Calling All Patriot Business Owners
By Chuck Baldwin
July 30, 2010

This column is archived at

Faithful readers of this column are very familiar with my call to locate a
modern-day "Black Regiment." The Black Regiment was a moniker affixed to
those patriot preachers of colonial America who thundered forth the message
of liberty and freedom, and without whose leadership our War for
Independence would never have been waged--or won. One can see our Black
Regiment web page at:

Well, today's column takes the call one step further. Not only did colonial
preachers rally to the cause of freedom and independence, but so did
hundreds of colonial businessmen. Without a doubt, had not committed
shopkeepers, physicians, lawyers, bankers, merchants, ranchers, and
businessmen of all types assisted our fight for independence, the cause
would certainly have been lost.

Accordingly, today I am extending a clarion call to all patriot business
owners across America to stand and be counted! In just a matter of days, we
will post a brand new PATRIOT BUSINESSES page to our web site. As with the
Black Regiment page, we will list patriot business owners State by State, so
fellow patriots across the country can locate and support those businesses
that are friendly to the cause of freedom. Frankly, I am sick and tired of
supporting businesses (many of them big businesses) that have absolutely no
fidelity whatsoever to the cause of liberty or independence. In fact, some
of these businesses openly (or even clandestinely) support freedom's
enemies. And while we may never be able to totally stop trading with these
Judases, it would be nice to know which businesses in my area are owned and
operated by honest-to-God patriots. I would happily trade with such people.
How about you?

As with my Black Regiment appeal, I likewise offer some basic criteria by
which patriot business owners may be identified by patriot-consumers as
those professionals who are friendly to the cause of liberty.

1. You are a strong proponent of the principles contained in the Declaration
of Independence
and Bill of Rights. You also readily acknowledge that our
rights come from God, not government.

2. You understand the necessity and integrity of sovereign national borders
and, therefore, would never hire illegal aliens in your place of business.

3. You believe in a limited federal government and would never aid and abet
the burgeoning surveillance state that both the federal and some State and
local governments
are creating, meaning you would never allow your business
to be used by the government to trample the personal and privacy rights of
citizens. In other words, you oppose the so-called USA Patriot Act, the
Military Commissions Act, and any other act that abridges protections
guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

4. You believe in the right to life and believe that each State has a duty
to protect and defend that God-given right. And, if a physician or nurse,
you would never personally participate in terminating the life of an unborn

5. You fully support the Second Amendment's protection of the right of the
people to keep and bear arms and would, therefore, never prevent lawfully
armed citizens from entering your establishment.

6. You are neither a neocon nor a liberal. In other words, you support the
principles of limited government; do not believe America should fight
preemptive, undeclared wars; oppose Obamacare (socialized medicine); resent
the growing police state; and refuse to vote for "the lesser of two evils"
for the sake of party partisanship.

7. You believe in supporting patriot leaders and organizations that are
working to reestablish America's founding principles in our country.

8. You understand the importance of State sovereignty and independence and
believe that each State has the authority to resist the federal government's
usurpations and encroachments upon liberty and personal freedom.

9. You would never sacrifice the principles of honesty and integrity for
financial gain.

10. If an attorney, you understand that constitutional law (and the Natural
Law principles
undergirding it) is superior to court opinions (case law).
Plus, you understand and support the right of Jury Nullification as a
protection against overbearing government dictation.

If you are a business owner who is willing to identify yourself as a patriot
such as is described above, I invite you to add your name and business to
our new "Patriot Businesses" web page, where fellow patriots around the
country can locate you, and, hopefully, support your business, because they
know that you, like them, are supporting the principles of freedom.

To add your name to our new "Patriot Businesses" directory, we need the
following pieces of information from you:

1. Your name
2. The name of your business
3. Type of business
4. Phone number of business
5. Address, City, State, and Zip Code of business
6. Email address (and web site, if applicable)

Send this information to:

There is absolutely no cost to you for this service. I am doing this for the
same reason I created the Black Regiment directory. I want to help connect
patriot pastors--and now patriot businessmen--with their local fellow
patriots. As Benjamin Franklin so famously said, "We must, indeed, all hang
together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."

And while we are supporting one another, let's be sure to pray for one
another, because we are all going to need it..

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Comment by Sweettina2 on July 30, 2010 at 9:32pm
Abortion is murder, you dress it up any way you like. To pull a baby partially out of the birth canal, stick forceps through the back of its neck to scramble its brains...MURDER.
"Be not deceived, God is not mocked, I will repay says the Lord."
Comment by youhavetoforgiveme on July 30, 2010 at 7:45pm
Dear Sir,

I will be 45 this year...on one hand I can count the number of times that I've been excited-- about anything. Reading this article of your intentions was dangerously close to becoming the fourth such time. The irony is that the name of my business is better business for your list?

I even kept reading and still was okay with everything....I was more than happy to hop-in except for number four.... What you are doing is trying to gather American businesses to patronize American businesses for the sake of better American commerce and community against an overgrown and outdated government. Hell, I agree with you. However....amidst all the brass bands of "Less Government, Less Taxes, More Liberty, More Freedom!" you're also saying that a woman is too stupid to make a decision about what to do (or not do) with her own the name of God, of course.

Two thousand years ago, preservation of the human species was paramount. Often over half a couples' children would long be dead by the time the couple needed their children to take care of them in their old age. Okay...abortion was bad-- back then. In the 21st Century we have an average standard of living where we can't yet even properly feed, water, and clothe the people we have here on Planet Earth as it is....

I feel strongly about this issue and want to include it in you little parade-- even though it doesn't belong there. In other words...this list you're creating is about Americanism, commerce, liberty, minimal government, and free will. That's great! Since when does biology and religion have anything to do with such a noble purpose?

Since when did God come down to you, personally, or anyone else still living on Planet Earth-- and say that abortion was bad? And in your answer, a book that was written about 2,000 years ago (and butchered by repeated translations and rewritings over the centuries) is not up for discussion. Like I said...unless you can read Aramaic, Old Latin, or Old Greek and can prove that those writings weren't written at least a full generation after Christ's death, hearsay is not what was written 2,000 years ago. Another example: Okay...Christ existed and was the Son of God.... Why are all the pictures of Christ depicting Him as white, small-nosed, and with bare feet? People born in the Mediterranean to this day still have olive skin, hairy feet, and a big nose like Jamie Farr....

God fearing people hanging together is a good thing. Since when did God say that He (or She) is revoking a woman's God-given right to free will?

Thank you.

Peter S. Shogren


"Destroying the New World Order"



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