Hello all ...

The potential magnitude of what is unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico simply cannot be overstated. It is far, far worse than is being admitted and what we are allowed to see is
catastrophic enough.

When a major event happens I like to watch and wait to see what information comes to light before jumping in with
'it's this' or 'it's that'. What appears to be one thing at the start
can become something quite different a few days or weeks later.

But I have long seen more than enough to shake my head at claims that this
was just an 'accident' or 'incompetence'.

Beware cover stories of 'incompetence', as with 'incompetent bureaucrats', because they are so
often a veil for cold calculation. The Gulf of Mexico disaster didn't
just happen, it was made to happen.

Mother Jones magazine reported:
'Tony Buzbee, a lawyer representing 15 rig workers and dozens of shrimpers, seafood restaurants, and dock workers, says he has obtained a three-page signed statement from a crew
member on the boat that rescued the burning rig's workers.

The sailor, who Buzbee refuses to name for fear of costing him his job, was on the ship's bridge when Deepwater
Horizon installation manager Jimmy Harrell, a top employee of rig owner
Transocean, was speaking with someone in Houston via satellite phone.

Buzbee told Mother Jones that, according to this witness account, Harrell was screaming,
"Are you fucking happy? Are you fucking happy? The rig's on fire! I
told you this was gonna happen.'

New Roman" size="4"">Yes, and nothing was done because it was meant to happen.

Readers of my books and website will be well acquainted with the name, Halliburton, the Illuminati-to-its-fingertips
corporation once headed by the truly evil Dick Cheney, the real power in
the White House during the Boy Bush administration that gave us 9/11,
the 'war on terror' and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

The company headed by a key player behind the war on Iraq has since been
awarded a stream of no bid government contracts in the country that have
transferred staggering amounts of taxpayer money into the pig trough
infested by Halliburton executives and shareholders.

Lawsuits claim that the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig, 52 miles south-east of the Louisiana port of Venice on April 20th, was
caused because Halliburton workers improperly capped the well - a
process known as cementing.

Anything - anything - involving or connected to Halliburton is ultimately controlled and
dictated by the Illuminati cabal orchestrated by the House of Rothschild
and its associated families. They own Halliburton, lock, stock and
millions of barrels.

Just eight days before the Gulf blow-out, Halliburton also announced that it had agreed to buy Boots & Coots
for $240.4 million. Who are Boots & Coots?

The world's largest oil-spill clean-up company which also deals with oil and gas
well fires and blowouts.

What an incredibly fortunate coincidence. What a slice of luck.

The same, too, for another Rothschild-controlled cesspit of evil and
corruption, Goldman Sachs, the 'investment bank' that gave us the
mortgage debt crisis and the economic collapse of Greece.

Goldman Sachs sold 44 per cent of its holdings in BP, a total of 4,680,822
shares worth the best part of $300 million, in the weeks before the Gulf
disaster that sent BP shares plummeting, and Tony Hayward, BP's
disgraceful chief executive, is reported to have sold his £1.4 million
shares in BP a month before the explosion. The profit allowed him to pay
off the mortgage on his mansion. How nice.

As with the pre-9/11 'put options' (bets) on the stocks of American airlines falling, so we
have gathering evidence that some people knew what was coming in the
Gulf of Mexico from
an oil rig operated by one of the biggest Illuminati companies on the
planet - British Petroleum.

Merely drilling where BP did, with the known pressures from within the earth, was asking for trouble - literally
from the inner cabal's point of view.

But what's the deal? How does an oil-poisoned ocean and devastated coastal communities (and
potentially others far inland and around the world) benefit the
Illuminati cabal and their agenda for total global control?

Oh, in so many ways.

Firstly, we need to appreciate the almost unimaginable scale of what is
happening - facts that BP and the Obama-fronted American government are
desperate to keep from us.

Recent reports have claimed to quote the opinions of scientists who are too fearful to be publicly named
because of the consequences for their lives and careers.

They estimate the release of oil from under the Earth's crust at between
80,000 and 100,000 barrels a day. That is 4.2 million American gallons
or 15.9 million litres a day potentially pouring into the Gulf.

