What do we do with a world gone mad?

Time and again people are posting this-and-that, and coming up with great revolutionary ideas; suggesting we should have a revolution here, there, and everywhere, and until we get some 'figgy-pudding' from our governments, - though you'll probably find there's a little bit more required...

We/they have lost all hope in our/their world leaders and the heads of their religions.

  This has been deliberately contrived; the breakdown of society and religions have long been on the agenda by a select elite. - Not all "the elites" are in on this and why there is continuous conflict in the world, though nevertheless the majority of the top elites, the 1%, the ones who reside at the very pinnacle of the pyramid, are indeed behind such agendas that forever control our world.

Despite most people's lives appearing on the surface that all is okay and they're doing 'alright' with their 'lot', mainly because there's always someone a lot worse off than 'yourself', and which you're also being constantly reminded of when the truth of the matter is; 'you're barely treading water!'

Most people just grin and bear it knowing there's not much else they can do about it or their current or long-term futures.  Many haven't a clue what to do tomorrow, let alone in the future.

Well that's not entirely true, for as a collective we must do something about 'our lives'; all of our lives, that little do we realise is connected to everyone else.  For a prime example of this take what's going on in the middle-east, not a new conflict really, my father served his National Service in Egypt.  He was there for 2 years, he had replaced soldiers that were there before him, and when his turn came for home leave he was replaced by someone else. They were out there then protecting the oil pipes, no war.   We're still out there doing the same to this day, we are still connected to the very same people and land, and well over 50 years or more since my father and many more were last out there.

What many of our parents never once knew and had been kept hidden and suppressed from them for decades - is no longer the case for us and future generations, - we're too clued up. We've sussed out our world leaders as being the puppets they are.  We know we have never had a 'true' democracy, nor had any involvement as to who becomes our leaders.  

Groomed from a very young age these privately educated chaps are the ones lined-up and ready to be placed into the right seats; Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and take the Milliband brothers, where did they come from?  How all of a sudden they were thrust to the forefront of the Labour party.  Remember William Hauge, when as a kid he was addressing a Tory conference in Blackpool, it was so obvious he would become leader, despite being really shit at his job.

The worst-case scenario of the old school tie nepotistic network working at its best; in the case of David Cameron, George Osbourne, and Boris Johnson, all Etonian boys and members of the secret Bullingdon Club, a notorious hell-raising dining club that would cause havoc in the town, smash-up restaurants and bars, whilst horse-playing in food fights that often included innocent diners, that too often resulted to the odd punch-up here there.  

What are the odds of three men all belonging to this same elite club and attending the very same private school; - to then end up obtaining the most powerful positions and jobs in the country and all at the same time?

The fact of the matter is the UK is under investigation! - Do the same in your country!

Everything rotten has to be exposed; the country and world are dying, it's in intensive care and we need to carry out an emergency operation into what corruption and cover-ups are keeping us in the dark, suppressed, shackled, manipulated and controlled, and forever more!

The lunatics are running the asylums and the paedophiles in our kindergartens, schools, clubs, and churches alongside the world of entertainment in general and why everything has become sexualised. Children are being abused across the globe, as many are dressing and acting more like their "adult" idols, who perhaps can get away with it, but for children to want and do the same - is not a healthy sign for sure and especially if they are dressed-up exactly like them!


We should scrap the 50-year or more classified secrets - as they need to open all the classified files - unless of course there were seriously genuine reasons to not do so and not just BS reasons to cover up the truth.

Our governments have to come clean and give open apologies for the crimes they have helped to keep covered up and suppressed, crimes against humanity; 'their own people'. Even the "LIBOR SCANDAL" is a crime against humanity as they have robbed virtually anyone with a bank account, it's even worse if you have a mortgage and that's on top of all the money the other banks have robbed from us following the recent world crash.

Apart from stealing money from us they still children in proper Chitty-chitty-bang-bang style; the massive world market of child trafficking is often thought of as being carried out by gangs of criminals and in many respects they are, but these people have the law on their sides; they are our countries Welfare and Social Services [SS] departments, now got even stronger as you can have your child snatched away for emotional neglect. Which isn't a nice thing for anyone, yet a tough cookie to crack and get right, how do you equate this neglect? All around the world paedophiles are getting their hands on children snatched directly from families' homes.  It's the whole process of this worldwide network that needs to be investigated and run accordingly and transparently. It's why Jimmy Saville was never charged as he very likely had a list of names as long as his own list of victims and full of famous people like 'Sir' Jimmy himself and why they gave him such a proper brotherhood send-off.

This tragic video shows how common-place this problem really is; involving the stealing of millions of children over the decades and to this present day;

We have become hardened as to how we view our children and elderly.  This needs looking into, a national investigation into our care homes for the elderly and mentally ill people will also be carried out.  As will the treatment of patients in our hospitals in general.  Compassion and care will be the tenants of all their regulations and care; compassion to each and every person they treat.  Many need to be re-educated as to what it is to be compassionate and how a public servant is expected to behave in such circumstances.  We have to question; "Why have you chosen to work in this sector, 'caring' for people?" 

Our children and youth have been neglected for far too long, more playgroups and areas are needed. Children need clubs as do the youths and teenagers, and more has to be done in physical education. P.E. Lesson like days gone bye.

Food labeling on everything has to be looked into so that we are not being forced fed horse meat in the guise of a beef-burgers or other products.  We should fine and jail anyone involved, why aren't the directors of many of these types of companies finding themselves in the dock?  This kind of thing should be classified as 'Criminal Activities', not civil that only imposes a fine.   

Apart from all these kinds of scandals, there need to be independent public inquiries into the massive financial scandals including LIBOR that have seen the general public robbed of trillions of pounds from their incomes.  We have heard about this at some government hearings but no action has been taken against those who have admitted their part in this gigantic crime and fraud.

