January 20, 2021

I believe Trump was false opposition all along, and betrayed his duty according to Illuminati discipline. 
Brabantian has a more sympathetic view, that Trump was sincere but sabotaged and possibly drugged. 
by Brabantian
In the final hours of the Donald Trump presidency, amidst disappointment and sadness - 
Let me suggest an alternative to anger and hurt.
Trump himself may be the most tragic of victims, first savagely blackmailed after his surprise victory in 2016 ... and then, evidence points to Trump being drugged and poisoned during his time at the White House, Trump's judgement gone, his mind semi-controlled via suggestions by handlers.
The Trump who was elected in 2016, is no longer there ... and we have every right to always remember, and honour, the brave man that he was. Yes, Trump had come from the swamp - just like JFK did - but Trump rose above it as did JFK. And Trump as well did some historic great things, before the swamp took its revenge and destroyed him as well.
Trump being drugged, is the best explanation for the bizarre course of events in the final 11 weeks since the brazen Nov. 2020 US election, where an ultra-narrow margin of 1 out of 7000 votes nationally, magically appeared in key states to deny Trump a win.
Yet despite massive election fraud red flags, Trump made utterly foolish decisions, acting like a drugged-up weakling, whilst his lawyers conducted a feckless campaign that sabotaged his chances and credibility. This is standard USA; European business people tell how their own lawyers they paid had sold them out. Consider:
- Millions of dollars to 'Stop the Steal', but no professional, media-friendly website marshalling evidence.
- Never taking the key decision in early November, to fire Attorney General Bill Barr who was helping Biden; Barr's DOJ refusing to even interview vote fraud witnesses. Trump needed to fire everyone down the line until he had an acting AG to issue indictments. Giuliani knew this, and a fighting, mentally alert Trump would have known this ... but a mentally-undermined Trump did not.
- The entire 'Stop the Steal' campaign ran like amateur hour, its shoddy court filings and presentations, pairing with 'QAnon' to create a demoralization campaign against Trump, his supporters, and anti-globalists everywhere, Trump being led like a child to think Mike Pence would save America on 6 Jan. 2021.
 Trump's face, those blue bags under his eyes, show a sick man. Milder forms of eye bags are common, relating to aging, nutrition etc ... but Trump's face hints of drug-induced dehydration, anemia, liver disease, or hepatitis. And Trump's speech was slurred, his mind fading just like Joe Biden's.
Poisoning / drugging US Presidents seems common. FDR's death in 1945 is widely thought a poisoning. Keeper of dark secrets Lyndon Johnson was told in 1968 he would be dead within 4 years, and he died Jan. 1973. Ronald Reagan was hit with Alzheimer's soon after leaving office, and did not remember he was US President.
Trump himself feared drugging / poisoning, and often preferred quick take-outs of fast food as 'safer'. The Trump who ran in 2016 knew the history, had hinted the truth of 9-11, and knew he risked death ... he promised to 'ride or die', and re-tweeted the famous 1922  Mussolini quote.
After Trump surprised even himself by winning in 2016, the cabal read him the riot act, and Trump went along with the swamp. Trump's still-sound judgement was that, tho he had to play along, he could still do some good things along the way, trying to survive as JFK didn't.
To his great credit, Trump remains the first USA President since Jimmy Carter (1977-81) who did not start a new war. But Trump felt forced to continue old wars, and was dragooned into conducting a Syria strike on 7 April 2017, 3 days before Passover ... leading to this meme here at the time, fully capturing the situation. Everyone knew Trump's heart wasn't in it.
And so Trump continued, signalling to his people through the term that his heart was really in the right place, even if he had to do horrifically ugly things to stay alive.
Trump's core achievements are quite historic, inspiring much of the world ... and we can always remember these achievements and smile:
- Trump legitimised the idea that major media news is fake
- Trump legitimised that it is ok to fight the globalists
- Trump legitimised that it is ok to defend your own culture, even if you are white
For all that, for giving power to such ideas, the cabal never stopped hounding him. And increasingly, the old Trump seemed to not be there, as drugs and poisons likely took hold of his mind.
Trump was not 'there' during the whole election fraud fight. The Trump of 2016 would have fired Bill Barr and found the guy to issue indictments. The Trump of 2016 would have gone full Executive Order and used every legal power he had to save the Republic. The Capitol would indeed have become the 'people's house' once again.
Trump's career has been amidst the mafia swamp cabal from the beginning, that is clear. But that was true of JFK too, before the cabal found it necessary to murder him in 1963. People have the spark of the divine in them, and sometimes people near to levers of power, get inspired to do good. Trump was one of those people.
As Andrew Anglin put it, 'We need to remember the good things. Remember the LEGEND. Trump is a symbol, he was always a symbol ... Trump is a tragic figure. He did his best."
Related  - Trump Leaves Office with 51% Approval Rating    which shows how desperate and deceived the US public is. 

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