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Dec. 14, 2020—Our inboxes were flooded this morning with “news” of alleged Russian cyberattacks on the U.S. Treasury and U.S. NTIA (the telecom advisor to the White House.
This “news” has all the telltale signs of a false flag hoax. Here’s why.
FIRST, the “news” provided way too many exquisite details of the alleged attack to be true. As anyone in network security will tell you, if there was an attack, it would not be shouted from the rooftops, and certainly not quickly.
Such forensic work takes weeks and months to gather and evaluate the evidence, especially when involving large government systems. However, a fabrication can occur overnight—as fast as a fiction writer can type. The British are notorious for hiring their best fiction writers for their propaganda.
This reminds us of the British propaganda (including Daily Mail and London Times and Daily Telegraph) before World War I where they carried gruesome details that accused German soldiers of skewering Belgian babies on their bayonets, and even making soap out of their little dead bodies.
Those alleged German attrocities never happened. However, it was successful at turning British public opinion against the Kaiser.
SECOND, the “sources” of the stories are other cooperating news outlets including Reuters, Daily Mail and Washington Post.
In short, the “news” is nothing but un-sourced hearsay. Therefore, the stories were made for propaganda purposes.
These companies are now known to be in bed with British MI6/MI5/GCHQ and the C.I.A./FBI/NSA/SES and are all directed by the British Pilgrims Society out of London Fleet Street.
These propaganda outlets all participated in the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 (London) where modern propaganda began, Reuters and Associated Press centralized propaganda “news” sourcing was formalized, and where British MI6, MI5 and GC&CS, renamed GCHQ in 1948 were launched.
These same Pilgrims Society founders were the ones who instructed J.P. Morgan to buy up editorial control of all American newspapers in 1912, which he did.
THIRD, an evidently bogus screen shot of a Dominion Voting login screen started circulating this weekend that shows a footnote that would never be listed on such a branded login screens.
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Fig. 2—Bogus Dominion Voting login screen that began circulating over the weekend of Dec. 12, 2020.
This alleged screen shot began circulating just ahead of this morning’s johnny-on-the-spot ZDNet article titled: “Microsoft, FireEye confirm SolarWinds supply chain attack” (ZDNet, December 14, 2020 — 04:02 GMT).
ZDNet is owned by CBS.
Security firewall information is a well-guarded secret in any legitimate security system.
No company tells the world on their login pages what firewall systems they use! That is stupid because it just makes it easier for a hacker to narrow his/her attacks to that particular vendor’s vulnerabilities.
Instead, a company’s patent, copyright and security policy and other legal notices are placed there.
Suspiciously, the article implied the Russian government was behind this attack:
“Sources speaking with the Washington Post linked the intrusion to APT29, a codename used by the cyber-security industry to describe hackers associated with the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).” (NO NAME told NO NAME who told me… that is junkyard tripe-ism.)
FOURTH, by implying that the Russian hacked SolarWinds, and by implying from the fake screen shot that Dominion Voting uses Solarwinds, the propaganda effect is to imply that the Russians hacked Dominion Voting long ago and were behind the 2020 election fraud!
We have learned that the British Pilgrims Society, and their American minions, use propaganda to hide themselves in flurries of fake news. They don’t care who is damaged, just so they can hide their identity and their one world order takeover plan.
Massive 2020 election fraud occurred using Dominion Voting Systems. That fact cannot be disputed now.
This Monday Morning Hoax is attempting to lay down a smoke screen by claiming those pesky Russians, once again, to hide the true perpetrators:
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Sir Nigel Knowles, The British Pilgrims Society and their Privy Council, as well as their many well-greased minions in the U.N., EU, China, Canada and Venezuela.
Once fooled, shame on you. Twice fooled, shame on me.
We The People are not fooled this time.
(See 18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason and 10 U.S. Code § 894 – Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition.)
"Destroying the New World Order"
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