Facking hell, yet again we’ve been kicked in the nut’s, first it slaughtered me as kid to find out that the only sack Santa was emptying, was the one my step-mum was helping him shed his load off, and there weren’t no reindeer involved! Then the discovery that the tooth fairy was also a figment of my imagination was equally devastating, and the reason why I swore to myself as a kid, I’ll never be hoodwinked by those bastards again!
I’ve long suspected David Icke and Alex Jones were in fact shills, though it goes without saying they have uncovered and revealed a hell of a lot of information, and have indeed helped wake up many in the world, - however, what if this information, turned out to be disinformation and misinformation instead?
They are raking in millions of pounds and dollars, and you could even say good luck to them, however, what if they are playing on genuine people’s emotions, as most sincere folk just want to know the truth in life, which means this is disgusting that people like Icke and Jones, have realised how to tap-into this huge marketplace, and with the support and backing by those they they’re supposed to be exposing!!
This will come as a shock to many ‘truthers’, though there have been many others warning about this, - as it did to me, in fact I didn’t really want to believe it, as after all there are enough shills out there, and to find out of the two, no three of the biggest anti-NWO and Truthers, as we can’t exclude Michael Moore, are sadly not what the portray to be.
David Icke goes on about how we should get rid-off secret societies etc. – yet the many times I have contacted either of them directly or via their various own websites and forums, about the proposal of banning members of secret societies from also being able to serve in our governments and their related bodies, they simply kop a deafen, or ignore this fact.
True truther DerekInTheMidWest, along many others have been tracking the likes of Icke and Jones, and have come up with some easy to see and follow examples that seem to indicate; Mr Jones and Infowars are working in collusion with the Jesuits and Freemasons as in the form of the Knights of Malta, even though it was around 5 months ago they discovered this evidence, it's still quite compelling to see and particularly to those who have not yet seen it.
As much as I’d like to disagree with this fellow and the others like him, it seems this evidence they present, is beyond all reasonable doubt, and enough for me to come to the conclusion they are bloody well right!!
But hey, like all things in this life, don’t just take my or their words, check it out like I did, and do the searches etc. alongside with them as you’re watching their video and you’ll see you’ll come up with the same kind of results!!
JOIN US - http://www.causes.com/causes/643665-ban-members-of-secret-societies...
...and I had may arm around the fat sweaty bastiche 3 years ago....lol
I reserve my comments for another time, but do offer:
Not directly related to this post but wanted to highlight this:
Curious Why Would Alex Jones Remove These Comments
(Alex STRATFOR Jones is a shill and of that there is no doubt!)
Well what can I say to such a thought provoking wonder by the Guild, wise words TommyD, and so are yours Krypke, which goes to show that we are all well up and aware of what is going on within the brotherhood...and why I do what I do.
No house divided can stand... that is why they will lose in the long run.
No, not at all a personal dig. I like having a Masonic researcher around here. That's the first group I researched when I began seeing the system for what it is.
Masons are certainly a major tentacle on the monster. Always thought of the Masons as mostly an intelligence operation. They are practically in every country.. Sort of an unofficial, cross cultural embassy, teaching the mysteries, influencing minds, and building relations covertly for the master lodges under globalist control. I'm sure many lodges are opposed to the takeover of their leadership and ideology. It's the nature of the beast to war within. Bad verses evil, evil verses good, every combination you can think of clashing, has and will clash, and clash again. Hence the damn chess board in the lodge. It's all positioning, and thinking moves ahead, plotting, bluffs, maneuvering; it's war, plain and simple.
Hi Krypke, I know it's not a personal dig at me, and nor is this to you, and which I will also post on your own post regarding this same matter; Like I’ve said before, I too was a long time fan of Icke, Jones and Moore, I was into most ‘truth movements, I advocated for ‘occupy camps’ long before they even came about. I’ve spent over 4 years in jail, so no all about how corrupt or judicial system is, and of course our governments and their related bodies, been involved in many a protest, am almost 52, so have been around a bit.
I don’t take things lightly and don’t form sides, i.e. I have no political or religious allegiance and no axe to grind with the aforementioned gentlemen[Icke, Jones Moore], who have indeed awoken the world to many a subject and done loads of good in general.
I, like you, do my own research and don’t rely on someone else’s word or sources, so follow through what it is they are saying. I don’t know who DerekInTheWest is, and perhaps he is shifty as fuck, and does have an agenda, i.e. ‘religious’, - so I turned the volume down, - and did my own form of searches, - and I came back with even less results, as since that video was made 5 months ago, it’s got even tighter, and your search example of the word ‘theosophist’ not coming up, doesn’t really surprise me in comparison to the words; Jesuit’s or the Knight of Malta etc.
I don’t think any of my posts, blogs or questions in general can be regarded as ‘foolish’, though you are right there are many that do post such things, - though this cannot be allowed to affect us ‘all’, - we are smart enough to see who is or who isn’t talking nonsense, - it’s bad enough with the mainstream media and websites wishing to ban, censor or completely delete comments, simply because they fall out of the scope of what the original post or question may be first posing, or they simple disagree. I will never block, censor or ban anyone or any post, as this is what I’m fighting for; 'the truth' and in all it’s guises, as that’s what makes us in the end.
Not only Icke, Jones or Moore & Co seem to appear to have another sideline agenda, other well know 911 Truth Movements, Anonymous, Wikileaks, Black-Bloc and Occupy Camps, have been infiltrated by covert undercover agents, so it’s no wonder many people are getting dubious, we don’t know what to believe, as everyone seems to have a religious agenda as opposed to the political one I fight, and fight that seems to be single handed, as the world is full nutcases and haven’t a clue as to what the hell is really going on around them.
Peace, love and respect, we are here to beg to differ, and it’s through this differing that we hope to come to a truer understanding as to what is really happing out there, as this too is all part of those infiltrators plan, is to keep on putting a cat among the pigeons, could be argued I am one, - as that way, we won’t ever pick up that rock and really see what’s hidden away under it.
Both Jones and Icke make me nervous so I don't watch many of their videos. But I tend to agree with Hugh and Krypke on this.
Here's the link to my post:
"Destroying the New World Order"
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