BREAKING: CDC defies Trump's executive order, moves forward with critical race theory indoctrination

BREAKING: CDC defies Trump's executive order, moves forward with cr...

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is reportedly moving forward with critical race theory-inspired trainings in violation of President Donald Trump's executive cease and desist order that abolishes social justice indoctrination in the federal government.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is reportedly moving forward with critical race theory-inspired trainings in violation of President Donald Trump's executive cease and desist order that abolishes social justice indoctrination in the federal government.

Mia Cathell
Mia CathellThe Post Millennial

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is reportedly moving forward with critical race theory-inspired trainings in violation of President Donald Trump's executive cease and desist order that abolishes social justice indoctrination in the federal government

The national public health institute, a United States federal agency that operates under the Department of Health and Human Services, decided to ignore the president's call to cut off taxpayer-funded racial bias conditioning of federal employees that the Trump administration alleges "seeks to undercut our core values as Americans and drive division within our workforce."

Journalist Christopher Rufo released leaked documents that outline the CDC's plan to "examine the mechanisms of systemic racism" and address "White supremacist ideology."

The 13-week series is titled "Naming, Measuring, and Addressing the Impacts of Racism on the Health and Well-Being of the Nation and the World." A presentation will be conducted by Camara Phyllis Jones, former president of the American Public Health Association.

The first three "Naming Racism" sessions are focused on "racism, sexism, and other systems of structured inequality" and teach CDC employees to "address institutionalized racism" in order to "really set things right in the garden" of a purportedly racist nation, not "the land of opportunity" to "those who have always seen this country" as intended by the Founding Fathers.

In the sixth through ninth sessions set throughout October, the CDC claims that "racism is a public health crisis" and that "systemic racism" leads to "police killings of unarmed Black and Brown men and women" and "the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color."

Then in sessions 10 and 11, the trainers will instruct CDC employees to "target" and destroy individualism," the "myth of meritocracy," the "myth of American exceptionalism," and "White supremacist ideology" based on textbook critical race theory.

The final "Organizing and strategizing to act" sessions concluding in December provide a guide on how to become activists, encouraging staffers to join an "Anti-Racism Collaborative with eight Collective Action Teams" focused on "communications," publishing scientific "anti-racist" work, and influencing "policy and legislation." Historical perspective will be presumably based on The New York Times' 1619 Project with the intent to hire historians to staff city councils, state legislatures, and Congress.

"I thought maybe they would wisely cancel this training series. Instead we got a message this morning confirming...The pressure to participate is palpable and if you don't you will have to explain why you aren't a racist," Rufo's unnamed whistleblower expressed outrage.

"We are in the midst of a pandemic and the CDC is prioritizing a critical race theory training program that is in direct violation of a presidential order," Rufo tweeted, calling on CDC Director Robert Redfield to "immediately terminate this program—and focus on COVID-19, where CDC has been disastrous."

Rufo then rallied his followers to stand behind him, also issuing a warning to every federal department in the United States.

If you violate the president's order on critical race theory, I will find you, expose you, and shut you down," the reporter fired on Twitter.

Rufo's critical race theory investigations have exposed the Treasury Department for telling its employees that “virtually all White people contribute to racism," the National Credit Union Administration for conducting a session for 8,900 employees that argued that America was “built on the blacks of people who were enslaved," the Sandia National Labs for holding a three-day reeducation camp for white males, the Argonne National Laboratories for commanding white lab employees to admit that they atone for the “pain and anguish inflicted upon Black people," the Department of Homeland Security for hosting a training on “microaggressions, microinequities, and microassaults," and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion for hosting weekly “Intersectionality Workshops."

The mainstream media has covered the leftist propaganda as "sensitivity training," while ignoring documented evidence of racially-segregated training sessions, the revival of the race essentialism, and subjecting employees to ritualistic self-denouncement.

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley has since argued that now is the time for "Congress to ban federal dollars from being spent on critical race theory or any other divisive, race-based propaganda."

"I will fight to include a ban on any spending bill Congress passes," the Republican senator tweeted.

"I'm with you," Rufo supported Hawley, adding the crossed swords emoji as a symbol of allegiance.

This comes after Michael Caputo, the assistant secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, told his Facebook live audience on Sunday that left-wing hit squads are training for insurrection, accusing CDC scientists of “sedition

The New York Times reported that the top communications official for public health affairs claimed that the CDC is harboring a “resistance unit” determined to undermine the Trump administration.

At the beginning of this month, 50-plus groups formed a progressive coalition and met on Zoom to organise a post-Election Day seize if the Democratic ticket fails to win by a landslide.

Fight Back Table—an initiative launched after the 2016 presidential election—calls the effort: “Democracy Defense Nerve Center.” The Daily Beast reported that over the course of two hours, participants charted out anti-disinformation tactics launched under a multi-state communications arm, a training program for nonviolent civil disobedience, and the underpinnings of what one official described as “mass public unrest."

Rose Brooks, co-founder of the Transition Integrity Project, has laid out her vision in a 22-page document, titled “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition," to identify "the most serious risks to our democracy might be the best way to avert a November disaster." Brooks summarized four simulation exercises in The Washington Post: a clear Biden win, a narrow Biden win, a murky result, and a Trump Electoral College win with popular vote loss. The war games were played out with 67 prominent public officials and academics role-playing on seven teams: the Trump campaign, the Biden campaign, Republican elected officials, Democratic elected officials, career federal government employees, the media, and the public.

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Comment by cheeki kea on September 15, 2020 at 6:34pm

That's interesting how cdc claims "racism is a public health crisis"in the same breath and sessions as stating covid 19s "disproportionate impact on communities of colour". funny, maybe the virus is racist also. Perhaps it's so, as the "communities of colour" is the first port of call Always for all the Covid Control Action Force. They seem to keep them all in poverty so it makes it easier to find them. It won't be the oldies that get the first vaccines will it, No it'll be the poor, of all ages, in disadvantaged areas.

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