BOYCOTT BIASED CABLE MEDIA watch SC Primary webcast 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm CST Saturday, January 21

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Revolution PAC panel and correspondents to break down contest and road ahead.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Northbrook, IL (PRWEB) January 20, 2012 - Revolution PAC, backer of U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s bid for the Republican nomination, will host a live webcast on Saturday following the South Carolina Primary election. In conjunction with the event, the super committee is calling for a nationwide boycott of cable/network outlets, which have exhibited bias against Rep. Paul in their reporting.


“Pew Research just a few months ago confirmed the immense media bias against Dr. Paul,” explains Revolution PAC Chair Gary Franchi. “Despite his electoral success, he consistently receives the least national media coverage of all Republican candidates.”


Case in point, notes Franchi, was CNN’s post-Southern Republican Presidential Debate coverage Thursday, which provided coverage of neither Rep. Paul nor his debate remarks.


“Quite simply, Ron Paul’s supporters are losing their patience and are creating their own media opportunities,” says Franchi. “Revolution PAC is pleased to be able to offer this forum, and we anticipate a lively event on Saturday.”


Election analysis will be provided as the polls close tomorrow by Revolution PAC’s South Carolina correspondents and an in-studio grassroots liberty panel. The public is invited to participate in the webcast from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. CST Saturday, January 21 by



Rep. Paul received the coveted endorsement of South Carolina State Sen. Tom Davis Sunday, Davis calling Paul “a Tea Party of one against a towering wave of red ink.” At a Myrtle Beach press conference, Davis added, “There’s only one person speaking to what I believe is the core problem of our country today. The biggest threat to our liberty comes from debt.”


Joining Davis, three additional South Carolina state senators – Sen. Lee Bright (Spartanburg), Sen. Kevin Bryant (Spartanburg) and Sen. Danny Verdin (Greenville) – endorsed Rep. Paul Tuesday.


Reinforcing what is shaping up as a two-man race, Rep. Paul and Mitt Romney are the only Republican candidates who have successfully secured positions on the primary ballots of every state, reported South Carolina’s The State newspaper last week. A CNN/ORC International Poll released Monday also revealed that Paul and Romney are the only Republican contenders tied with Barack Obama in a likely general election matchup.


Revolution PAC is supporting U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s campaign for the Republican nomination and consistent, constitutional message with targeted TV advertising, direct mail campaigns and innovative Web promotions complemented by billboards and radio ads in key primary states. Unlimited donations by individuals, businesses and organizations are being accepted by Revolution PAC to support that effort.


Read release at PR Web

Photo courtesy Gage Skidmore

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Comment by TheLasersShadow on January 21, 2012 at 6:24pm

Ron Paul cut off on Fox News - unedited from commercial to commercial

Comment by TheLasersShadow on January 21, 2012 at 6:13pm
Comment by truth on January 21, 2012 at 5:36pm



5:30 p.m. | Ron Paul supporters create their own information silo

One of the PACs that supports Rep. Ron Paul in South Carolina has declared a media blackout, and started its own webcast to cover the election. In a press release, Revolution PAC writes, “the super committee is calling for a nationwide boycott of cable/network outlets, which have exhibited bias against Rep. Paul in their reporting.”

The webcast marks the trend The Post’s Marc Fisher explored in South Carolina. Fisher watched how three different people consumed news and found that more than ever before people are “tucking themselves inside information silos where they see mainly what they already agree with.” He writes:

The result, according to voters, campaign strategists and a raft of studies that track users’ news choices, is an electorate in which conservatives and liberals often have not only their own opinions but also their own sets of facts, making it harder than ever to approach common ground.”

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