BLM next land grab: 90,000 acres of Texas Ranchers’ Land near Red River

BLM next land grab: 90,000 acres of Texas Ranchers’ Land near Red River

Looks like Harry Reid’s BLM is getting ready for a really big land grab. The next target appears to be 90,000 of acres of Texas Ranchers’ Land near Red River. This amounts to about 116 miles of land near the Texas-Oklahoma border. On this Red River land grab, the Texas Ranchers have a deeed and have paid taxes on for over a hundred years. But of course, that doesn’t matter to the BLM thugs.

According to the BLM, the Red River is always Accretion (gradual accumulation of sediment) to the south, and always Avulsion (rapid formation of a new river channel) to the north. So according to the BLM, the boundary only moves one direction, never in the direction that favors the ranchers. They are looking to re-draw the entire portion of the Red River boundary. That includes 90,000 acres of land along a 116 mile stretch of the river.

BLM next land grab: 90,000 acres of Texas Ranchers’ Land near Red River
BLM next land grab: 90,000 acres of Texas Ranchers’ Land near Red River

American Freedom Fighters:

“BLM officials believe they have a responsibility to manage land they believe is federal which includes an estimated 90,000 acres along 116 miles of the Red River. If land is found to be public, BLM officials say they have three options: leave the land open, closed, or open with limitations.” January 2014
Public input ignored?

Land that has been in the families of ranchers is to be seized as “public lands” that would be subject to fees or blocked off entirely from rancher’s use. Or in some cases, moving the boundary line over to Oklahoma, where Texas ranchers can lose their rights to the lands that they have owned for more than a century. The BLM had open meetings back in January to “take input” from the public …but they are moving forward with their plan to seize the land anyway. There was likely never any intention of actually listening to the rancher’s stand.

The taking of property from land owners, the stealing of cattle, all of these things are apparently the modus operandi of the Bureau of Land Management. There are no tortoises involved in this incident, just land-grabbing feds who are intent to take away the property of ranchers that have owned it for hundreds of years. Will it come to armed confrontation as is occurring in Nevada? We don’t know.

April 15, 2014 · Filed Under Latest Ramblings


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Comment by William Jones on April 26, 2014 at 11:29pm

Mr Joe You are so right too  The Alphabet Gangs  That is good  Gangs they are !! Government Bureau Craps that are just useless Government Bloodsuckers  Sucking the life out of American Business and American rights. The Demoncrats have only one way to create jobs  Start another branch of people who supposedly work for the government in a new thing   BLM  XYZ or EPA UPU or Whatever  It Smells really bad like Spoiled Fish in a barrel too long !!!  Time to DUMP IT !!!

Comment by William Jones on April 26, 2014 at 2:03pm

Space Wabbit  You are SO Right about   UN  !! You know ; from Israel Mr Netanyahu  said in an interview" I do not like it but I must go to that den of Thieves and Liars"  He is so right too . We need to kick them out of our land and Drop out of it.... They want to run YOUR life and Obama is trying to help them.

 I saw a man shoot a drone out of the sky the other day ....  We need to go back where it took Court orders for intrusion into Americans lives    Buggs and Wire tap phones and FUC**** Drones like they used to kill Michael Hastings with...... Michaels Murder was swept away and never investigated !!! I heard it was done with a drone from Twenty nine Palms Marine base..... His Death was just another Killing by the folks running your country right now .

Comment by space wabbit on April 19, 2014 at 10:28am

@Not mainstreamer - You are right.  Remember that the Luciferian Rothchilds and Rockefellers set up the UN in 1945 right after the 2nd WW as a "front"to invade every country in the world and rob them of their rights, land, water and every natural resource while creating "wars" to profit from at everyone else's expense.

Comment by Not mainstreamer on April 19, 2014 at 10:07am

Some think about UN as "Communism" in disguise. I rather view this as "Confiscate as much property as possible"

Why "Confiscate as much property as possible"? It is Rothschildian logic! (how to wage war on our enemy ... that will be every "gentiles"). That implies this is not about "Communism". These people are not Communists.

Comment by space wabbit on April 19, 2014 at 9:52am

This is all part of the UN's Agenda 21 - where there will be "no private property" and large tracts of land will be seized by eminent domain using the EPA/BLM for Federal land.  The "WATER RIGHTS/Water Permits/Private Wells are also a big issue by the EPA while they are using the BLM to seize land and water rights.  The Bundy's have a number of Water/ Well Permits that the Feds are also after.  See earlier post on the UN's Agenda 21 Land Grab and Water Grab!

The 1st rule of Communism is "NO PRIVATE PROPERTY IS ALLOWED"

Comment by JOE on April 18, 2014 at 10:07am

its time to dismantle the alphabet gangs.

Comment by truth on April 17, 2014 at 8:41pm
yes it is, unless we stop or slow them down JP
Comment by J. Patriot on April 17, 2014 at 8:33pm

While are attention is on the Bundy Ranch in Nevada the BLM sets their sights on more land in Texas! The BLM is attacking hard working Ranchers all over the U.S.. The Bundy Ranch is just the beginning! 

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