Baby Critically Burned During SWAT Raid, Stun Grenade Thrown into His Crib.(NO KNOCK WARRANT)

baby injured by raid

"It landed in his playpen and exploded on his pillow right in his face"

In a multijurisdictional raid in Habersham County police barged into the home of Wanis Thometheva at 3:00 am.

During the raid one of the uniformed men, tasked with caging people for possession of substances the state deems illegal, threw a stun grenade into the crib of a 19 month old baby.

Alecia Phonesavanh, the mother of the 19-month old, was staying at her sister-in-law's home when cops smashed in.

"It's my baby. He's only a baby. He didn't deserve any of this," Phonesavanh said. "It landed in his playpen and exploded on his pillow right in his face."

Phonesavanh's son is in the burn unit of a local hospital. The grenade blew a large laceration in his chest and ripped his face wide open.

There were many pictures taken but they were so graphic that the local news station chose not to share them.


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Comment by Sweettina2 on June 4, 2014 at 3:17pm

"Looks like the war has started"......indeed!

Comment by Andy Anduer on June 3, 2014 at 3:21am

Looks like the war has already started.

Comment by Sweettina2 on June 3, 2014 at 2:33am

You said it, there are many more just like this that never hits the news. To me, this is crime against humanity, and when the war starts, we KNOW which side they will be on. II'm personally ready to burn this sonofabitch to the ground. Sick of this. 

Comment by Sweettina2 on June 3, 2014 at 2:31am

You said it, there are many more just like this that never hits the news. To me, this is crime against humanity, and when the war starts, we KNOW which side they will be on. II'm personally ready to burn this sonofabitch to the ground. Sick of this.

Comment by Nikki on June 2, 2014 at 9:49am

@oldranger, where I'm from you had to be KKK or John Birch to get hired by the pd or sheriff.

Comment by margaret on June 1, 2014 at 11:54pm

That sheriff is a damn liar....

Comment by Nikki on June 1, 2014 at 6:18pm

@oldranger, not all red necks are corrupt cops for sure.

Comment by Sam Sharpe on June 1, 2014 at 4:17pm

Good ideas but won't work unless you have part of the community behind you. I was trying to get the feds to my town over our deep-seated corruption issues. Against town officials, local millionaires, corrupt unions, lying state agencies, and etc. When I brought up the issues like nepotism that plagues my town and has for years keeping corrupt family members in all the towns offices and high places... I was laughed at and put on their hate list. Like with the state one office or people will protect the others at all cost.  I soon found out why there needs to be no immunity for those special people or for state workers like child protection sevices and others who use their powers to ruin people like me. To shut us up and create all the chaos they can in our lives to any extent they see fit, including the courts and many others including lying phony witnesses just for retribution. Hell, I was even told I'd been 'black-balled' by the Freemasons here and would never work in this town again. I did but it was tough and started my own business. They had me locked up with phony charges, house raided, locked up again for nothing, then CPS came out and said I was an abuser and much more. Not once was I allowed to know or see my accusers and in court was hand slapped and let go and told to be a good boy.  When I tried to sue they were all immune from prosecution, so that means they can do and say whatever they like and the poor civilian is up the creek without a paddle. And there is no way to fight against dirty cops and dirty courts and prosecutors and others down to the clerks working only to shut you up and try to destroy you.

Previously in years past I had the photos, recordings, and taped phone calls to use in my federal court brief. But all that was lost too by my attorney who said it was all lost while he was moving. They were all the originals and being younger and stupid turned it all over to him. Unawares he was part of the millionaire cliques I was going after. So unless people stick together and unite nothing will change and it's impossible to get people locally together or to simply find out who believes just what and what they are willing to do for change. Heck, most here don't even vote and most fear the local officials and their cliques so remain away from it all and will not get involved. Only when it hits too close to home or home will they then get their feathers riled and want change but then afraid to speak up let alone go to meetings to be known by the corrupt and their retribution.

I'd like to see millions of pissed off Americans protesting at the White House and simultaneously on the local levels to boot some creeps out of office, but it won't happen before the globalist and commie ruin us. Anything short of that won't change a thing. On the local level for me and those like my area don't stand a chance for change by a vote. Especially when over half the population won't vote and with offices filled with Obama lovers and anti-Americans. Here the nepotism will never end and I don't see a way out of that or favoritism over politics.

Comment by 5WarVeteran on June 1, 2014 at 10:29am

Absolute Immunity

 There are things that could be done to reign in questionable behavior by police and other public officials.
1. Eliminate both “absolute and qualified immunity” for ALL public officials. If public officials (yes, this includes police officers and their administrators, firefighters, prosecutors, court officials and all other “public servants”). If they knew that they could be sued personally (and possibly lose everything they own), they would tend to behave themselves.
2. Establish and enforce an “video audit trail” whenever there is interaction by any public official with the public. In the case of police and firefighters, no “video audit trail” would mean the inadmissability of “evidence” as well as censure and immediate dismissal with loss of pension if public officials’ fail to assure that this “video audit trail” is present. “Equipment malfunction” would not be a valid excuse. A “video audit trail” works both ways and would also do much to eliminate the possibility of frivolous lawsuits by the public against public officials as well as assure that public officials “behave themselves”. This is especially true in police interrogation rooms where police-coerced “false confessions” occur with alarming frequency.
3. Prosecutors should be subordinate to the grand jury. Grand juries should be able to indict without needing the prosecutor’s “permission”. Of course, there would be NO absolute or qualified immunity for prosecutors or grand jurors.
Police agencies should NOT be allowed to “investigate themselves”. Outside, disinterested agencies should do the investigating.
4. Civilian police review boards should be mandatory–they should exclude anyone who has a police background or relatives of police from serving. Civilian police review boards should be able to bring up charges against corrupt police officials and officers as well.
These three changes would put the public on an equal footing with our “leaders” (who are actually supposed to be subordinate to us citizens).
There have been many cases where people who have been legally recording police (mis)behavior have been harassed by police, their equipment damaged or destroyed, and charges brought against them. This police misconduct must stop! Severe punishment should be meted out to those public officials who interfere with lawful recording by citizens.

Comment by Sam Sharpe on May 31, 2014 at 9:52pm

That is really sick! Right-on about the stories we will never hear about. If it happened in my town it would be hushed up fast. Those cops need to lose their jobs and pay up along with the city. Cops today seem to love all this killing crap and harming innocent people. Oh but they make big time money with plenty of perks and over-time thanks to the failed 'war on drugs.'  It's like the war on poverty that has failed and the war on hunger and health care which has failed miserably.  Even the war on terror is a joke but now the cops and the government is the terrorist but claim we veterans are number one threats today. Hell, wait till they get drones with bombs and machine guns or those micro-wave guns to play with on us citizens as they disarm us so foreign nations or the U.N. can totally rule over us with the bankers and corporations.  Terrell, it's your fault and the cops fault you scum bags. Grenades like guns don't kill people, people (scum idiots) kill and harm people.

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