Bilderberg Cabal Secretly Plots World's Future - Secret Meeting on 6/14/2011

Only recently has the annual gathering of the half a century old cabal become known through the efforts of freedom activists opposing their centrist agendas.  Why are the heads of Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon attending along with bank and nation leadership, and why doesn't the mainstream press pay attention? Energy remedy ramifications.


>>Many links to other Bilderberg's dealings and then some...


by Sterling D. Allan and Hank Mills
Pure Energy Systems News


This past weekend, some of the world's richest and most influential people met together in the annual invitation-only Bilderberg gathering, named after the Dutch hotel where members first met in 1954.

What is astonishing about this is that this meeting by these key people is not questioned by the mainstream media as being non-democratic and just downright creepy. For years, their very existence was denied, and anyone who suggested otherwise was mocked as a "conspiracy theorist" nut job. But thanks to activists such as Jim Tucker, Alex Jones, and the New American, who have been leading protests and documenting Bilderberg activities through leaked memos and agendas retrieved from trash bins by observant maids, in recent years Bilderberg is no longer such a secret.  They even have a website, where they claim: "the privacy of the meetings ... has no purpose other than to allow participants to speak their minds openly and freely."  They also allege: "For each meeting, the names of the participants as well as the agenda are made Public and available to the press."  Why, then, doesn't the press show up?  Who is telling them to stay away?  And why do they obey?  Gratefully, the alternative media is not scared away or intimidated.

This year, an associate press story admits the meeting took place, saying:

"The 130 attendees from Europe, North America and other countries -- among the invitees were EU President Herman Van Rompuy, members of European royalty, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Google's executive chairman Eric Schmidt -- keep up an informal, off-the-record tradition that conspiracy theorists consider almost a shadow world government." (Business Week)

It was the Swiss media that revealed that this year's Bilderberg would be deciding the replacement for the IMF Chief. (Infowars) And how about this headline : "NATO Chief Rasmussen to Discuss Expanding Libya War at Bilderberg Summit." If that's not power brokering and key decision-making with world government ramifications, I don't know what is.

It was at a Bilderberg meeting in 2008 that Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton's pairing was decided ahead of the election.  That was where they were at during a mysterious disappearance that baffled the mainstream press, but not the alternative media. (Infowars)

If decisions of this magnitude are being made by the Bilderberg group, the global press deserves access to the meetings. Although the proponents of world government often tout the promotion of "democracy" as a goal, such a secret meeting is clearly repugnant to anyone who believes in a democratically controlled government. All free people should understand that secrecy and democracy are not compatible concepts. They are polar opposites. The secrecy at this event exposes the true goal of the globalists attending, which is a totalitarian world empire in which information is managed, and controlled by the elites.

Instead of blowing the whistle, one mainstream media entertainment outlet, the (Steven) Colbert Report brought Henry Kissinger on his show on Monday (1 | 2), immediately following Bilderberg, to help put a positive spin on the otherwise creepy persona that usually gives people the chills to hear his name.

Now, take a look at the roster of some of the attendees at this year's cabal gathering.  It includes a seemingly benign presence of companies whose products and services we have all come to use on a daily if not hourly basis.  I think "Facebook" was the one that gave me the most pause.  I've been aware of Google's founding ties to DARPA and other often dark op agencies and agendas, so I expected that one.  And Bill Gates' foundation's support for vaccine propagation (often laced with population reduction methods, including sterilization, dumbing down, and slow kill mechanisms; to bring the population of the earth down to a more manageable 500 million, according to the Georgia Guide Stone) is something I've been aware of for years as well.

Some Prominent Attendees

Some of this year's guests included: (Full Roster 2011 | official | unnamed | 2009)

  • Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State
  • Eric Schmidt, Google Chariman
  • Jeff Bazos, Founder
  • Bill Gates, Microsoft
  • Chris Hughes, Facebook Co-founder
  • Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn Co-founder and Executive Chairman
  • Jorma Ollila, Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc 
  • Peter D. Sutherland, Chairman, Goldman Sachs International
  • H.M. Queen Sofia of Spain
  • Anders Rasmussen, current Secretary General of NATO
  • James Steinberg, B. Deputy Secretary of State, US
  • Angela Merkel, German Chancellor
  • Jose Luis Zapatero,  Spanish Prim Minister
  • George Papaconstantinou, Greek Finance Minister
  • Pascal Lamy, Director General, World Trade Organization
  • Peter Orszag, Former White House Budget Director
  • Kevin Warsch, Former Fed Governor
  • John Micklethwait, The Economist Editor-in-Chief
  • Marcus Agius, Barclays PLC Chairman