This aligns with a leaked internal BP document that says that in a 'worst-case scenario' up to 100,000 barrels a day could be released
into the ocean.

The scientists were quoted as saying that the 'sandblasting' of
the oil, toxic gases, rocks and sand will be continually making a
bigger hole for the oil and gas to escape. In other words, the situation
is getting worse not better and it is already a catastrophe of immense
proportions for those immediately affected - a number growing rapidly by
the day.

The scientists predicted that the drill hole will expand beneath the wellhead and so weaken the area on which the wellhead
stands until it is pushed off the hole to allow the oil to flow with no
restrictions at all.

Should that happen the consequences are unthinkable.

The scientists said that billions of barrels of oil will be released before
the pressure in the enormous cavity five miles below the seabed calms
and finds balance and then water would pour into the cavity to replace
the oil.

They said that the temperature at that depth, some 400 degrees, will turn the water to steam creating a pressure that will lift
the ocean floor. They estimate that this will create a tsunami of
between 20 to 80 feet, or even higher, that will bring the poisoned
ocean ashore to leave great tracts of land uninhabitable and without

American investigative journalist, Wayne Madsen, writes that satellite imagery withheld by the Obama administration shows that
'under the gaping chasm spewing oil at an ever-alarming rate is a cavern
estimated to be
around the size of Mount Everest'. This information, he says, has been
given an almost national security-level classification to keep it from
the public.

Now, we have heard many doomsday scenarios before in many circumstances that have not manifested, but even if such shocking
predictions do not happen on that staggering scale there is no question
that the world changed on April 20th 2010 when the Deepwater Horizon rig

Just a look at the map of the Gulf region reveals the potential effect on
enormous numbers of people in Mexico, the Caribbean and the southern
states of America with so many living on or close to the coastline ...

But the scale and potential of what we are seeing goes way beyond even the
Gulf. The scientists I mentioned earlier say that the oil has now
reached the Gulf Stream, with a current at least four times stronger
than in the Gulf of Mexico itself, and this could help to direct the oil
all over the world in the next 18 months.

It is the Gulf Stream that keeps the United Kingdom and parts of Europe much warmer than they
would otherwise be at their latitude, but it will also act as a oceanic
conveyor belt delivering the oil from the Gulf Mexico across the

The toxic oil and gas are being added to by the lethal 'dispersant' used by
BP to (theoretically, for public consumption only), 'disperse the oil'.
They are using Corexit 9500 and Corexit 9527A which are so toxic they
have been banned in Europe, although Europe is likely to get them anyway
via the Gulf Stream.

Corexit is manufactured by a corporation called Nalco, once part of ExxonMobil, and the current leadership
includes executives from Exxon and BP. The European Union Times
said of Corexit:

'A dire report prepared for President Medvedev by Russia's Ministry of
Natural Resources is warning today that the British Petroleum (BP) oil
and gas leak in the Gulf of Mexico is about to become the worst
catastrophe in all of human history threatening the entire eastern half
of the North American continent with "total destruction" ...

... Russian scientists are basing their apocalyptic destruction assessment due to BP's use of millions of
gallons of the chemical dispersal agent known as Corexit 9500 which is
being pumped directly into the leak of this wellhead over a mile under
the Gulf of Mexico waters and designed, this report says, to keep hidden
from the American public the full, and tragic, extent of this leak that
is now estimated to be over 2.9 million gallons a day.'

You might think at first hearing that it is blatantly crazy to use Corexit when there are some 12 other less
toxic and more effective dispersants approved by the US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA). Two of those on the EPA list 'were found to be
100 percent effective on
Gulf of Mexico crude, while the two Corexit products rated 56 percent
and 63 percent effective'.

Well, yes, it is crazy, these people are crazy, but there is method in their madness, as I'll explain.

Killing the sea to 'save' the sea.

