Bachmann’s statement should have been on the front page of every newspaper in the country and on every network’s evening newscast, but conservative media is mesmerized by a skirt that talks and her statement is relegated to political blogs and a few liberal pundits’ programs. Bachmann vowed not to vote to raise the debt limit because, in her words, “we can’t keep spending money that we don’t have,” even though she voted for the Heritage-Ryan budget that adds $6 trillion to the national debt in ten years. Like all Republicans, Bachmann is happy continuing Bush-era economic policy and raising the nation’s debt if it benefits corporations and wealthy Americans at the expense of the middle class, seniors and children, and the poor.
One conservative pundit said that Republicans have been given every concession they asked for and are still unwilling to compromise and it may spell disaster for them in the 2012 elections. The American people may be stupid, but they are smart enough to see that every concession has been made by Democrats, and that Republicans still balk at taking the generosity and acquiescence of spineless Democrats so they can tell their wealthy donors they held the line on a modest tax increase. However, for a change, President Obama said that he would not “back off” efforts toward a comprehensive effort at solving America’s debt. Any reasonable human being and even idiotic conservative householders understand that at some point, increasing revenue is necessary to keep the country operating.
Republicans are deliberately decimating the country’s economy and there is so much evidence to prove their malfeasance, it is foolish to ignore the opportunity to show the people what they created by giving Republicans the power to revert to Bush-era policies. Even the stupidest Americans can remember what Bush-Republican policies did to the economy just four years ago, and if a fifteen minute television address twice a week jogs their memory, it is imprudent to pass up the opportunity. Barack Obama is many things, but imprudent is not one of them, and since he does care about America and its people, it should be a simple task to help these ignorant Republican and teabagger supporters see that Democrats are actually working for the American people. Conversely, it will be simple to show Republicans only care about the wealthy, their vile corporations, and their evil, “no tax increase for the wealthy” god.
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