Libor, being just one of the many, needs to be investigated and people arrested it was illegal what they did.  Again we have to question; "Why has this gone silent?" Whose been paid off to not make a song and dance about this?  Libor is massive, the heads of many of the world banks rigged the world's interest rates.  No one knows for certain how many billions of pounds, dollars, and euros are involved.  These men ought to be on remand in Wandsworth Prison awaiting trial.

Far too many people are involved in corruption, they will be investigated and jailed if found guilty.

Our whole tax system will have a radical overall; 

All companies and no matter who they are should pay tax in the UK and on their total daily takings.  This automatically and annually will produce billions of extra pounds into the public coffers and economy.  Overnight our public purse would be swollen. 

BBC News - Google, Amazon, Starbucks: The rise of 'tax shaming'

This very single observation alone has to really seriously be taken into consideration. Why have many companies been able to completely avoid paying a single penny in tax?  Because the law permits them to be able to do so!  But why would our governments endorse and allow such unfair practices to carry on unchallenged as they have for decades? - Trillions of pounds in total have never been paid into our public coffers over all these many years.

It's only recently that this scandal has come to light and why these companies have a moral duty to make amends.  We only want common sense; 'You earn billions, then pay your full wack in taxes here in the UK or whatever the country you're trading in;' now that's what you call "Fair Trade!".

The Great Tesco's of Giza

Small businesses and individual traders could then be given tax breaks and concessions towards their 'Uniform Business Rate' [UBR].  So for example a one-man-band should not have to pay the same business rates and taxes as the conglomerates such as Gregg the Bakers, Mcdonalds, or Tesco and how it presently works.  This is why so many small businesses cannot compete on the high street.  At first, the super [Extra's] markets moved to the outskirts of most towns.

This destroyed the high street as it was. However, now these supermarkets want even more of the share so have returned to the high streets and side streets of peoples towns.  Though this has now made the greedy landlords realise they can earn up to twice or three times the rent or the asking price of the freehold than they would have normally been able to do so.  Therefore giving the small trader hardly a chance to survive.  These types of imbalances need to be addressed if we want to see our high streets revitalised and vibrant once again.    

We should renationalise the Water, Gas, Electricity, and Oil companies, and now the Post Office, and soon the NHS.  These types of resources obviously cannot belong to anyone other than 'all of the people'.  It's madness we have let these billion-pound profit-making industries be robbed right under our noses.  The NHS is under constant threat to be privatised, as was the Post Office, and it happened in a blink, and like Brown flogged off all our gold for a song to his mates that would have put the UK in the Red at the time of the economic collapse; - it's all crazy as it's quite obvious the prices will go up. Yet the silence from the public seems to indicate we are in some kind of trance.  Many can't seem to see further than what to eat next, see on TV, or what to wear tomorrow.  This is evidence we've been 'got-at', we don't seem to care no more and that's how 'they' love it and why they created and contrived so many distractions for us. 

These industries were deliberately targeted to make them 'fail'.  I have first-hand knowledge of this; "Gangsters" were employed to bully workers.  Much sabotage took place so as to bring down these unions and put them in a bad light.  They made them into money-wasting black holes, take Ford Motors as an example.  Yet remarkably these very same industries are making billions of pounds in profits; so again the public purse is down on billions of revenue each and every year and why we need to stop this madness.  We're not suggesting going about this in a more robust way and as they did in Cuba and other countries when they too decided to re-nationalise these types of industries that too had been stolen from the people, but something needs to be done.

Cuba Journal: Collage of four photos of the Cuban Revolution

The same applies to our railways, as why else do you think men such as Richard Branson are fighting other companies who are all desperately wanting to get the railway contracts that cover the UK? It's because they can earn billions and fly to space whilst everyone looks up, smiles, and is grounded!  A country needs transportation for the nation to function properly and shouldn't be in the hands of private owners.

On Virgin Trains - Richard's Blog - Virgin.

The current London to North of the country fast-track railway line is not needed.  It's another con as they will get the taxpayer to pay for it, then privatise it. Road Tolls!! The railways were also sabotaged by some corrupt unionist leaders who many retired well happy and on the brown envelope golden handshake pay off's from those who wanted to get their hands on Britain's nationalised industries. 

Unions are good things though they too like their 'masters' have to be kept in check. 

Corruption can only stem from the top down.  Man is weak, his life around him has made him this way, his on a pittance of a wage, and why the odd loaf of bread or lamb chop was taken from work as he could see his boss taking home an abundance of cakes and racks of lamb to his family, the temptation to steal was too great as indirectly his boss was stealing from him by only paying this pittance of wage in the first place and this kind of mentality has remained with us.

Fighting Corruption in India

Source: harvardpolitics.com

It's a dog-eat-dog philosophy that's being promoted at any cost.  This is why drug doping has become such a problem in the world of sport and athletics, it's a 'win at all costs mentality that ultimately isn't any good for any species.
A fair, caring, and compassionate society understands that it takes two sides to make a whole.  One cannot exist without the other. 

There is nothing wrong with someone being the "boss" or "worker" as not everyone can be in the kitchen at the same time, we all have different skills, traits, and desires.  It's only when fairness, caring, and compassion go out of the window and exploitative measures are then reintroduced as in the case of the capitalist's belief system of Profit, profit, profit, that we tend to no longer see humans as being what they are, and instead treat them (us) as some kind of commodity or product than that of a human being. 

This is the downfall of hard-Capitalism and it needs to open up and branch out its philosophy in a more caring and precise way  It needs to be combined with the same type of principles found in both communism and socialism and where that "profit" is gained from the "capitalistic" side of the equation it needs to now be shared among the masses and not just an elite few. 

It means the rich will have slightly less than they currently have and the poor will have a lot more.    

There are so many unjust and corrupt organisations in existence that a special team would should be set-up to see how many billions is being stolen from the public purse.  It would probably one of the biggest programs ever undertaken since WWII, as what's required to see what is really the wealth and state of the nation.  And start afresh with a clean, honest and transparency like the world has never seen before.

