Biden Authorizes FBI to Shoot Donald Trump?

Was the FBI really ready to shoot Donald Trump as part of the Mar-a ...


As if things couldn’t get crazier with the Democrats continuing their illegal witch hunt of our former President over the “Hush Money” trial that the unjust prosecution is losing badly on, now comes another eye opener. According to sources Russel Brandt on his YouTube channel, there is now evidence that Joe Biden authorized the FBI during their Mara Lago raid for alleged classified documents stored by the former President, to use deadly force! Not only was there no time in history that any US President no longer in office or while in office was ever raided for documents they took home, but to authorize the use of deadly force against a former President? Folks if you ever wonder whether or not we lived in a police state, now’s the time to wake up and smell the coffee.

Image result for seth rich murdered

Would the Democrats stoop so low as to try and murder Donald Trump? Just ask Seth Rich who was caught leaking evidence against the DNC, shot to death on the street. Maybe ask Andrew Breitbart who was prepared to unload evidence on Barack Obama that could have cost the Democrats a 2nd term in the White House, collapsed on the sidewalk after a glass of wine at the neighborhood bar. Was he poisoned? Ask Michael Cormier LA Coroner who performed the autopsy on Breitbart, dead of some mysterious toxin never identified at his home. Coincidences? Hardly. The Democrats are just as treacherous, ruthless, and brutal as the Soviets were during the “Cold War”. Still, people vote Blue as if they have no brains!

The more we get from sources of whistle blower leaks and inside information from those such as Project Veritas, the more we know just how corrupt and capable of anything that the Democrats have become. Of course, this leads us to even more sinister speculation as two things have been occurring 1) Exposure of the unthinkable seems afoot, but 2) A marked increase in Democrat propaganda in social media has also increased with trolls putting out as much disinformation and false support for the Biden Clown House as they can. However, as creepy as clowns may seem, Joe Biden is even creepier, and so is the level of Deep State deficit spending cutting deals to fuel a war with Ukraine, Russia, Israel, and escalations now with Iran. So, as the US dollar continues to devalue, the threat of worldwide militarization seems to be upscaling.

Image result for FBI slaughter women and children in Waco

There are things going on that most of the general public might scoff at because they seem to irrational, but hasn’t a lot of this already gone on? The 9-11 controversy, the Murrah Building attack in Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, and the slaughter of the Branch Davidians at Waco, all with an increased government crackdown on civilian militia groups while it’s the Jihadists who are shooting up night clubs and public centers! We don’t want to discriminate against Muslims, right? We don’t want to treat the paid rioters from the pockets of George Soros to have to come up with bail, do we? Few people want to put the pieces of this puzzle together and the rest who do are just crazy conspiracy theorists!

Image result for russell brand today

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