Ancient Humans Interbred With Other Species

Our ancient human ancestors interbred with other early hominids as well
as Neanderthals, new research indicates. Recent DNA studies have shown
that interbreeding with Homo neanderthalensis took place after
anatomically modern humans migrated from Africa to Eurasia, but because
of the higher temperatures in Africa, DNA hasn't survived and it's been
impossible to tell whether similar interbreeding with other extinc human
forms took place there too.

But new techniques have indicated that interbreeding took place
thousands of times."We found evidence for hybridization between modern
humans and archaic forms in Africa. It looks like our lineage has always
exchanged genes with their more morphologically diverged neighbors,"
says Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona.

Without fossil DNA from Africa, Hammer's team followed a computational
and statistical approach, looking at DNA from modern humans belonging to
African populations and searcing for unusual regions in the genome.

They used simulations to predict what ancient DNA sequences would look
like had they survived within the DNA of our own cells.

"You could say we simulated interbreeding and exchange of genetic
material in silico," Hammer said. "We can simulate a model of
hybridization between anatomically modern humans and some archaic form.
In that sense, we simulate history so that we can see what we would
expect the pattern to look like if it did occur."

The team sequenced vast regions of human genomes from samples taken from
six different populations living in Africa today and tried to match up
their sequences with what they expected those sequences to look like in
archaic forms. They focused on non-coding regions of the genome -
stretches of DNA that don't contain genes, and which serve as the
blueprints for proteins.

"We discovered three different genetic regions fit the criteria for
being archaic DNA still present in the genomes of sub-Saharan Africans,"
says Hammer. "Interestingly, this signature was strongest in populations
from central Africa."

The scientists used several criteria to tag a DNA sequence as archaic.
For example, a sequence differing radically from those found in a modern
population was likely to be ancient. Another indication was if an
unusual piece stretched over a long portion of a chromosome, implying it
was brought into the population relatively recently.

Hammer said that even though the archaic DNA sequences account for only
two or three percent of what is found in modern humans, that doesn't
mean the interbreeding wasn't more extensive.

"It could be that this represents what's left of a more extensive
archaic genetic content today. Many of the sequences we looked for would
be expected to be lost over time. Unless they provide a distinct
evolutionary advantage, there is nothing keeping them in the population
and they drift out."

Next, Hammer's team wants to look for ancient DNA regions that conferred
some selective advantage to the anatomically modern humans once they
acquired them.

"We think there were probably thousands of interbreeding events. It
happened relatively extensively and regularly," says Hammer.

"Anatomically modern humans were not so unique that they remained
separate. They have always exchanged genes with their more
morphologically diverged neighbors. This is quite common in nature, and
it turns out we're not so unusual after all."

Some backrgound:
300,000 YEARS AGO
by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U. C. L .A.

"The Nefilim ['gods' of Mesopotamia, goldmining expedition leaders from
the planet Nibiru] possessed and would not give immortality to us.
Immortality in space-time is the goal of self-awareness,
self-consciousness, self-determination. We need time to acquire the
wisdom, the knowledge, the experience that fulfills the human
potential--and will make us cosmic citizens." --[Freer, N., Breaking the
Godspell, pages 87-88]

ENKI, Chief Scientist of the goldmining expedition on Earth,
consistently assisted the hybrid slave race¨Chis amalgam species of
Nibiran and Homo Erectus¨Cus. Spurred by mutiny of Nibirans toiling
in the goldmines of Zimbabwe, Nibiru's King ANU and his Council allowed
Enki, his sister NINMAH and his son NINGISHZIDDA to graft Nibiran genes
with apeman genes and clone Earthling slaves to replace Nibiran

Back at the African goldmining center, miners complained that Ennugi
worked them too hard. Ennugi radioed Enki, but Enki sympathized with
the miners. Enki secretly coached the miners to trap Commander Enlil
and manipulate him to accept a plan he (Enki) had for Erectus.