We are on the precipice of WIII and need to address what is happening now and in our lifetimes, we-you really have to wake-up to this tragic reality.  Because what is happening may seem far away and cannot effect us as such, but it can, in fact it's blatantly obvious it will.  It's the same as any world war the displacement of people will be unheard off and where do they all go?  When war spreads in the middle-east and now currently in Ukraine and them the rest of Europe - which it most certainly will and especially if we don't do anything to stop it.  For this was long ago preplanned, Albert Pike's Three World Wars - it just so happens to be happening in our lifetime. 

You've probably wondered how it must have been like living through WWII, you've heard the family stories, you've seen all the films and you've had a typical British education, so therefore been unknowingly indoctrinated to think; 'We won the war', Hitler was a bad guy, and that by killing millions of innocent people was the only way forward, there was no other choice'; when there was, there always is. 

You've probably wondered what you could have done to have prevented WWII had you been about.  Such as refusing to obey the orders to kill another human-being and then turning the gun on those who are ordering you to kill someone and shoot them instead.

Okay, so you too will probably be killed in that process, but at least you've done the right thing for in reality you too would have died the moment you killed that innocent person for if you survived then you and you alone will have to live with that for the rest of your life.  Look back, look how many sad and twisted men returned from these wars, their lives ruined forever more with most living a lonely existence and until the day they died. 

We have to stop living like this, the destroying of generation after generation has to come to an end.

Wars can no longer be accepted.  We should be issuing arrest warrants for war crimes against humanity to certain world leaders such as G. W. Bush and Tony Blair for their part in the illegal war in Iraq.  

That's why weapons of mass destruction such as the Trident programme should be stopped. There should be a call on the world's governments to reduce their spending on arms and for 'the people' to force their governments to do so and to not to be increasing them like they presently are.  

Again please wake-up to what is really happening around us, the world is becoming more militarised by the minute.  India, Japan, Russia, China, the USA and even ourselves in the UK are building two aircraft carriers, so are these other countries building more of the same and more. 

Why is this so? 

Do you think it is just a matter of who has got the biggest rocket in their pocket?

Of course not, as said; the world is on the brink of WWIII.  Wars of this scale normally last a few years, no one knows for sure what and who it will really involve, but it goes without saying there is much opposition between all these countries. 

Russia and China have told the USA and UK, that they don't agree to air strikes on Syria.  America closed many of its embassies, almost as if they knew something like the chemical attacks were going to happen.  Obama then canceled his one to one meeting he was to have with Mr. Putin, and China has just announced they are wanting to put forward gold as the standard reserve for currency and not the American dollar! This is freaking out the USA.  The world could not be in a more dangerous place and time than it is right now.

Africa is probably going to be a blood-bath again; China has heavily invested in that continent and it's likely tribal wars and conflicts will be encouraged to come about as mercenaries will be employed, like they presently are, to wreak havoc in all the regions of Africa, unless a compromise is negotiated. Though going on past history this is very unlikely to happen.  So it is, for this reason, the world needs to be reducing its weaponry and not increasing it like it currently is.

People of the world should question themselves and refuse to fight unjust and uncalled-for wars.

Do not believe the current propaganda your government is trying to sell to you.

We can all see that none of our politicians have ever cared for us for they are puppets, and why only 'the people' can do anything about it.   

"The time has come..."

As much as we too might not like or agree with the Syrian regime we strongly believe as the evidence speaks for itself that the Syrian government did NOT use chemical weapons on it's own people. Furthermore, leaked documents by Edward Snowden and others have revealed chemical weapons were smuggled into Syria to make it appear it was found there.  For sure there was tons of it, though we have sold such weaponry in the past and to other despot leaders such as Saddam Hussein.

Whistle-blower - Edward Snowdon

Further leaked documents, read out by an American Army General, expose a seven-point plan to overthrow seven middle-eastern countries.

In this video you're going to be shown what's alleged to be leaked documents and definitive proof that supports the claim that the USA and NATO were in fact behind the "chemicals" being there in the first place, and why they had such a motive for committing such an atrocity, to begin with.  For sure a chemical attack took place in Syria, and without doubt, a crime against humanity occurred with many people being killed.

However, there's an abundance of evidence it was NOT the Syrian Government! 

Source: http://12160.info/group/impending-attack-on-syria/forum/topics/syri...

Nations need to de-militarise; NOT enter into an arms race.  We as people don't hate each other.  We sure might not share the same beliefs and traditions etc., but can't you see all this anti-Islam is just an excuse to divide and rule all of us?  So the 1% rich elite and their military complex of companies that are making trillions of dollars on these wars; is the REAL REASON these wars exist at all!

We have to stand back and try to work out why is it we are raised to distrust one another.  The internet is a prime example of how complete strangers can identify with each other's circumstances, - there's more love and understanding on the internet than there is hate and misunderstanding.  We now have to adopt this same type of philosophy and revert it back to the streets and not be kept locked up in a virtual world.  Action on the ground can then be shown and shared worldwide. If we don't learn from one another, then we are truly doomed.    

Nikola Tesla The Secret Movie - Unlimited Free Energy Forever
Nikola Tesla's type of technology needs to be heavily invested in offering people 'free energy', or should we say at the lowest costs possible.  We should be encouraging and investing in these types of technologies; cars running on water are another must that needs to be researched further and put into practice immediately.  Small commercial generators producing an alternating current [AC] could be fitted to most homes. This is why SmartMeters are not required as households will be able to produce their own excess electricity so will be selling it straight back to the National Grid.

They should scrap the bedroom tax, this is totally a tax on the poor.  

Income tax should be reclassified with many people not needing to pay any income tax whatsoever. 

The rich need to pay more in taxes, though they too do not have to be hit too hard as long as the conglomerates play ball and pay their due taxes. 

It should be proposed to start a great building project of new water reservoirs and hydroelectric dams to help generate power if need be.  Sea wave energy projects need to be introduced as the power and force of the sea can produce a thousandfold more of energy than what any of these horrid wind-power turbine engines - that are not only blighting our countryside but our entire coastlines as well, - and they will ever be able to produce.