Corexit also causes the oil to drop below the surface so giving a false impression of how much oil is in the water. New Roman" size="4"">Environmental engineer Joe Taylor has publicly
warned BP to stop using Corexit immediately or everything in the sea is
going to die. It is worth watching this short report on his findings
before we move on, because we are getting to the prime question - why is
BP doing everything it can to cause maximum destruction. Click
here to watch ... Must Stop Using Toxic Dispersant Now, Says
Environmental Engineer

Roman" size="4"">The key words spoken by Joe Taylor were when he said that if he
knew the information about the effect of Corexit then so did BP - 'They
have a lot of chemists who are a lot smarter than I am, and they know

Why would BP be knowingly causing as much environmental devastation as possible? The
answer to this question is the same as the answer to these:

Why was the booming operation supposed to protect the beaches from the oil so pathetic and 'inept', as exposed
here by an expert ... BP
Fails Booming School 101?

Roman" size="4"">Why is the BP 'clean-up' operation so disorganised, unmotivated and basically non-existent that BP employees are working for
little more than two hours a day on
beach cleaning, as exposed here in The
Short Film BP Doesn't Want You To See ...?

The answer to all those questions and so many more is this: we are looking at an environmental 9/11 that was made
to happen and those behind this carnage want it to be as extreme as
possible to get maximum impact in terms of their goals of control and

Yes, BP is a 100% Illuminati company now facing fantastic costs and public
condemnation, but all these corporations are just vehicles and thus
expendable as necessary to the core agenda.

A vacuous, ludicrous and mendacious man called Bob Dudley, the BP managing director, said from the comfort and distance of Washington DC that 'for
BP, our intent is to restore the Gulf the way it was before it

Excuse me a moment ...

New Roman" size="4"">Meanwhile, back here on Planet Earth, life as they have known it is already over for the coastal communities of the Gulf
region with the tourist and fishing industries devastated or destroyed.
People are now being forced to earn a livelihood working on 'clean-ups'
for the same BP that has
wreaked this havoc on their lives and families.

What's more, they are told by this merciless corporation that they must work amid
shocking levels of toxicity without respirators because they don't want
to 'alarm the public' by seeing such pictures - the same reason why BP
has basically introduced its own martial law in the region to stop the
full and horrific extent of the disaster and its global potential coming
to light.

The health consequences for those 'clean-up' workers already exposed to this deeply toxic environment without protection will
already be horrific, as we shall see. But BP couldn't give a shit -
just as the US government and the New York authorities couldn't give a
shit about the rescue workers on the toxic World Trade Center site after

Already, even the (pathetic) mainstream media has reported that 70 people in Louisiana have been admitted to hospital with
symptoms of toxin poisoning. Many beaches have
been closed because of toxins in the air and water and people are
reporting breathing problems and skin rashes and lesions.

One report said that crops as far north as North Carolina have been damaged
by toxic rain, while oil has been falling in the rain near the Louisiana

This is only the beginning, too, as the oil continues to gush in
ever-greater amounts to be met by the lethal Corexit in ever-greater
amounts, and that whole deadly toxic cocktail is going to fall as rain
on communities far from the coast.

Add to that the hurricanes, tidal surges and other weather phenomena and you can understand why
those nameless scientists are writing off land up to 200 miles from the
shore as becoming too toxic to support life, let alone a human society.
See the story about Nigeria at the end of this article for some of the
consequences that oil pollution can bring.

Two other effects of so much oil in the Gulf of Mexico could be to heat up the sea, so
causing more hurricanes and super-storms, and making the process of
producing rain from seawater
less efficient, so affecting rainfall on the land.

The major target of this engineered horror is America and its economy - as I have
been saying for years they are seeking to destroy the United States
militarily and financially to bring this 'superpower' to its knees so it
can be absorbed into a world government dictatorship via a North
American Union.

BP has said that massive quantities of methane are leaking with the oil,
along with large mounts of lethally toxic hydrogen sulfide, benzene and
methylene chloride. This has the potential to trigger mass evacuations.

John Kessler, oceanography professor at Texas A&M University, discovered on a ten-day research expedition
what he called 'astonishingly high' levels of methane within five miles
of the stricken rig - 'an incredible amount' - and maybe as much as a million
than normal.

It is very sobering to look again at the towns and cities of the Gulf coast given a report by investigative journalist, Wayne Madson, that quotes
'sources' inside the US government, the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers as predicting a 'dead
zone' within 200 miles of the rig caused by a combination of methane and
toxic rain containing Corexit.