The miners followed Enki's plan. First, they drastically reduced their
shipments of gold to Ninurta in Badtibira.
Enlil sent Ninurta to investigate and Enki returned to the mines. At
the mines, Ninurta and Ennugi heard miner-complaints. The miners "were
backbiting and lamenting, in the excavations they were grumbling.
'Unbearable is the toil.'" Invite Enlil to the mines, Enki suggested to
Ninurta, Let the Commander see how the miners suffer.
When Enlil and his Vizier, Nusku, arrived, "'Let us unnerve
Enlil'...mine-working heros shouted. 'Of the heavy work let him relieve
us. Let us proclaim war, with hostilities let us gain relief.' To
their tools they set fire, fire to their axes they put." They held Mine
Boss Ennugi hostage and, with tools as torches, surrounded the house
Enlil occupied.
Enlil beamed King Anu to shuttle to Earth and execute the miners'
leaders and their instigator (implying Enki). Anu arrived in Africa
and conducted an inquiry. But no miner revealed leaders or instigator.
The King also sympathized with the miners
Ninurta wanted better equipment for new miners from Nibiru.

Enki told Ningishzidda, "Let us create a Lulu, a primitive
worker, the hardship to take over, let the Being the toil of the
Anunnaki [astronaut-pioneers] carry on his back.... The Being that we
need, it already exists. All that we have to do is put on it the mark
of our essence [ie, our genes], thereby a Lulu, a Primitive Worker shall
be created!" [The Lost Book of Enki, pages 124 -127] Bible writers
quote Enki here. In other contexts, the god's statements these writers
quote allude to what Enlil, Ninurta, Adad, Marduk or even a being from
Nibiru said. [Sitchin, Z., Divine Encounters 1995, pages 347- 380]
Enki showed the apemen to Enlil and Ninurta, "Ningishziddha, my son,
their fashioning essence [DNA structure] has tested; akin to ours it is,
like two serpents it is entwined. When with our life essence shall be
combined, our mark upon them shall be, a Primitive Worker shall be
Our commands will he understand. Our tools he will handle, the toil in
the excavations he shall perform, to the Anunnaki in the Abuzu [Africa]
relief shall come." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 130]

Enlil objected to Enki¡¯s plan. Don't create a Nibiran/Apeman slave
class here on Earth, Enlil reminded Enki, "On our planet [Nibiru],
slavery has long ago been abolished, tools are slaves, not other
beings."[Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 130].
Ninurta added that to get gold better, Enki should make machines, not
Earthlings we create, Enki repied, shall helpers, not slaves, be.

Enlil still protested: To clone hybrid beings is in The Rules Of Planet
Journeys forbidden.

Enki's responded, a new species create we shall not; the Apeman of Earth
[Homo Erectus] is in his fashoning essence [genotype] as we of Nibiru
[Homo Sapiens, Sapiens] are. Our ancestor the Apeman is; into us he
evolves. Speed Apeman shall we, speed him but some millions of years to
what has only always been his destiny.3

The brother rivals, Enki and Enlil, beamed their dispute to King Anu and
the Council on Nibiru. Each brother had his say on whether Enki's team
should develop hybrid workers. King and the council ruled, "Gold must be
obtained. Let the Being be fashioned! The Council decided....Forsake The
Rules of Planetary Journeys, let Nibiru be saved."[Sitchin, Z., 1985,
The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 132].

Enki, Ninmah and Ningishziddha--The research team---created many
combinations of apeman and other creatures (eg: centaurs) in their lab
in Africa. [Sitchin, Z., 1990, Genesis Revisited: 164 -165]

Enki and Ningishzidda copulated with apewomen. When no pregnancies
followed, Enki and Ningishzidda collected their own seed, fertilized
apewoman ova with their seed and created zygotes in test tubes. They
surgically implanted the zygotes in apewomen.

But the hybrid babies born of the apewomen lacked vision, hand dexterity
or internal functioning.

Ninmah overcame some of the deficiencies when she added copper and clay
of Earth to the vessels for the next zygote. But this zygote developed
into a hybrid Earthling who lacked speech capacity. [Sitchin, Z., The
12th Planet, page 352].

Enki implanted a test-tube-grown zygote formed from his sperm and an
apewoman ovum in Ninmah's womb, rather than the womb of an apewoman, to
see if the baby Ninmah bore could speak. "In the clay vessel the
admixture they made, the oval of an Earth female with Anunnaki male
essence they put together. The fertilized egg into the womb of Ninmah by
Enki was inserted. There was conception.