This would prepare for future drought problems and help prevent flash flooding and flooding and mudslides in general.  It's since the privatisation of our water that the private companies based on profits only decided to sell off rivers and streams, or worse still completely cover them so that what was once a river or canal is now either part of a field or walkway somewhere. They stopped spending millions on dredging and lied when they said it wasn't necessary.

But this seems to be causing a major problem whenever the country experiences a heavy downpour of rain.  The water has nowhere to go if of course a river, pond, or stream once stood there and where the area is now flooded.  By these being filled in or covered up this way the rainwater has nowhere to run to.

We also need to initiate and further investigate all the trillions of pounds that seem to just disappear from the taxpayers' purses.  This money is from the millions of people who have paid into their private pensions and National Insurance contributions, though died early and only remained alive for a few years into their retirement. Where is the cash?

It could be said this is why the old are being killed off.  They've paid into their pensions all of their lives and now they're being robbed by them dying early.  We need to know where this kind of money is going.  Who has taken these funds?   All the contracts and what they are currently paying for their equipment and related overheads and spending budgets in general - need to be scrutinised.  Billions are being wasted in this sector.

We should question Tony Blair's actions in regards to his role in starting a war in Iraq.  The same lies and deceptiveness are playing out in Syria after successfully completing their mission in Libya and Tunisia.

They should scrap the TV Licence fee, it should be voluntary for those concerned they can't live without tennis, rugby, football, curling, and golf, etc. - whilst the BBC should have to take on advertising like every other TV or radio company.   This shouldn't affect the quality of their programs in the slightest; there shouldn't be any less money to spend - it just means no more silly wages should be paid to fat-cat executives.


Ironically there should be a board of inquiry into why there are so many Quango organisations! 

All current regulators should either be disbanded or re-regulated and given the real powers they need to carry out their procedures and prosecute companies if and when found breaking the law.

They should scrap the need to use banks and fund people-banks with minimum fees and not their profit.  We have to understand we live in an electronic world and as much as we hate them the bank account process is how most workers are paid.  We also rely on ATMs.  Though we cannot see why there are so many banks required, competition is fine; but things like water and electricity need to be back in the hands of the people. Money is just a 'resource' it represents what you have just worked for - it's a tool that allows us to then go and trade with others to buy essentials like food.  So money is as sacred as any other resource and interest or profit should not be earned on the back of it. The Barter system is even better - no money ever needs to change hands.

The Bank of England has no real power over the currency the government prints.  And like they have kept the interest rate at 0.5% for the last 3 years it shows you don't have to charge extortionate interest rates.  But here's the truth of the matter, 'we' via corrupt politicians owe trillions of pounds and this is why they've had to keep the interest rates low otherwise the repayments and so-called deficit would be astronomically much higher.  And then whenever you play around with the interest rates inflation is linked so too is always affected.  Working in this mad gambling type of environment is set up to fail every so often, wiping out the small man and making the rich, richer.   

Money itself should never be interfered with.  As all banks are doing is what thieves have done many years ago when gold coins where the currency; each person the coin came into possession with all tried to 'nick' a little piece from it. 

If someone wants to buy something like a Ferrari sports car they are taxed at the point of purchase and this is fine and the tax level is set appropriately.

If a person needs to go and buy essential items in order to live and decently survive, then no VAT should be included on those types of goods.  This includes everyday things such as toilet paper, sanitary towels, baby nappies, milk, eggs, bread butter, etc. and many other products shouldn't have any VAT imposed on them.

Tax avoidance schemes should be investigated and changed, there will be no schemes that permit people from paying their due taxes.  That's surely half the problem, not enough tax is being paid into the public purse by the most important earners who live among us.  This has to be stopped.

Tax havens and offshore bank accounts should be looked into and tougher laws introduced so that anyone caught out fiddling should be jailed.
They should scrap the Independent Police Complaints Commission [IPCC], and replace it will a body of individuals made up of professionals and those who have experience in police miscarriages of justice. 

They need to radicalise the judiciary as the extortionate fees the legal fraternity charge should be challenged and altered, and new fair prices and fees should be set.  Everyone should be entitled to legal aid if they do not have the funds to employ a legal adviser. 

Juries should return to all cases that need a fair trial.  Judge's powers should be curtailed and they should be reminded of what their part in justice really means and involves.  Far too many judges abuse their positions and why quite often there are many appeals.

They need to end "Secret Court" and hearings and when it comes to the welfare of children the current way the social services can easily just snatch children from their parents should be stopped. As said; more transparency needs to be brought to this sector of childcare, paedophiles are rife in these types of institutions and full investigations need to take place rooting out these types of people and jailing them.

Whilst on the subject of jails, all privatised contracts should end.  There are millions of pounds being made out of a handful of guaranteed lucrative government contracts that are divvied up between a select few.  Prisons can and used to always be self-efficient, millions of pounds can be annually saved if the right procedures are put into practice.

They need to overall the prison population for it's become a money scam with 80,000+ people inside our jails, that's 240,000 meals every single day!

Prisoner Rights: You Can't Vote, But What Can You Do In Prison?

There are people in jail for stealing a £20 joint of meat, it costs £2,500 per week to keep the prisoner inside prison.  Where's the logic?  There is none, never was one, and why rehabilitation is also non-existence in jails. Often people are not inside jail long enough so it never takes place.  They should release the majority of non-violent prisoners and put them straight onto work programs and community service alternatives instead.  If you commit a crime then give something back, jail is a last resort and is used far too often nowadays. Too many prisoners ought to be in mental institutions with the introduction of 'care in the community' programs we see the selling off of these establishments and turned into luxury housing.  

They should ban many CCTV cameras and Speed Cameras the ones that have nothing to do with saving lives, helping public order or crime but they're there solely to make money from the general public.  Bailiffs should have less powers as should the police.  For instance at no time should the police be able to be used to help carry out and enforce evictions or searches on peoples homes when in comes to civil matters like that of rent arrears or non-payment of a TV licence etc.