Madsen says:
'Plans are being put in place for the mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, Baton
Rouge, Mandeville, Hammond, Houma, Belle Chase, Chalmette, Slidell,
Biloxi, Gulfport, Pensacola, Hattiesburg, Mobile, Bay Minette, Fort
Walton Beach, Panama City, Crestview, and Pascagoula.'

Imagine evacuating that many people and maybe more of the tens of millions of people who live on or within 200
miles of the Gulf coast, but then that would be just the scale of
disaster and compulsion that would allow FEMA, a major asset of the
Control System as my books and others have detailed, to impose its
long-planned martial law on enormous numbers of people.

New Roman" size="4"">FEMA and the military have been preparing for this for years with exercises for just such a situation involving oil
pollution, but all records of this were expunged from FEMA-related
websites in the weeks before the Deepwater Horizon explosion.

Anything that affects America on such a scale would have a knock-on effect economically across the world -
another bonus for the cabal which is seeking to create maximum chaos on
every front to instigate the global problems to which it will offer its
global solutions - a world political and military dictatorship.

Watch China like a hawk, or rather like a vulture, as it begins to circle America waiting to seize its carcass
as soon as it thinks it is sufficiently wounded.

While I was writing this article, I remembered that one of the 'messages' I was
given through the first psychic I saw in 1990 said

'Taking oil from the seabed is destabilising the inner earth. The centre of the
earth will move and the poles will change. The sea spirits will rise and
stop men taking oil. The sea will reclaim the land and humans will see
that they cannot do these terrible things. They cannot abuse the
elements. They have to be treated with respect.'

We are certainly going to see increasing signs of geological instability in these 'end times' as one
era ends and another begins. It is a time to be strong and strap in for a
bumpy ride for a while.

There are so many levels to all this and so much more to know about what is happening. On one level the Illuminati families pursue
their agenda, as with this oil disaster, but on another there are other
events unfolding and what seems to be happening on one level
looks very different when viewed from another.

It is also interesting that many prophecies in different cultures include a theme of the sea turning to
blood which, to be fair, is what the polluted sea of Gulf now looks

The Biblical Book of Revelation (8:8 and 8:9) says:

'And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and
the third part of the sea became blood;

And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the
ships were destroyed.'

I was talking a couple of days ago to the great Zulu high shaman, Credo Mutwa, and he said that the sea turning to blood during
the run up to the 'end of the world' is a theme in his culture, too. He
also said that South African sangomas (shamans) are having visions and
dreams about the rain
falling as blood and 'large lumps of blood rolling in the shore'.

The prophecies of the Hopi people in Arizona speak of the sea turning black as a sign that the old age is
ending and new one about to begin. It says:

'This is the seventh sign, You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it.'

This is the theme of so many 'end of the world' legends and prophecies - a series of events that see the 'old world', cycle, yuga or epoch
disappearing to be replaced by a new one.

In the Book of Revelation these events are symbolised as 'seals' while the Hopi prophecies call them 'signs'.
Zulu legends and prophecies have the same themes and they are remarkably
consistent with each other in many ways.

New Roman" size="4"">I stress that the 'end of the world' doesn't mean the end of life, only the end of an epoch, an age, and that is what we
are experiencing now with many serious challenges to come. But if the
old 'world' does not break down, the new cannot emerge because the old,
through its Control System,
will seek to stifle and suffocate that change.

So it has to go and it is in the process of doing so. How current events in the Gulf of Mexico fit into that we
can only wait and see, but I am sure we are witnessing something of
potentially enormous significance on so many levels.

BP Oil Spill: Vocanic Tsunami and Poison Gas Alert

Gassed In The Gulf - Benzene, 
New Gulf War Syndrome

An Oilicane?

Raining Oil in Louisiana?
Pensacola Beach Surf Still Boiling - Strange Color
And it is not the only oil disaster ...

Nigeria's agony dwarfs the Gulf oil spill [But give it time]. The US and Europe ignore it

Read more ....

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Comment by Sweettina2 on June 29, 2010 at 3:31pm
My pleasure Fatimah.
Comment by Sweettina2 on June 29, 2010 at 3:30am
Thank you morris, headed there now.
Comment by morris108 on June 29, 2010 at 3:14am
Chances of oil spill being sabotage


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