"To a male child Ninmah birth was giving. Enki the boy child held in his
hands, the image of perfection was he. He slapped the newborn on his
hindparts; the newborn uttered proper sounds." He could speak. "He
handed the newborn to Ninmah. 'My hands have made it!' victoriously she
shouted." [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 138 -


The baby, Adamu [One Who's Like Earth's Clay] had smooth, dark
red blood-colored skin and black-hair. His penis differed from that of
a Nibiran baby. Nibiran/Anunnaki like Enki, Enlil and Ninmah were
blue-eyed Caucasians." [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page

Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda "looked at its malehood; odd was its
shape, by a skin was its forepart surrounded, unlike that of Anunnaki
malehood it was. 'Let the Earthling from us Anunnaki by this foreskin be
distinguished.' So was Enki saying." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book
of Enki page 139]

Once she had Adamu, the prototype for the primitive worker, Ninmah sent
for seven women from her Medical Corps in Shurubak. Ninmah recruited
the women as womb-mothers for Adamu's clones. "'His essence alone as a
mold shall be!,' so was Enki saying." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book
of Enki, page 141] Ninmah assembled her volunteers, prepared the
zygotes. She and her volunteers pledged unity with the Earthlings
they¡¯d create.

"In seven vessels of the clay of Abzu [Africa] made, Ninmah ovals of the
two-legged females placed." The fertilized ova, the zygotes, had been
fertilized (with sperm form her brother Enki and his son Ningishzidda)
in the clay jars.

"The life essences of Adamu she extracted bit by bit in the vessels she
it inserted. Then in the malepart of Adamu an incision she made, a drop
of blood to let out. 'Let this a Sign of Life be; that Flesh and Soul
have combined let it forever proclaim.' She squeezed the malepart for
blood, one drop in each vessel to the admixture she added. 'In this
clay's admixture, Earthling with Anunnaki shall be bound. To a unity
shall the two essences, one of Heaven, one of Earth, together be
brought.' In the wombs of the birth-giving heroines the fertilized ovals
were inserted." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 141]

Ninmah and Enki create test-tube zygotes for primitive worker
experiments [Sitchin, Z., The 12th Planet, page 352]

Ninmah performed caesarians on her ¡°birth heroines.¡± She
delivered seven male hybrids and seven little clones of Adamu.


Ningishzidda next created a female zygote to clone. He planted
this zygote in Ninki [aka, Damkina], Enki's spouse. Ninmah surgically
delivered the hybrid; they named her Ti-Amat (Mother of Life), a
sandy-blonde. [Tellinger, M., Slave Species of god, page 452]


Ningishizidda cloned Ti-Amat's essence into seven test-tube zygotes. He
planted them in the same Med Corpwomen who'd borne the hybrid males.
All of the surrogate mothers carried female hybrids, again delivered by

Ningishizidda told the surrogates he needed their wombs again. But
Ninmah objected. For my heroines too burdensome is baring more
Earthlings. Too few are the heroines to bare numbers enough to work

Enki brought Adamu and Ti-Amat to Edin, his place at the head of
the Persian Gulf.

He left the seven female and the eight male hybrids cloned from Adamu
and Ti-Amat together in an enclosure at his African lab. The hybrids
copulated frequently, but the females didn¡¯t conceive.

Astronauts who worked the mines and shuttled gold threatened mutiny if
Enki and Ningishziddha didn't deliver workers to relieve them. At the
Med Center in Shurubak, Ningishzidda compared Nibiran genes and genes
from Adamu and Ti-Amat. He found the genes that allowed reproduction.

When Ningishziddha compared genes of breeding Nibirans and the genes
of Adamu and Ti-Amat, he found the loci on the Nibiran genotype that
allowed reproduction. Nibiran females had a recessive XY chromomsomal
allele in their genotype whereas Ti-Amat had only XX.

a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">\

Ningishzidda then anesthetized Enki, Ninmah and Ti-Amat. "From the rib
of Enki the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Adamu the life
essence he inserted. From the rib of Ninmah the life essence he
extracted; into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence he inserted. He
proudly declared, 'To their Tree of Life two branches have been added,
with procreating powers their life essences are now entwined.' "
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 148]

Enki, Ninmah and Ningishziddha kept secret how they'd altered Ti-Amat.
She and Adamu wandered in Enki's orchard in the Edin, the mouth of the
Persian Gulf, while she gestated. Ti-Amat made leaf-aprons for herself
and Adamu.
Enlil noticed the hybrids wore aprons. He demanded Enki explain. Enki
confessed. Enlil roared. "The last bit of our life essence to these
creatures you have given, to be like us in procreation knowing,
perchance our [millions of years] life cycles on them to bestow." Enlil
realized the hybrids could henceforth breed among themselves.
Enki¡¯s team had exceeded its mandate to make mine slaves. He,
Enlil, Commander of the Mission, did not authorize Enki's team to create
a new species.


