Another Reason We Won't Be Rounded Up Into FEMA Camps

FEMA camps simply won't hold 39 million Americans.

By Robert Singer-

The U.S. Department of Labor Official Employment rate in September 2009 is now 90% (Unofficial rate is 75%).

And for those Americans who are still employed, they will find it harder to get that sweet deal on a new car because auto dealers won’t be competing with each other now that Brian Deese, special assistant to president Obama for economic policy made the decision (not the Chrysler bankruptcy judge), to close dealerships without regard to profitability.

Deese, age 31, in his first government position, shuffles back and forth from the West Wing to the Treasury Department dismantling the US Auto Industry and rewriting the rules of American “capitalism”.

Deese’s first rule: Withdraw Credit and Liquidity.

Result – Catch 22:

The pullback in spending causes companies to cut back on inventory and staff – Creating unemployment.

Which causes spending to fall and companies to cut back on inventory and staff -Creating more unemployment.

Causing spending to fall even further, forcing companies to cut back on inventory and staff – Creating even more unemployment…263,000 jobs eliminated in September.

Full Un-Employment is on Track for 2012

The world is engulfed in a global economic crisis of staggering ferocity.

Making matters worse, a government “by and for” the American people may not be prepared for the social dislocation, economic despair and breakdown in law and order that is likely to ensue.

The Los Angeles Times Reports on the Current Un-Employment Situation: In addition to the 15.1 million people counted as officially unemployed, the number of people so discouraged that they have quit looking for jobs is 9.2 million.

Is the total number of unemployed now 24,300,000?


The newly defined “de-facto” unemployment rate does not include all the categories of people who are no longer in the labor force, in other words, the under-employed, the marginally employed, and the part time job seekers who can no longer find work.

Data from The McKinsey Global Institute estimates the real de facto unemployment rate in the United States would be 24.78%.

Thus, there are almost 39 million, not 15.1 million, or even 24.3 million Americans who are no longer working or looking for work, and that figure is before the Federal Reserve kicks Brian Deese into high gear.

Since there is not enough police, National Guard or military to keep order when 39 million people panic, Barack Obama will restore order by telling his followers standing in lines that this nation, unlike in the past, will put its hands on “the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.”

As a president elected in a landslide by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled, Obama will lead the nation out of its unsustainable American Dream and into a great new depression.

Even with evidence to the contrary, Americans believe government is suppose to take care of them because “it’s their job.” In an environment of homelessness, poverty and suffering, millions of unemployed Americans will forget their 60 years of unprecedented prosperity–at the expense of the Third World and the environment–and look for someone to blame.

But they won’t find a Bush, Clinton or even a Ronald Reagan in Washington. Instead, sitting in the Oval Office will be King Barack Obama, telling us to return to our homes, cars or tent cities.

The newest leader will, in fact, be followed because this time Americans believe their dreams came true in 2008 when Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States.

We hope and pray Obama wants to put us back to work and reclaim the American Dream but the new rules of capitalism call for an American Nightmare.

Barack Obama, an unknown senator four years ago, is not one of “us.” He travels in the same circles as other members of the super-secret Skull & Bones society of Yale University who pretend to be running for president every four years. The decision to make Obama Commander in Chief of the collapse was made four years ago; the November election was a formality.

To believe otherwise is to ignore the Bradley/Palin effect, the voting machines that flipped ballots before the voter left the booth, and the decision by John McCain to wait until his concession speech to shed the image of a nasty “grumpy old man.”

In September 2008, when the Obama campaign seemed to be slumping and their candidate’s long-standing lead in the polls had evaporated, the senator’s supporters openly worried that a potential victory might be slipping away. Then providence joined the campaign: the failure of the giant investment bank Lehman Brothers followed by a global financial meltdown which began in the month of October.

“If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy,” on Nov. 4, 2008 you received your answer: It did not matter who you voted for because it was already written: Barack Obama would be the President of the United States by a landslide.

Instead of being the “most dangerous man in America”, the Candidate for Change and Hope will be the “most remarkable leader the world has ever seen”–intellectual, oratorical, governmental and a genius who will guide us through the greatest calamity the world has ever seen.

Thanks to Barack Obama, a 21st century Martin Luther King, there will be chaos, but not anarchy.