U.S. Defense Secretary, Robert Gates was also in attendance, which is a direct violation of the Logan Act, and is treasonous inasmuch as he is a public official in a position of high authority meeting in secret to discuss and enact policy. Ditto for several other high-ranking attendees from various countries who have similar provisions. (Link | 2)  

The official website's page on governance of the body lists just one name under "Member Advisory Group," and that is David Rockefeller, not known for being a proponent of freedom and individual responsibility (or free energy); but rather stands as the quintessential socialist world government proponent.  He is the arch antithesis of someone like Ron Paul or Alex Jones.

In fact, he admits he supports a one world government, that he is conspiring against the best interests of the United States, and is part of a secret cabal in a statement found in his autobiography.

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." (Link)


According to American Free Press journalist and legendary Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker's inside sources, the 2011 agenda included a number of critical issues at the top of the elite's to-do list, including:

  • Bolstering support for the unconstitutional and undeclared war in Libya.
  • Pushing for a wider war theater in the Middle East to push up oil prices.
  • Reduce the influence of alternative media and the freedoms of the Internet.
  • Additional bailouts for the bankers. 

Concluding their review of this year's agenda, Infowars writes: "The money masters have long profited from war and mass murder. The plan is to take down national sovereignty, impose drastic austerity measures, hold fire sales on national assets, consolidate wealth and power, and use an endless economic crisis as an excuse to usher in world government, a one-world currency, and a sprawling high-tech police state."

Conspiracy Fact

The officially posted Bilderberg agenda is much more benign.  But in truth, all of these characteristics: secrecy, dark agendas, overthrow of freedom, fit the very definition of conspiracy:


1. the act of conspiring.
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.

Thanks to the alternative media, the "secrecy" part of their function is becoming unveiled.  The citizens of nations around the world need to recognize the significance of these meetings, and hold their representatives accountable.  It's long overdue time to remove those in government who usurp the very foundations of freedom and persecute freedom's supporters.


Chilling Send-Off

On Sunday night, 250 - 300 protesters held a mock birthday serenade for 93-year-old globalist, David Rockefeller. (Link)  The sight of torches instead of candles apparently freaked them out enough that most of the delegates made a hasty departure the next morning.  It's the earliest the meeting has ever dispersed, according to Tucker.

Good News

Of course the good news, is there is some in this, is that these agenda items are awakening the population and urging them to support alternative energy, to remove our dependence on these corrupt central forces of governments controlled by mega-corporations.

As multiple exotic energy technologies are starting to emerge, we have the opportunity to build communities that are less susceptible to their control. Clean, cheap, and plentiful energy will give ordinary people the personal, political, and economic power to live free from global tyrants who wish to impose their will on the world. The upcoming energy revolution will throw a wrench in the workings of many globalist plots.

  • Free energy will solve the ecological threats facing our planet, including "global warming." Despite your opinion on the causes of global warming (or if it is taking place), there will be no need for "carbon taxes" when CO2 emissions start dropping due to the emerging energy technologies. The plan to extort the world and push for a one world government (in the name of environmentalism), will be stopped in it's tracks!
  • Exotic energy technologies will make the Middle East irrelevant, because oil will only be needed as feedstock for plastics, fertilizer, and other similar goods. Oil will no longer be used as a fuel. This will make the idea of perpetual war in the Middle East completely illogical, even to those who previously supported such intervention.
  • With abundant and cheap energy, citizens will be able to live more independently from government. Currently, the high price of energy makes the cost of off-the-grid living mostly prohibitive. However, with free energy technologies everything from transportation, home electrical generation, water desalinization or purification, and indoor gardening becomes more affordable!

The elites of the world that attend the Bilderberg meetings may have an agenda for the future, but free energy hold the potential to spoil all their plans. It's up to us to push for the immediate implementation of these game changing technologies. Soon, we will have the tools we need to make an all out push for freedom. Let's use them! 

# # #

This story is also posted at BeforeItsNews.

Here's a story by Russia Today, which is an interesting hybrid news service that appears mainstream in its professional display and crew of reporters, yet whose coverage is consistently far more cutting-edge in the tradition of the maverick alternative media.  Along with TheAlexJonesChannel, RTAmerica is one of the best YouTube channels around for bringing great news coverage and analysis. Their story headline says it all: "Bilderberg: world's fate sealed behind closed doors."

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