Councils should not be able to place yellow lines and red routes wherever they want to without real consultation with the public.  Resident parking should be free as you should not need to pay extra to park outside you own house if more than one car per household then perhaps a fee for a permit for each car is feasible.

The clamping and removal of any vehicle that is not causing a obstruction, i.e. just parked in a parking bay, should be illegal and not just on private land. 

Many high streets and streets in general should have more free parking.  The 'ClimateGateWarmers' objective of making it as unpleasant as possible for car users to drive and park in town and we all understand there's a real issue with too many cars on the road, but councils are exploiting this "global warming" lark and using the argument to gain extra money from the motorist.  If they were really that serious for it being the real reason then they'd ban motor vehicles all together and that's why we as a race have to constantly strive to find that "Equilibrium" one that is just and fair to the majority it should always be the majority who rules with the minority being taken into consideration and consulted so as we can find that Equilibrium with them, as opposed to - for "them" only.

It's not rocket science, we're just currently being ruled by absolutely bad and corrupt leadership. Though we cannot forget it's been deliberately contrived to be this way and this is what we are really fighting.

We are fighting to live in a fair and transparent world, one free of members of secret societies running our governments and that's another motion that needs to be raised in the House of Commons again.

The police need to regularly trained and reminded they are here as public servants, they are here to see the law is not broken, nothing else. They are not prosecutors, though currently that's not what's happening, we can't allow further deaths on our streets of innocent news vendors who just so happen to be walking home when being assaulted by an over excited policeman that resulted in the sad death of Ian Tomlinson. 


We need to challenge the legality of body searches in airports etc. under the guise of anti-terror prevention as we cannot be expected to live in constant fear of those who are here to serve us.  Their invention out ways the risks of a terrorist striking.  It's a fact you have 100 times more chance of people killed by a police officer than you will ever have being involved in a terrorist incident or attack. 

With the right people in power then most terrorism would disappear.  Why it should disappear because these "right people" should be in charge of the purse strings.  No more endless budgets to our secret services or the military.  Everything needs to be addressed and reshaped for the new future, a future or peace not wars. 

Brave New World - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not a utopian vision or dream, it's always been achievable it's already there for the elites but they don't want to share it with the rest of us and why the time is nigh for us to force this change to come about.  Clinton once said; "We force the Spring forward..." indicating 'they' have some kind of mystical hold over mother-nature, when they don't.  As what they truly mean is they are in such dominant control over the earth, they believe they have gained this force of control.  But as we say they are mistaken, 'we' the majority have always been in control, 'they' know this and why they introduced you to 'their' religions; religions that they teach but don't actually believe in them themselves.  How odd and even stranger is that most of the general populace is totally unaware of this.

We never needed to join the EU, many of us alive today had no part in it.  We have never been given a referendum and why we need one - advising them to say no.  The EU as proved to be full of corrupt politicians.  Billions of euros have gone unaccounted for via the corridors in Brussels.

The same applies to our schools and hospitals, again all contracts etc. need to be re-examined and money saved.  We want to live in a world where the money that's generated by our taxes and the products and services we can create and sell is in turn put safely into our public purse and for that public purse to be guarded beyond all else.  That money is sacrosanct so anyone who can afford to - but are caught out not contributing or worst still wasting or stealing from the public purse should be severely dealt with so as those who come next will at least think twice about it before doing the same.

The police and other public workers should be more accountable for all their actions there should be no escaping justice if they have been found guilty of covering-up, fabricating evidence, perjury, deaths in custody or whilst in care such as 'death due to neglect of care'; they should all be charged and would expect appropriate jail sentences passed down on them.
Roadworks and 'street furniture and signs', should be investigated; the billions spent on these kind of work programs, as illions are being wasted; for instance road side Kerb-stones are continuously being replaced yet they are perfect and not enough to justify all the other work and inconvenience caused.  Pavements now have to also be replaced or moved in this kerb-stone con.  Streets are closed off and cones placed everywhere.

They need to inspect all the books and contracts that will reveal billions of ounds over the decades have been wasted on these types on projects with as much more stolen.

Education: - Compulsory teaching of how politics work and the importance of 'the vote' should be introduced as part of the curriculum at school.  History should be rewritten so as the truth and not just an English or Americanised version of events is being taught to our children; because at the end of the day we are the ones who suffer if what we are being taught is not the true.  It's a massive failing on our behalf as that's what is part of the meaning of life it's to tell others how to light a fire when it's dark, how to build shelter when it rains, though more importantly who they really are and where they really come from.   

There no doubt the planet/climate is warming but the truth has to be revealed as too much scaremonger by the "Climate Camp" brigade is getting too much attention based on lies. 

Of course we are a pest with all our pollution and why we must continuously clean up our act, slowdown on the production of unnecessary packaging and stop stuff not needed to go to land fills, recycling has to be encouraged in whatever ways possible.  And it's obvious we are chucking out tonnes of pollution into the atmosphere that comes back down as 'acid rain', but again we are improving this and for sure not fast enough.  Chemtrails are also blighting our skies and alter our weather as if HARRP. Yet despite all this and the so called data to date supporting global warming; it is the "cause" that's being contested - many others including experts believe that the real cause of global warming is due to what is taking place in outer space and our Sun in particular.  The Sun has been as is going through major changes, it's shooting out sun-flares so powerful that the electromagnetic and radiation waves coming our direction could dramatically effect our own communications systems and other damage.  

The planet will do whatever it wishes to do as will the planets in our solar system.  Earth has gone through many transformations, the ice age being one.  The dinosaurs were allegedly wiped out by a meteor crashing to earth, yet it's also possible it got too hot for them and they died that way.

We can look after our backyards and that's what we can do, all else is down to mother nature, though on saying that and as mentioned manipulation of our skies and weather is taking place at this very moment and why yet another investigation there needs to be an investigation looking at exactly what new technologies such as High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, aka HARRP are actually doing.

