as our duty to exert supremacy over nature. Both have long been associated with conservative think tanks that deny the existence of human-induced global warming.

A number of right-wing think tanks actively denying climate change are also promoting geoengineering, an irony that seems to escape them.

Of course, geoengineering protects their funders in the fossil fuel industries because it can be a substitute for carbon reductions and justify delay, but a deeper explanation lies in beliefs about the relationship of humans to the natural world.

While emissions reductions are an admission that industrial society has harmed nature, engineering the climate would be confirmation of our mastery over it, final proof that human ingenuity will always triumph.

Wood believes that climate engineering is inevitable. In a statement that could serve as Earth's epitaph, he declared: "We've engineered every other environment we live in, why not the planet?"

Advocates of geoengineering also court the super-rich. Wood is doubtful that governments can reach a consensus, but he sees no need for that, instead speculating about going ahead with support from a billionaire. "As far as I can determine, there is no law that prohibits doing something like this". He is right.

Perhaps the billionaire he has in mind is Bill Gates, who has been funding geoengineering research for three years. Gates is also an investor in a firm named Intellectual Ventures that is promoting a scheme called StratoShield, which would pump sulphur dioxide into the upper atmosphere through a hose held aloft by blimps.

Richard Branson has also set up his own "war room" to do battle with global warming using "market-driven solutions", including geoengineering.

The Carbon War Room website promotes a paper co-authored by Lee Lane of the American Enterprise Institute, well known for its climate scepticism. It argues that the benefits of geoengineering vastly outweigh the costs. The authors worry that ethical objections from environmental groups may block deployment, before noting with relief that "in reality, important economies remain largely beyond the influence of environmental advocacy groups".

Geoengineering is not something we should enter into lightly or without proper public consultation. If we resort to it, then the concentration of carbon dioxide will continue to rise. It would then become impossible to call a halt to sulphur injections, even for a year or two, without an immediate jump in temperature.

It's estimated that if whoever controls the scheme decided to stop, the greenhouse gases that would have built up could cause warming to rebound at a rate 10 to 20 times that of the recent past - a phenomenon referred to, apparently without irony, as the "termination problem". Once we start engineering the atmosphere we could be trapped, forever dependent on sulphur injections. More than a painting, The Scream would become a prophecy.

If we start manipulating the atmosphere, we could become forever dependent on sulphur injections

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Comment by peter b dunn on July 23, 2010 at 9:36pm
No. 14202
Agreement relating to the exchange of information on
weather modification activities. Signed at Washington
on 26 March 1975
Authentic texts: English and French.
Registered by Canada on 18 August 1975.
just a part of the doc o
"(2) Information to be provided by the responsible agencies shall include copies
of relevant reports received through the reporting procedures after the effective date
of this Agreement, and such other information and interpretation as the responsible
agency might consider appropriate.
(3) Nothing herein shall be construed to require transmission to the other re
sponsible agency of information, the disclosure of which is prohibited by law, or of
information which, in the judgment of the responsible agency, is proprietary infor
Article HI. The responsible agencies shall consult with a view to developing
compatible reporting formats, and to improving procedures for the exchange of in
Article IV. In addition to the exchange of information pursuant to Article II
of this Agreement, each Party agrees to notify and to fully inform the other concern
ing any weather modification activities of mutual interest conducted by it prior to the
commencement of such activities. Every effort shall be made to provide such notice
as far in advance of such activities as may be possible, bearing in mind the provisions
of Article V of this Agreement.
Article V. The Parties agree to consult, at the request of either Party, regard
ing particular weather modification activities of mutual interest. Such consultations
shall be initiated promptly on the request of a Party, and in cases of urgency may be
undertaken through telephonic or other rapid means of communication. Consulta
tions shall be carried out in light of the Parties' laws, regulations, and administrative
practices regarding weather modification.
Article VI. The Parties recognize that extreme emergencies, such as forest
fires, may require immediate commencement by one of them of weather modifica
tion activities of mutual interest notwithstanding the lack of sufficient time for prior
notification pursuant to Article IV, or for consultation pursuant to Article V. In
such cases, the Party commencing such activities shall notify and fully inform the
other Party as soon as practicable, and shall promptly enter into consultations at the
request of the other Party.
Article VII. Nothing herein relates to or shall be construed to affect the ques
tion of responsibility or liability for weather modification activities, or to imply the
existence of any generally applicable rule of international law."
deux textes faisant également foi.
[Signed — Signé]
For thé Government of Canada
Pour le Gouvernement du Canada
[Signed — Signé]
For thé Government of the United States of America
Pour le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique

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