“Social distancing” much?
People not able to breathe in Colorado during a respiratory “pandemic”:
Protesters outside Colorado’s Capitol lay face down with their hands behind their backs chanting “I can’t breathe” for 9 minutes @COTimesRecorder
How many screeching COVID Karens are in this crowd?
It gets more hypocritical:
The Netherlands:
A sea of protesters in Amsterdam right now honoring #GeorgeFloyd.
New Zealand:
This is so crazy it’s morning now in New Zealand and they’re marching for #BlackLivesMatter
Aaaahm? So there’s a lethal agent being spread between people, but registering your position on a problem in a foreign country nonetheless takes precedence?
That’s funny because I recall that the much smaller (and better behaved) anti-lockdown protests were demonized to no end.
Protests are responsible for spreading the virus far and widehttps://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/18/lockdown-protests-spread-coronavirus-cellphone-data …
https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1264860423519682566/ct0-jdXB?format=jpg&name=600x314); background-size: cover;">US lockdown protests may have spread virus widely, cellphone data suggests
Devices associated with protesters travelled up to hundreds of miles after rallies where few precautions were taken
Protesters "don't care about lives"https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/05/03/lockdown-protesters-dont-care-about-lives/ …
https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1267206187893825537/uy-LNx1L?format=jpg&name=600x314); background-size: cover;">Opinion | Lockdown protesters don’t care about lives
Officials need to understand that to better deal with these demonstrations.
Protesters are "like Typhoid Mary"https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/20/anti-quarantine-protesters-arent-rosa-parks-theyre-more-like-typhoid-mary/ …
https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1265810395857633281/RQ8tUVUO?format=jpg&name=600x314); background-size: cover;">Opinion | The anti-quarantine protesters aren’t Rosa Parks. They’re more like Typhoid Mary.
Lockdown opponents abuse our devotion to individual rights.
Protests are "risking your health"https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/todaysdebate/2020/04/22/coronavirus-lockdown-protesters-risk-your-health-america-economy-editorials-debates/3003541001/ …
https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1265818219966861319/gPK57NJ2?format=jpg&name=600x314); background-size: cover;">Coronavirus lockdown protests risk your health and slow the reopening of U.S. economy
COVID-19 economic pain is real and enormous, but pandemic doesn't recognize state lines. Governors reopening states are gambling with lives: Our view
"Dangerous," "worsening the crisis"https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/lockdown-protest-media/ …
https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1265659759589576704/FYom-C4s?format=jpg&name=600x314); background-size: cover;">The Press Is Amplifying a Dangerous Know-Nothing Ideology
The anti-lockdown protests aren’t the first time the media has been swindled into cheerleading an extremist faux libertarianism.
"Foolish, if not dangerous"https://theweek.com/articles/910050/what-lockdown-protests-are-really-about …
https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1265738588194582528/aMR-lmSl?format=jpg&name=600x314); background-size: cover;">What lockdown protests are really about
And how do we respond with empathy?
They are "twisting the idea of liberty"https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/05/freedom-liberty-hierarchy.html …
https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1266472625158656000/59yjCAUH?format=jpg&name=600x314); background-size: cover;">What the Anti-Lockdown Protesters Don’t Get About Their Favorite Two Words, “Freedom” and “Liberty”
Even our most precious freedoms have always come with limits.
https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1266822242815664133/YnuDL5zL?format=jpg&name=600x314); background-size: cover;">Ford calls anti-lockdown protesters ‘reckless’ as he unveils new support for front-line workers
Front-line workers to get $4 per hour raise and receive monthly bonus of $250 if they work more than 100 hours in a month
"Devastatingly worrisome"https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/lockdown-protest-inside-michigan-capitol-was-devastatingly-worrisome-dr-birx/ar-BB13xiRl …
https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1264828456413671425/vVuaw1oE?format=jpg&name=600x314); background-size: cover;">Lockdown protest inside Michigan capitol was 'devastatingly worrisome': Dr. Birx
Protesters crowded into Michigan's capitol building on Thursday.
I’m glad that the politically fashionable crowd has finally decided that:
- You can’t be afraid of dying so much that you stop living
- There are things more important than immediate safety
- You can’t possibly allow the authorities to wield such enormous power with such impunity
Question is where have you been for the last three months? Oh yeah, that’s right. Busy cheering the police state on, and over something as ridiculous as a killer germ, which when the push comes to shove you don’t actually believe in yourselves.
Which you were fine with 2 weeks ago, when all the people protesting the #covid19 #lockdown were members of a "death cult". https://twitter.com/RaniaKhalek/status/1267588895077797888 …
Rania Khalek ✔@RaniaKhalekwe are a police state
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