Then there is an abundance of evidence that Chemtrails are being regularly sprayed into our atmosphere.  Birds are dying, flowers and plants are too, so are insects and bees all suffering from something that no one is prepared to say for certain and why we need to investigate these claims being made by many experts and people in general.

The globe, our world is gigantic in size it seems small as most of us are cramped into towns and cities.  We could all fit standing next to each other on one spot and we'd probably just fill the Isle of Wight, okay so this might not be precise but for sure the world population could all fit onto the UK alone.  Our planet is massive, the oceans are even larger than our land mass. 

So over population is rubbish it's for true in the cities and towns, but the if you take into consideration all the 'private land', then we could all have an acre each and they'd still be billions of acres left. That doesn't mean any country can cope with mass immigration, as it's not the size that's the problem - but the current infrastructures.

That's another thing, the need to start a mass building of affordable social housing, homes are sanctuaries and affordable housing like that of water, electricity, gas and food are essential resources that should be on tap and available at every level of society. 

As tragic as it is, the truth must be known how we got to this point in time and what we did as a people to get here.  We are now at a stage to make amends to the world if we are open enough to understand we have to go through this transformation in time in order that we can all live together and that there really is no need to wipe each other of the face of the planet. 

Religion and Religious Holidays in the Public Schools

Religious schools.  It's obvious they are divisive, virtually all wars are related to religion and can't really see the good in teaching that to children. We are all born equal.  No one is 'born evil'. Perhaps mentally ill. Upbringings and indoctrination is what makes a person what they are.  Religions that see others in society as a threat and danger, enough to endorse to kill them is not something this world can carry on living with.  It's barbaric and should put back to where it first came 2,500 years or so ago.  How can we function as a modern human race if people are not willing to accept the planet is millions of years old.  That man has been here for millions of years, and that we are not the creation of some old man in the sky.  When are we going to grow up as people and say; 'enough is enough'.

Have your faiths and beliefs but you cannot enforce them on everyone else and expect them to understand your beliefs; as yet again you're are in the minority, that means almost 4.5 billion people are not Christian or Muslim in which it's claimed there are around 2 billion people belonging to these two religions combined. These people have to learn to come to an equilibrium living among us non-religious folk that you'll find are in the vast majority living here on earth.     

Grammar style education should be taught in all schools.  Forget the reintroduction of the 11+, all children should be taught the same as they are currently being taught in other grammar schools.  Comprehensive schools should change to grammar schools.  Everyone should have the same opportunity to be educated properly.  Of course there are brighter kids than others and this will be reflected the same as it is in Comprehensive schools and can be dealt with accordingly.

Student fees, like in Scotland should be scrapped, university education should be free as possible, administration fees, books etc.  Those who should need to pay should be those from families who can clearly afford it.

Consciousness & Creativity - Fractals, Frequencies & the Future

Not in my name; "Consciousness" is key, it's everything; it's what reveals the commandments of the universe to yourself; - that don't need to be set in stone as we are equally born with this awareness to our 'conscience', which is also part of our consciousness; - that 'gut feeling' is our primeval guide to survival.  And this is why over the centuries man has been kept dumb-downed. He's own consciousness has been taken away from him. It's like having a computer without the manual and you've never been taught to use it. This has been achieved with the help of the odd 'get out of jail free' card clause often found in the worlds religions and makes you wonder why such a deliberate false premise has been introduced in the first place? 

As again it confirms that surely no "God" worth his salt would dare introduce into his 'book of law' such a strange covenant. "That all you need to do is to beg for forgiveness and all will be forgiven".  No wonder the paedophile priest or vicar has no conscience.  See if they didn't have such a get-out clause in their charters, then the 'ordinary man' would not be able to cope with what he has been forced to do over the centuries; that's what the conscience is really there for.  It tells the 'gut' where 3rd chukra is in the solar plexus region; "This is not right." You know it's not right, yet if your "leaders" say it is okay and that Gods second in command endorses such action; 'it must be all right', - though despite all this your conscience still tells you it's wrong and why many a soldier and sailor in many a past war come to mind as does the Vietnam war where the majority of soldiers were stoned out of their heads on narcotics or were pissed as a newt on alcohol and fighting on bravado and sheer adrenalin.

Today's younger generation have been heavily brainwashed by Hollywood and computer games in general, as many have been desensitised and don't understand as such the reality between life and death. 

May | 2010 | More Angry Notes from Palestine

Their compartmentalised brains have done just that, compartmentalised each and every game and scenario somewhere within the filing cabinets we all have within our brains, these are ideal soldiers of the future, drones will be that's ever needed to fight and takeout the enemy from the comfort of an armchair.  And because there is no actual physical contact, it doesn't feel real despite maybe just wiping out a village of women and children. 

Computer games: Battle ground - Telegraph

Your should be constantly conscious of your own conscience and consciousness, it's your true-self, your greatest buddy and there to be heeded, ignore it at your peril.

File:IED team killed by premature explosion.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

When it kicks off for proper in the middle-east, once Syria is attacked and a war takes place, it will involve the surrounding countries, Iran being on of them.

Just imagine the millions who may have to flee their countries in fear of their lives. They will head for Europe, and that's when the next phase of trouble will begin; the rise of the right wing in Western and Eastern Europe.

DavidMixner.com - Live From Hell's Kitchen

Not billions of pounds, dollars and euros have been spent on these constant wars that have forever blighted our planet; but trillions, upon trillions of pounds, dollars and euros have been and still are being spent on these deliberately fomented wars; normally in the guise of "religion", that is the underlining cause to them all, but more so it's for the power and further control by those few elite families who live in each of our respected countries and are forever trying to outsmart one another.  It's almost as if nations are forever chasing "empire".  It's all about total domination in which there can only be one winner, though to achieve such an aim, means to totally destroy yourself - "the winner"; for there can be no winners in these nuclear war-games!  

