Canada’s real investment in war

Today my Conservative MP sent a cold message to me and all Canadian parents of soldiers. He sent me a black and white photo of my son’s personal effects through the mail as a junk-mail flyer. Yes, I know they aren’t really my son’s personal effects.

But they might as well have been.

I stared, frozen in time, at the picture.

A pair of muddy boots sitting impersonally on a parched earth.

Alone the boots sit.

They speak. They scream outrage, waste, unfinished life, unexplained mission, unjustified war. They cry out to me.

I turn away.

I cannot not look.

I feel my stomach turn over and hold my chest where once I had held that little boy on my breast. the tears sting my eyes but I do not cry.

No I do not cry. Not today. I am prepared to cry. I have been prepared to cry for years now, but my tears will not be for the loss of one son.

My tears are for the lack of will by all Canadians to stand up for all of our sons and daughters. We are not “supporting our troops” by supporting the elites’ desire for war profits.

This MP boldly throws the slogans at me and tells me this is “Canada’s new government.”

Did they forget they are only part of the government? They are a minority government at best, but they are not the government. I am the government and you are the government and this new slogan does not represent my values.

He claims it is a “Canada First” strategy.

A strategy for what? I ask to an empty room. No one wants to answer those questions. No one wants to tell me why my son should risk his life in a corporate war fought in a land run by a Chevron executive.

I look back at the boots in the picture as they sit still on the cold, parched ground.

Oh they are the personal effects alright! I can see what is not shown in the picture. I see the sticky pool of blood beneath the boots, quenching that parched earth, the dog tags draped over the laces, the flag that he so proudly defended fluttering in the breeze, but not at half mast (thanks to the new government!)

The boots are not my sons, as his boots are always polished to a shine. I can see him smile and say, “look, you can see your teeth in these boots!”

This war propaganda assures me that the “new government” is ensuring that Canadian Forces “have the tools they need to protect our country and our way of life.” But who is protecting our Canadian Forces from them? My country is a peace keeper, not an armed occupation force. My Canadian way of life includes my son - alive and well, without innocent blood on his hands.

The “new government” has yet to compensate previous soldiers sacrificed to Agents Orange, White and Purple! How dare they use the boots of a soldier to promote their war?

How dare they tell me they are “ensuring Canada’s multi-billion dollar investment generates new jobs for Canadians and long term economic benefits for Canadian industry?”

How dare they brag to me that my son’s life is part of the investment in their war, death and destruction industry and expect me to be pleased! Is that what my son is to them - a job creation tool?

Their marketing tool, bragging about how great they are at getting

Canadian taxpayers “the best value for their money” sickens me to my core.

I have made an investment in my son that is greater than any they have made. I brought him into this world. I watched over him through the tender years. I paid for the braces on his teeth that gave him that beautiful smile. I encouraged his patriotism to Canada’s peace-seeking, peacekeeping values. I stood proudly when he swore his allegiance to Canada, to defend and protect her and her people.

They exploit him and all his brother and sister soldiers through their propaganda and corporate lust for territory and control.

They send me a picture of muddy boots. Where is the soldier?

They see the boots, the force, the power and youthful zeal which they use like a machine. I see the boy/man who dreams of owning his own business some day; the groom dressed in his tuxedo waiting for his bride; the man holding his first born child in his arms; the human being who seeks to right the wrongs in the world.

I see the boots all right! I see them together with the blood, the sacrifice, the coffin and the flag draped over it.

I see the form letter thanking me for my sacrifice and I am frozen in the insanity of it all!

They claim they are rebuilding our military to defend our national sovereignty and security, while stripping it away with their plans to have Canada absorbed into the U.S.

Why the double speak? Why the false bravado?

Do they think most Canadians don’t see the flesh and blood that wears the boots?

Or do they hope most Canadians don’t know a soldier? Do they offer their off spring to their corporate wars? If the sacrifice is so necessary, so righteous, so humane and so peace-promoting, why aren’t their sons and daughters wearing those boots? Yes indeed, a soldier knows his/her duties.

Soldiers follow orders. It can be no other way. Theirs is not to question

why. That is our job.

You and I owe the soldier more than just a passing thought, more than quiet submission, more than a lowered flag, after the fact.

Canadians owe all soldiers their commitment to never let their lives be carelessly thrown away in mindless wars for corporate profits.

We owe the soldier more than our sympathy! Before their bodies are shipped back to us in sealed coffins, we owe them our true patriotism — which means never, ever allowing them to be blindly sent off to fight wars of aggression.

We must do our job as citizens of a free democracy; we must prevent the soulless sacrifice of our youth.

We must never put them in a situation where they feel forced to take innocent lives in order to protect their own.

Care enough to speak up! God help us all if we don’t stand up for this generation of soldier.

Mother of a Canadian Soldier

(Name withheld to protect the innocent)

Government and the corporate media do not want you to know the truth. As long as you believe that seeing our Flag waving in the wind means we still have a country, they can continue to quietly dismantle the real thing!

How do you feel about the secret meetings to implement Canada’s future as part of the US?

Did you know? How do you feel about our oil/gas, water, and children being appropriated into a North American Fortress to wage endless Orwellian wars? Did you know?

How will you feel when, in the very near future, your children find themselves living in a country where ‘show me your papers’ is routine; getting arrested for saying the wrong thing is situation normal; living in perpetual fear of the government is the order of the day? It may no longer be a matter of if; it is more likely a matter of when.

Most Canadians, Mexicans and Americans want to live in a free and democratic society. Most of us think that ‘they’ can’t surrender control of our country, conscript our kids or sell our national resources without our knowledge and consent. Wrong!

To the privileged few, we are simply part of a workforce mass to be completely controlled and efficiently exploited for their personal profit.

It is the new slavery. Instead of shackles, they have already produced tracking chips, biometric ID, and ‘emergency’ powers to rival the Nazis.

Hitler and Stalin could only dream of the kind of concentrated power already passed into law, —all in the name of protecting us from terrorist bogey men.

What they said would never, could never happen again, is happening

again — to us!

We have been cleverly pitted against each other in petty disagreements in order to diffuse our legitimate, democratic ability to stand up for ourselves and reject the pending demise of our countries and our rights.

American viewers are force-fed distorted stories about Mexican illegal immigrants and imaginary terrorists slipping across the border from


Canadians, who don’t want to be ruled by Bush & Co., are called ‘anti-American’ while more and more Mexicans slip, ever deeper, into poverty and complete disenfranchisement.

We are told that the threat of some vaguely defined, brown-skinned people of other faiths, who “hate our freedom”, is so great that we must surrender our freedoms, our country and offer up our children to their new holy war.

Let us take back our identity as peace keepers, as Canadians, strong and free.

We can start by demanding an accounting by every MP for what has happened in these secret meetings.

Our destiny is in our own hands, but only if we act! Speak out against the North American ‘Union’, ‘Smart’ Borders, the ‘Security and Prosperity’ Agreements and all other cleverly named back room deals designed by a secret few and rubber stamped (without even reading them) by our elected officials!

Are you really a Canadian? Mexican? American?

Or have you already been trained to keep your head down and your mouth shut? It’s up to you.

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