I sense a lot of brown stuff is heading rapidly in the direction of a pretty big fan...


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Comment by Jura Calling on June 17, 2020 at 9:23pm

The 'germalists' have earned that ironic comic moniker lately...

They have their price. And they, in other places within the various branches of the media have their remits and their limits. If they're told what they will and won't write they do it.If they don't, an editor will give it a thumbs up or down too.

The fact that most of the SAGE paper concentrated on how to make use of the media, particularly TV, to condition us through fear says much.The UK government paid a substantial amount of money to sponsor that.Part of it was the staged outside reports, the staged 'spontaneous ' clapping.Then there was the other ''we're in it together'' and a million images a day of people in ecstasy at the excitement of communicating remotely on screens..All dishonest.All bullshit.

The link posted is, from the UK point of view, a good post and a fine example of critical thinking and how to organises a case against it all.This whole Hollywood sci-f nightmare was made in America. The on - off love affair between Trump and the WHO. The same between Gates and the WHO. then between Fauci and Trump.Thats only three complete autocratic, technocratic little reptiles to begin with.

At least in the UK, as this post demonstrated, the numbers and the accompanying narratives are laid out for scrutiny with no other agenda but the exposition of the lies, the lairs and the agenda.Names are named.Organisations are named. Politicians are identified as are the questions they need to address.The obvious attempt to spread disinformation on Twitter by yet another University sponsored yes man is exposed too. He denied the effectiveness of HCQ in the exact sane way Gates and Fauci did in March.Good boy.But not this time...Even i know that the HCQ drug has to be administered as a step 1 medication. It only opens the cell.Step 2 is Zinc( or similar) which is then given and enters the cell to stop the replication of the virus and kill it.But Fauci wants another HIV killing on the pharma market. And he and Gates are readying it.But the numbers have to be huge to justify their bullshit.So they're getting them through media lies( paid for) fake deaths( paid for) and faked death certificates( paid for).HOpefull this will catch fire and it will spread to the other side of the pond and the three aforementioned toads that squat on it's lilypads..

Comment by James Roberts on June 17, 2020 at 8:19pm

What I wonder is why the alternative / independent media sites that post links to news stories (like Zerohedge) are still posting articles with titles that indicate Covid numbers are increasing here and there, even though it is an incontrovertible fact that fentanyl overdoses and deaths caused by gunshot wounds, etc etc etc, are being classified as Covid. Every time they do, they're lending credence to another lockdown.

Comment by Mr. Sizzle on June 17, 2020 at 4:26pm

I’m in the midwest of the US and we are all laughing at that shit.

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