Daring Davis | tee2i.

Source: tee2i.org

As said, the objective in life is to find an 'equilibrium', an equal balance; one that doesn't destroy something else in the process of trying to find that equilibrium.

Like all these world wars, the trillions spent on them have gone straight into the pockets of the rich elite families of the world, the 1%.  We all know who they are in our respected countries, some are royal families, other are not.   Many of these 'elites' and families are not even who they really portray to be.  They control everything and why you can have a Jewish person changing their IDs and proclaiming they're "Arabs", hence that they are more likely to be Muslim.  Or German [and German Jews], can change their name to a more acceptable English sounding one and take the throne as their own.

hidden behind a mask by ~marosteeha on deviantART

Source: marosteeha.deviantart.com

This can be vice-versa with a Muslim proclaiming to be a Jew or Christian or to have come from a different cast.  They have infiltrated and positioned themselves into all our governments and their related bodies of administration and institutions in general.  They run and control all aspects of our lives; hospitals/schools/universities/workplace/taxes/pensions and then our deaths.

They also control all the world religions.

Like other political structures around the world, no one has had any 'real choice' in their lives.  We now know this and even more so as the internet has revealed to the masses that the Matrix we live in, is indeed true.  

We've never had any real choice; the worlds religions has been long married to the world of politics.  

And it's by cleverly contriving a monotheist 'belief' system that you automatically spawn a 'divide'; - "Good & Evil", the Red pill or Blue pill syndrome.  Celtic - Rangers, Christianity - Islam, Democracy - Communism. = No- Equilibrium

So we've all been buggered from the moment we all first arrived on this planet.  Completely manipulated and controlled from day one and by 'other' people.  Total "strangers" are now in total control of us, doctors, nurses, dentists, health workers, teachers, academics, police, military and the media - who all know but are trapped in that world as well.  These are just a few examples that all these sectors involve millions of people over a period of time. This is forever fluid; people join whilst others retire.  Often they are protected from prosecution whenever there is a major disaster or cock-up.  Currently even if they're are caught-out red-handed starting illegal wars or with their trotters in the public purse or even if they have killed someone; they're just either sacked, pensioned-off with fat incomes or simply moved on and often onto another government position or job within a similar field; i.e. from the military to the police, or from the police to the prison service.  Take our MPs, they often jump shit. 

However, unless we address the most fundamental problems and issues we all face as a country and world; which is that almost every member of our governments and their related bodies are also members of the very same secret society. 

Some are even in conflict with one another and over the years have branched off and formed their own more secret societies.  And unless we wake-up to this fundamental problem then all else is a sham and what the future currently holds for us all is pretty much the same continuous political farce; where we 'the people' never get any real type of representation or say in our own futures or that of our children's and where wars will continue forever more and at least until 'they' get their end-times-prophecies fulfilled and when the manipulation and control will start all over again.

We have lost track in this world, though saying that if you've never been on the right track to begin with then it's quite obvious you're likely to derail anyway.

Conned into thinking we live in a free and democratic country when in fact we don't it's just controlled to appear that way.  We used to think the person with the most votes would win yet vote rigging has become so commonplace in all our countries.  This continuous interference of our election process makes sure we are always trapped in this Red pill - Blue pill system of control.

We have had to become civilized and without doubt many individuals and politicians and their respected parties have done wonders for mankind over the course of mans history.  Though it's true to say just as many have done some awfully dreadful things to mankind in this same period I am referring to.   

In their right idealistic settings and working environments; Communism is as good as Capitalism and vice-versa.  However, like all good things and intentions there's those who have always wanted total dominance and control. The way they went about doing this was in the pretence of a "God" - that what they are all doing is Opus Dei - "God's Work", when really all they have always been doing is those rich families dirty work so under the guise of religion is how they have been able to obtain the worlds resources and why an handful of individuals 'claim' they own everything and why they stole our water, oil, gas and electricity and why they have kept Nikola Tesla's inventions suppressed when he was on the brink of gifting the world free electricity when banker J P Morgan then destroyed Telsa's works and made sure it never came to fruition.

The blending of Communism and Capitalism to create Socialism has also proven to be a farce yet all three aspects are the answer, we cannot ignore and abandon these great philosophies yet they have to be re-examined, remoulded and improved-on so as they can work more fairly and functional for everyone and not just for those who so happen to be on the 'winning' side. 

Perhaps about the best kind of combination of political philosophies we can ever hope to achieve have already been drafted and drawn upon by great idealist and utopians of the past and future; Capitalists, Communists, Socialist and Futurist that if amalgamated into one - things could probably work so much better and it's not just in an liberal way as we currently know them to be - but a fusion of people working-spending-making profits-shared-profits and distributed equally. 

Though here's the problem with the psyche our rulers, everything seems to be black or white or should I say many shades of grey.  Everyone knows or should at least realise that this world should be full of colours and light there really is no need for us to live in this mad, mad, mad world that's getting madder by the day, we really don't.  If you cannot see that paradise is not on the earth then this is probably because you've been filled with hatred, you're sadly blind to it.  How odd it is to think; that all we be okay 'in the next life.' 

This is our life we are living in the present and it's the present the masses have to endure.  Hearing it's; "Your -job's-lot so shut up and get on with it", is not what we want to hear.  No, we have to wake up and address these major problems and divides.

All that happens at the end of each and every term of political office is that those from either of the Red pill or Blue pill camps and who have served their term in office; whenever each and everyone of them gets back into power the tables are once again turned upside down and we're often back to square one or at the starting line of life once more. 

The same mistakes made; billions of pounds squandered and the world still at war and in recessions. 

We need the three R's; Real, Radical Reform, not 'real change' we've been sold each and every election by whoever is in the running, and yet there's never any 'real change', perhaps 'loose change', but the masses always end up getting nothing out of the deal. 

We need a new political reform.  More importantly we need transparency in our governments. 

