Kurt Nimmo
July 28, 2012
An Idaho news station wants to know if the billboard pictured below goes too far.
“A Caldwell billboard is raising questions in the Treasure Valley as it compares President Obama to accused Colorado killer, James Holmes,” reports KBOI, a television station in Boise.
“The billboard on Franklin Road [in Caldwell, Idaho] equates the actions of the president’s foreign policies to the acts of Holmes, who’s suspected of killing 12 people in the theater shooting.”
James Holmes allegedly killed 12 people, while Obama is responsible for the murder of thousands in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and other nations targeted in the global elite’s GWOT, or global war on terror.
Presidents, however, are never equated to mass murderers by the establishment or its corporate media. War crimes perpetuated by the state are invariably papered over by intellectuals and the establishment media and characterized as noble efforts to gift backward peoples with democracy or practice humanitarianism in response to thugs and dictators preying on the innocent.
Obama is more like Charlie Manson than James Holmes. Manson didn’t kill his victims directly but ordered others to do it. Obama ordered the Pentagon to kill thousands. Bush gave the order to invade Iraq and kill over a million people. Clinton ordered the military to bomb Iraq and Yugoslavia with depleted uranium. Bush Senior invaded Iraq and targeted its civilian infrastructure. Reagan had CIA proxies kill thousands in Afghanistan, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Carter set the stage for the slaughter of tens of thousands in Afghanistan. Nixon and Johnson engineered the mass murder of millions in Southeast Asia.
But while citizens usually find the role Manson played in the murder of a movie actress and her friends reprehensible, they rarely reach the same conclusion about murder perpetuated by the state. Government has held a monopoly on violence and organized murder for so long, it is now viewed as normal by citizen-subjects.
No doubt the days of the billboard in Idaho’s days are numbered. The First Amendment is routinely violated when citizens dare point out the truth is such a blatant way.
Margaret, here is something you may wish to research further:
It’s Official: Presidency Now a Dictatorship
Humans make mistakes and I'm happy to have three instead of two. Smile. I appreciate the information and will ask questions as they arise. Thank you so much.
opps I said two but I posted three...oh well.
Margret I can offer you two good sources, that are easy reading, everything they say is documented, everything they talk about is none partisan, they deal with truth, fact not conspiracy and they give the documentation, if you have any doubt.
the first one is a very intelligent researcher, Savant Noir, he has a very extensive web site if you want to do tons of research and confirm all he says, he gives you all the sources and documentation, his introduction to the UN Agenda 21 is very enlightening.
Then we have this site that is very creditable, run by Rosa Koire. http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/
for more research about agenda 21 programs that are being implemented, this is a good site, owned by Cassandra Anderson.
I do agree with you about conspiracy's, plus they are a wast of time, it's hard enough dealing with the truth, I hope you enjoy those informative no BS web sites.
I did not overlook you comment and posted a discussion, however, upon coming back and seeing your next comment I looked for it but do not see it anywhere...I'll try again. The basic premise of my post on "different" was that I attempt to lean away from conspiracy theories when I research a topic because of the tendency toward bias. Emotions and anger run high and it's hard to read between those lines. I tend toward fact and not opinion, although I do have them, and we all know the old saying about opinions.
I do not like labels, especially political. I have been a non-affiliated voter for many years and have stayed so regardless of the fact that I can't vote in the primaries, because of that choice. Kind of a shame.
I was brought up as a Southern Baptist and at the ripe old age of 12 turned my back on organized religion as even then I did not like what was coming from the pulpit. At 12 I don't think I could have defined what it was, however, I define it now as an tool for control. On the other hand, I have a few very good friends who label themselves as Christian, and our friendships have not suffered due to my agnosticism.
I do not think that Obama is a usurper nor a tyrant, however, I abhor warmongering and I have not yet read the suggested texts, such as UN Agenda 21 and other sites, but I have begun with 21. I would say that I'm undecided, but that could ring untrue as I know that I would not vote for the Corporatist Romney and with the two party system (not democratic) we are not really presented with any real choice.
I don't believe that any one is coming for our guns, but I do believe that regulations should be a part of the story.
That's my "different". Are there any common threads?
How are you all approaching the voting dilemma? Not vote, which at 61 is alien to me. Agenda 21is huge and it may take me awhile to get through the whole thing unless someone can point out areas that I might want to focus on. I got through the preamble. 12:44 can't think anymore.
Pepsi says it will stop using aborted fetus cells in its flavouring research:
Coke + Pepsi both exposed using cancer producing chemicals: So they just reduce the amount that goes in.
Almost every facet of todays existence sadly has a "Conspiracy" that goes along with it.
Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and even Whole Foods are having to alter their soda beverage recipes in order to avoid being required by the state of California to label their products as causing cancer.
Sad to call it like it is..... Those that refuse to think we live in a conspiracy truly have their head lodged firmly up their own ass. Those that try not to incorporate conspiracies into reasoning ABSOLUTELY live in La-La Land of blue fairy elves and magical pixies.
Time to wake up and smell the fresh taste of GMO manufactured MONSANTO™ poison-coffee.
It's amazing how pepsi and coca cola taste remarkably alike :)
"Is there any common ground here?"
To answer your question, our common ground is the search for truth. Our common ground, is the once free land we stand upon.
thanks Steve, no conspiracy there all backed by documented fact, as is most everything we are concerned about.
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