"My lord Enlil," Ningishziddha was saying, "knowing for procreation they
were given, the branch of Long Living, to their essence tree was not."
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 149]. "A longevity gene
or genes known to Enki [and Ningishzidda] was deliberately excluded from
the human genome when the ¡®mixing¡¯ of genes took place."3
[Sitchin, Z., 2010, There Were Giants Upon the Earth, page 245]

"Then let them be where they are needed," Enlil with anger said. "To the
Abzu [Africa] away from the Edin, let them be expelled." [Sitchin,
Z.,The Lost Book of Enki, page 149]. In this context "Yahweh" of the
Bible indicates Enlil; in other contexts ¡°Yahweh¡± Ninurta,
Marduk, Adad; Yahweh may allude to a "god" of the Nibirans imported from
homeplanet Nibiru. Some places in the Bible, "Yahweh" even designates
Enki, as when Enki suggested creating hybrid Earthlings. [Sitchin, Z.,
1995, Divine Encounters, pages 347 - 380]

a rel="nofollow" href=",%2BEve%2BExpelled%2Bfrom%2BEden%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D18" target="_blank">\

After Enlil evicted the hybrids from Edin, Enki knew Enlil would limit
the hybrids and slander him as an evil serpent. To counter Enlil, Enki
set up the first secret society, The Brotherhood of the Snake. He
recruited a few hybrids and taught them advanced thinking, information
and technology [Tellinger, M. 2006, Slave Species of god, page 145].

Sitchin writes that Enki's team sped what would've occurred anyway.
"Modern man would have evolved on Earth just as he had done on Nibiru.
Both came from the same 'seed of life.'" The team spurred our evolution
forty million years. [Genesis Revisited, pages 165 -166]. Cremo says
hominids on whose genes the team grafted Nibiran genes devolved from
earlier Homo Sapien settlers on Earth [Cremo, M,, Human Devolution].
In Zimabawe, Enki settled Adamu and Ti-Amat in a forest enclosure.
Ti-Amat bore the twins she'd conceived with Adamu. She bore other
children who interbred and multiplied till they took over the work in
the goldmines.

In a few thousand years, "the Earthlings were proliferating....To be
with the Anunnaki [Nibiran astronauts] they were eager, for food rations
they toiled well. Of heat and dust they did not complain, of
backbreaking they did not grumble. Of hardships of work the Anunnaki
were relieved." The Earthlings worked the African mines and cargo boats
that, in just ten days, brought the gold from the mines to Bad-Tibira in
Sumer "for smelting, refining and formation into portable ingots for
transshipment to Mars. "The vital gold to Nibiru was coming" steadily.
"Nibiru¡¯s atmosphere was slowly healing." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The
Lost Book of Enki, page 151; 2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth,
page 99].

The descendants of the earliest hybrids "created as slaves to work in
the mines "were given food and shelter while they performed some
grueling tasks, the reason for which they did not understand. The stuff
[gold] they were digging up had absolutely no value to them. They could
not eat it, or use it in any way." [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species
of god, page 125]


Bramley, W.. 1989, The Gods of Eden
Cremo, M. and Thompson, R., 1993, Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden
History of the Human Race
Cremo, M., 2003, Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's
Freer, N., 1999, God Games; 2000, Breaking the Godspell
Hazelton, L., 2007, Jezebel
Hoagland, R. & Bara, M., 2007, Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA
Marrs, J., 1998, Alien Agenda; 2000, Rule By Secrecy (Part V, Ancient

Sitchin, Z.
1976, The 12th Planet
1983, The Stairway to Heaven
1985, The Wars of Gods and Men
1990, Genesis Revisited
1990, The Lost Realms
1993, When Time Began
1995, Divine Encounters
2002, The Lost Book of Enki
2004, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions
2007, The End of Days
2007, Journeys to the Mythical Past
2009 The Earth Chronicles Handbook
2010 There Were Giants Upon The Earth

Strauss, B., 2006, The Trojan War
Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god
Thompson, R., 1993, Alien Identities
Wood, J., 1984, The Origin of The Moon


For more of the story plus illustrations, see\



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