Dear Prime Minister,

Welcome back, we are very glad that you are at the helm again.

We the undersigned wish to make known our very serious concerns over what is happening to our country.

Current governmental actions are causing immense damage to the economy, bringing hardship to millions.

Prime Minister, the people voted for you, we put our trust in you, we sincerely believe you are a good man who does his level best for the citizens of this great country. In these difficult and perilous times, we need you to come forward and lead.



We are told government strategy is based on scientific advice, yet scientists and experts across the world continue to express disagreement with the UK's adopted course, why?

Standard scientific method is not being applied - see Dr Erickson [Ref 20]


There is a big question mark over the validity of the testing procedures being used to determine infection, particularly the RT PCR tests that were originally invented by Kary Mullis in 1985. This is the same test used to diagnose lung cancer. The inventor of this test said the RT PCR test should not be used for diagnosing infectious disease because it was not an accurate test in this situation.

Dr Andrew Kaufman and MIT Graduate on this test procedure shows that the accuracy of the tests is unknown and reports an 80% false positive rate. [Ref 1]

Viruses are verified by using Koch’s Postulates of which four conditions must be met – COVID-19 does not meet any of them. The second step to isolate the virus, has not been done – how therefore can we accurately test for it - see Dr Thomas Cowan [Ref 2]

The tests for infection are not accurate and standard scientific procedures for identifying the virus have not been followed, how can we trust the statistics relating to these tests.

The antibody test to determine if one has previously been infected does appear valid.


  • They only include those tested in hospitals / care workers.

  • Do not include those without significant symptoms who would have tested positive.

  • Deaths are being attributed to COVID-19 when the large majority of deaths are from underlying conditions.

Thus infection rates are understated and consequently mortality rates are grossly overstated. See Dr Erickson [Ref 20]

Furthermore the inaccuracy of the RT PCR testing procedures which produces very high false positive results, means that many patients with underlying health conditions are tested and get a false positive read and if they don’t survive, it is attributed to COVID-19 even when they were not infected – this is again falsely inflating the mortality rates by including people not infected.

In addition, Senator Dr Rand Paul points out that US statistics show infection rates are significantly higher than reported, thus confirming that mortality rates have been vastly inflated. [Ref 3] confirmed by Dr Erickson [Ref 20]

We are all being lead down a garden path.

The ONS statistics on death rates in the UK

Death rates went down in first 2 months and increased marginally in the 3rd month of 2020 as compared with the average of the last 3 years (2017, 2018, 2019). On a year to date basis we have had 2.5% fewer deaths than the average for the previous 3 years.

Yet we have closed down the UK.

We are pursuing a policy based on highly inaccurate statistics.


Scientific Education how to boost the immune system

Those with compromised immune systems are most at risk of suffering severe symptoms.

The condition of the immune system, the person’s first line of defense, is key in determining their susceptibility to COVID-19 or any other illness or virus.

Governmental advice must include education on how to boost the immune system.

Vitamin A and Vitamin C and Vitamin D, plus zinc to stop the virus reproducing, recommended by many medical experts as has been shown to be effective in many clinical studies. See Dr Siva Ayyadurai [Ref 16] and Dr Berg [Ref 17] [Ref 18] and Dr Buttar [Ref 19]


Hydroxychloroquine has been shown to be producing results in terms of an actual cure for the virus, in France, the US and South Korea. A recent clinical trial in France, 1,061 COVID-19 patients in which hydroxychloroquine was used, had a recovery rate of 98%. [Ref 4]

Similar results were found in study by Dr Zelenko in New York. [Ref 5]

The protocol is as follows:

Hydroxychloroquine – 200 mg twice daily

Azithromycin - 500 mg daily

Zinc sulphate - 200 mg daily

Dr Zelenco has treated over 1,450 with remarkable results [Ref 5]

An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the COVID-19. [Ref 24]


In many cases this simply isn’t true.

In fact, we have looked into a sampling of 20 hospitals around the UK and not one of them is overwhelmed.

e.g. The new Nightingale Hospital still has thousands of available beds.

Mayday Croydon Hospital

Princes Royal Hospital Haywards Heath.

There is a discrepancy between what we are being told is happening and what is actually happening.


History shows we cannot rush through untested vaccines

Indian doctors blame the Bill Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017.

In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis

During Gates’ 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis.

A 2017 study (Morgensen et al .2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP is killing more Africans than the disease it pretends to prevent. Vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of unvaccinated children.