The really inconvenient truth is this: The 600 detention centers built by the Halliburton subsidiary KBR do not have the capacity to hold the 39 million Americans who will be out of work, out of home and out of food.

Will they be out of hope?

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Comment by Jeff on October 22, 2009 at 5:03pm

Our constitution and our republic have serious flaws. This web site exists precisely because there are serious flaws and those flaws have allowed a complicit congress and president to usurp their powers, transfer trillions to the banksters, wage illegal wars of aggression in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, support a racist Zionist Israeli regime at the expense of Palestinian human rights, off-shore millions of jobs, create a vast pool of unemployed Americans, reduce the overall American standard of living, severely compromise civil rights, illegally spy on our citizens and produce the event we know as 9/11.

Marxism, Socialism, Communism and all other forms of government each have parts and pieces of their ideology that are of great benefit to the masses, the poor and the middle classes, which are slowly being destroyed here in the US as a result of our seriously flawed system of government.

Wake up.

Your position of defending the constitution and the republic without criticizing the defects that are harming us all has serious implications, limitations and shortcomings.

ALL forms of government, INCLUDING OUR OWN, with the passage of time lead to the same thing, the fabulously wealthy ruling the miserably poor.

This is especially true in our constitutional republic where we now have the military/industrial/corporate/banking complex completely compromising any form of democracy we might think we have. If you think this is a democracy you are sadly mistaken, ill-informed and poorly educated as to current national and global political events.

You are attempting to protect that which doesn't exist and vilifying that which you know little about.
Comment by AZRanger on October 22, 2009 at 4:01pm
Hi to All! The moment they start knocking on doors, is the day that I start shooting the Marxist colluders! Anyone who is a Marxist, or who supports Marxism, or who provides aid and comfort to the enemy of our Constitution and Republic, will be considered by me to be an enemy combatant, and subject to all the penalties thereof!
When they issue the decree that theyare going to be doing that, I will be on the move to my gathering point!
In the Spirit of Unity and Liberty,
Sic Temper Tyrranus!
Comment by Jeff on October 20, 2009 at 6:50pm
Marklar, as always, your sense of humor is well developed and apropos!
Comment by Marklar on October 20, 2009 at 6:33pm
"Thanks to Barack Obama, a 21st century Martin Luther King"

Wow, somebody sucked the kool-aide dust right out of the packet without even adding water.
Comment by Jeff on October 20, 2009 at 5:34pm
Personally, I prefer 4 leaf clovers...
Comment by Wake up America on October 20, 2009 at 4:46pm
I tell you what....i'm a believer in the most high YAHWEH and His Son YAHUSHUA. YAH died to give mankind" SALVATION" and my heart will never skip one beat if ever asked WHO DO I WORSHIP? We are living within the last days....WHO DO YOU WORSHIP? I ask because that's what this is all about.
Comment by Wake up America on October 20, 2009 at 4:39pm
Comment by Wake up America on October 20, 2009 at 4:35pm you see the evil ones plan to "make room" for all those who wouldnt fit into a internment camp. NOT OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Wake up America on October 20, 2009 at 4:32pm
Hey dont forget that many citys on the down low are bringing in "GULLOTINES", for example Atlanta Georga has already written it into law to start using them. For more information please google > "GULLOTINES IN AMERICA". Also, as we all no by now as informed people that the illuminati has it planed to murder millions of people on a globle scale with the swine flu vaccine which is insane! I sure would like to see someone holding one of them down to get a shot in their scally arm first before anyone else has too.
Comment by youhavetoforgiveme on October 19, 2009 at 6:42pm
Why SHOULD we care?

I will do my best to remember as was told to me years ago:

In the dead of night, they came for the Jews and hauled them away.
Then they came for the Blacks, and I believed I was safe.
Then they came for the Asians, and I said nothing.
Then they came for the Mexicans, and I did nothing.
Then they came for the Pagans, and still I did nothing.

Then in the darkness came the firm, measured knock at my door. I looked around and realized that there was no one left to help defend me.

BTW...I've stood in front of one of those ovens. Even after over forty years...I could still hear the screams of the dead begging for mercy.... It was a truly evil place....

"Destroying the New World Order"



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