See report by Robert F Kennedy Jr - American environmental attorney and nephew of former president John F. Kennedy. [Ref 6]

The U.S. says it will not take part in WHO global drugs, vaccine initiative launch [Ref 22]

UK citizens should have the freedom to accept or decline vaccinations at their own choice


TAIWAN CIC tracked 1,000 contacts of 32 people who had Covid-19 and found Zero cases of Transmissions outside households or families. [Ref 7]

GERMANY study by Hendrik Streeck of Bonn university concluded that Covid 19 rarely spreads through casual contact, but more through protracted close contact such as by families in lock down. He also found a mortality rate of 0.06% which is in line with seasonal flu. [Ref 8]

SWEDEN does not have lockdown and has lower contagion and death rates than many other western countries, including the UK.

DENMARK study of 1,487 blood donors found that Covid 19 is almost 20 times less deadly than what we were told by the World Health Organisation and in line with normal flu mortality rates. [Ref 9]

These studies indicate that social distancing outside the home is of no value


“Integrity,objectivity, accountability, transparency, honesty and leadership in the public interest – must be honored at all times”

Professor Chris Whitty

Professor Chris Whitty appears to have vested interests in vaccines and mentions no viable alternatives.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation handed him $40 million for malaria research, so Professor Chris Whitty is very much under the influence of Bill Gates and is pursuing the implementation of his vaccination program. [Ref 10]

Professor Whitty has never suggested the obvious first step of boosting the immune system with inexpensive vitamins A, C & D or using the hydroxychloroquine protocol as reported successfully in France, New York and elsewhere. [Ref 16] [Ref 17] [Ref 18] [Ref 19] [Ref 4] [Ref 5]

Professor Whitty is ignoring both of these very important factors.

Matt Hancock

Also appears to have vested interest in a big pharma solution, and with his Babylon Health involvement.

Matt Hancock has been accused of breaching the ministerial code over his promotion of Babylon Health [Ref 11]

Shadow health minister Justin Madders wrote to your predecessor, Theresa May, accusing Hancock of repeatedly endorsing the commercial products of a company that receives NHS funds for every patient it treats.

The BBC and others have reported on Matt Hancock wanting to make vaccinations compulsory, which would be a further erosion of our human rights and freedoms.

Matt Hancock has never suggested the obvious first step of boosting the immune system with inexpensive vitamins A, C & D or using the hydroxychloroquine protocol as reported successfully in France, New York and elsewhere. [Ref 16] [Ref 17] [Ref 18] [Ref 19] [Ref 4] [Ref 5]

Matt Hancock similarly is ignoring both of these very important factors.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates is now the largest donor to the WHO, now that the US has pulled their funding.

“He also has much financial influence over UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, and also funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy, often scurrilously dismissing people’s genuine concerns and also much expert opinion as “conspiracy theories” and use Gates’ power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.”

These comments were made by Robert F Kennedy Jr. [Ref 21]

Gates has a publicly declared intent on getting everyone quantum stamped, chipped and tracked on a large digital database grid, similar to what is being done in China. Vaccinations are the route he is pursuing to enable him to achieve this end and a fully functioning chip can be delivered intravenously with the vaccine.

Gates has poured £Ms into Imperial College London ($14.5M 2018), who provided the COVID-19 mathematical model forecasts that were wrong, but which would support his agenda. Gates has, through this funding, an inordinate influence on the college.

On 26 March 2020 Gates’ Microsoft filed a patent for a body-interfaced crypto currency. A human body implanted microchip connected to a cloud computer system, harvesting biometric data. You can see the patent in the reference section [Ref 13]

The UK is a free country and our citizens are free people. Such programmes that egregiously violate the basic human rights of its citizens will inevitably alienate the government from its people and lead in the long or short term to serious civil unrest.

We did not vote you in as Prime Minister to have our human rights violated and taken away.


Why does the fact that the US has dumped WHO/CDC/Gates mathematical models because they were wrong, appear to have been completely ignored by the media and in the briefings and we continue to follow the WHO/CDC/Imperial College models?

The WHO’s advice has been so wrong that that the US halted funding to the WHO - again this is never mentioned.

Now that the US have stopped funding the WHO, the largest funder of the WHO is Bill Gates who is pursuing a programme of enforced vaccination and quantum stamping which would be a fundamental breach of our human rights.

The WHO are headed by Tedros Adhanom who has no medical degree, he was once part of a listed terrorist organization and when Health minister of Ethiopia was accused of covering up a cholera epidemic. He oversaw the great Ethiopian famine where 8.6 million starved and when Foreign minister was accused of torture of opponents including British citizen Andy Tsege. [Ref 15]

Why is the government closely following the WHO guidelines when they have been so wrong and have been been dumped by the US


  1. Hold a full independent investigation to clarify the accuracy of tests and the implications of this as a matter of urgency – the new strategy of “Test Track and Trace” aside from being a violation of our human rights, cannot work with a test that shows 80% false positives.

  2. Publicly recommend and disseminate immune-boosting actions for those with compromised immune systems and also for everyone else i.e. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc.

  3. Start Independent trials using hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin + Zinc treatment as outlined by Dr Zelenco and which has been found to be very successful. [Ref 4 ] [Ref 5] [Ref 24]

  4. Obtain and publish statistics to clarify what the real mortality rates are for COVID-19, i.e. a direct causal link - as opposed to a circumstantial one - between the virus and the resultant mortality. This would of course require an accurate test that reliably identifies the presence of the virus.

    1. What are the actual mortality rates for flu, cancer, pneumonia by month for last 3 years and compare with Jan, Feb, March 2020 to determine whether these have gone down this year because they have been reclassified as Covid-19

    2. Instead of ignoring all people who may have had symptoms and were not tested as they did not hospitalize, include them in a notional infection statistic to work out a national mortality rate which will likely be more accurate than the Worldometer Coronavirus statistics. Such estimates could be based on statistical surveys within acceptable confidence limits.

  5. Lift the lockdown on 9th May 2020. There is insufficient real evidence to support it. Several studies show that death rates are similar to Flu 0.1% - 0.3%. There is a danger of growing civil and social unrest and loss of good will towards the government if the lockdown continues beyond 9th May. People are becoming increasingly aware, concerns backed by the wider scientific community (with many doctors and experts very much in disagreement with the WHO/CDC/Gates model) of the flawed, unscientific and very damaging path that Professor Chris is leading the country down. Continuing the lockdown beyond this date has major human rights implications and will have dire economic consequences.

  6. The Emergency Covid-19 Bill needs to be reversed as it is a huge over reaction as it was based on the Imperial College / WHO mathematical models predictions which have been shown to be completely wrong when subsequently checked against real data. See Dr Erickson [Ref20] and several other studies. This Emergency Covid-19 Bill is unlawful and is a major infringement on our human rights. See Lord Sumption former Justice of the Supreme Court [Ref 23].

  7. Protect our rights by legislating to ensure people are free to accept or decline a vaccination at their own choice – this is a basic human right.

  8. Investigate potential conflicts of interest relating to Professor Chris Whitty and Matt Hancock as a matter of urgency and by an independent expert as they appear to be driving policy. Have this done by an independent body as they are very strongly influencing policy decisions for managing this alleged pandemic, much to the detriment of the UK’s social, economic and political system.

  9. Formally investigate Bill Gates and the results of his vaccine programs – particularly as Professor Chris Whitty, who has effectively been running the show as the alleged “science” expert in your absence, seems to have had a lot of dealing with Bill Gates and appears to be pushing Bill Gates’ objectives.

Your initial plan, Prime Minister, at the outset was to achieve herd immunity and it was the correct one and is what appears to be working in Sweden. This was subsequently subverted by Professor Chris Whitty and his team on the basis of false statistics and what appears to be very dubious “science” driven by vested interests and with an objective to make vaccines mandatory which is a huge human rights violation.

If Professor Chris Whitty disagrees with the above research we would invite him to discuss this with the experts that have been quoted and whom would be very happy to clarify this for him.

It is not enough to say you are following the “science” on this, because the scientific method is not being applied and this can be evidenced.

If there is only a 5% chance that the above is correct, the risk and consequence of doing nothing are far too high, myself and many experts in the various fields believe the above is 100% true. We would be extremely remiss to just sit back and do nothing and let this happen.

To each there comes a time in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour” Sir Winston Churchill

It takes courage for a man to challenge his peers and friends at a time of peril and uncertainty, but we need you to do this Prime Minister, just as we needed Winston Churchill to do the same and he did not let us down.

The future of our great nation and its citizens is in your hands.

Yours faithfully

The undersigned proud UK citizens

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