We can't live in a country like that of the UK where inside the House's of Parliament there are Masonic Lodges for members and no matter what political side they are on.  So here we have a set-up where almost all those sitting inside the chamber and who appear to be in opposition - are in fact members of the very same secret society, [often in conflict, as many do have very different political beliefs], that they have all taken blood-oaths and sworn allegiance to.

It goes without saying that this is indeed a great conflict of interest, despite them arguing it's not.  It's obviously a huge conflict of interest for their own secret society has it's own long term agenda that's based on religion and control of the masses. 

I'm not attacking these "people" as such but the biggest enemy to the working-classes is the middle-classes as these are the ones who hold all these key positions in the aforementioned establishments and organisations etc. This statement isn't being made to provoke trouble it's made to evoke the middle-classes to come clean and whistle-blow on what it is they have all really been doing to the masses.

The playing 'as God's' has to be stopped. 

The good thing is the majority of the middle-classes are ordinary folk who too have woken up to what corruption is all around them.  Many are also in debt and mortgaged up to the hilt, kids in private schooling etc. and many too are now feeling the pinch, credit it not so easy to obtain. 

They too can see contrived false flag operations being carried out by devious members of secret societies, - whom many then work for our secret services and intelligence agencies.  False Flag operations that forever make excuse as to why we need to invade or bomb and arrest whoever they so wish and all in the name of freedom and democracy.

The world cannot go on how it is. Democracy cannot survive if it's shielded secrecy; if those who have taken hold of power are also members of a secret society serving another agenda - then or course the wonderful concept of democracy will never work.

We are Pro-Democracy.

The Muslim Brotherhood, connected to the Freemasons, recently gained control of Egypt; though President Morsi had then been disposed of in another military coup and is facing criminal charges.  The reason it's said 'the people'; the vast majority of Egyptians don't trust the Muslim Brotherhood whom started to introduce Sharia Law into their new constitution and which is more extreme than what the average Egyptian was used to before, despite being under military rule for over 40 years.   

And this is where 'they' are all going wrong; "Nothing" will ever work if you haven't got the backing of 'the majority', unfortunately we have lived in a contrived world where it's obvious 'the minority', 'the elites' run and control our lives and why there's forever turmoil in the world; but this is because we have never had a fair political system to begin with.

If you're going to make any impact in the world of politics then you need big money.

If you wished to become a politician; what do you do? 

Join one of the current proved to be corrupt and useless political parties?

Hoping that from the inside you could perhaps help change and transform the party. 
Well that's never going to happen and why we have a very strange political set-up here in the UK with 'Chief Whips' whipping members into line as and when they may be getting a bit too big for their boots.

To run for election costs a fortune.  It's the one with the bigger wallet that will win.  Though often 'they' financially back both parties knowing there be no real difference whatever party wins; as 'they' control everything, so this is hardly going to be a problem for them who gets into power.

Anyone should be allowed to set-up their own political party, which they presently can, but when you do, you'll soon see it's no different than entering the world of commercial enterprise. It's no different than say someone like the inventor of the 'wind-up' radio, Trevor Bayliss, and where he not only had to come up with the invention, he had to then finance it and get it out into the marketplace.  Today 2013, despite his invention being used all around the world, he's financial broke, he was ripped-off with his contracts and patents.

But that's the hard reality of the business world and I suppose in sense we have to expect that kind of skullduggery going on, but not in the world of politics.  Though that's the problem, politics is in fact so heavily involved with the commercial and business world of the conglomerates; that all those 'cash for questions' and lobbying that has gone on and continues to do so, - proves this to be the case, and why yet again we have an obvious conflict of interest here between the politician, the businessman and the general public.

All the political parties rely on their funding from various sources; the Tories = the Rich, Labour = The Unions [fees from members] and the Liberals = the Middle-classes. This three tier system [actually a two, or even one] is the Red pill, Blue pill option the masses have had in front of them for the last hundred years or so.  A so called 'choice' that leads to 'no change', in the sense that everything remains the same. 

We don't move forward as a civilization; and to prove this point, take a look back to the day WWI commenced and then ended.  What did mankind learn, and what real change came about? 

Nothing, other than the head of the hydra was changed. 

Millions died in this war, then what happened?

Nothing, other than WWII came about and millions more innocent people perished; and what real change came about? 

Nothing! And now the world is on the brink of WWIII, and after many more millions are killed; what real change can we expect to come about?

It cannot be 'Nothing!'  The world's politcal systems have to change, as does the whole principles and meaning of "Democracy", "Capitalism and Socialism".

They are the greatest tenants and philosophies to come about, but as said; those 'in control' have bastardised these philosophies and their well intended principles.  They have corrupted them for their own gain, and as George Orwell vividly points out in his book; Animal Farm, when it's not long after the animals gained power and control that it was the pigs who soon found themselves sleeping in nice, snug, warm straw beds, whilst the rest of the animals had to sleep on the hard, bare, cold floors of the stables.

Transparency, transparency, and more transparency is what our political arenas need.

This can only come about by the formation of a 'new political party' coming about.

A party that truly represents the masses, though this sure doesn't need to mean we now have to revert to communism or socialism, instead of capitalism as in someway we also have to find that equilibrium otherwise the world is finished, an amalgamation has to be forged or mankind is for sure to be doomed, though it doesn't have to be that way, it really doesn't.

Too many people of course find politics 'boring'; it's because its deliberately contrived to be that way.  They want us dumb about it.  On one hand they scream and shout about using your 'right to vote'.  Yet do nothing to engage or educate the people about it.  This is why we propose compulsory education of politics at school and from an early age.  It should become almost second nature to know that's it's everyone's responsibility to vote as and when the time comes, people died for their right to vote, don't send us backwards.

But like as said, 'they' don't want that and why each and every party that ever gets elected is by the minority of people.  The hardcore educated know of the importance of voting, and it's these types who vote in the UK.  Most others choose not, because they also know, that to them personally it's a total waste of time, and ironically the politicians oddly like that, knowing they have more chance to win for if the true numbers of the electorates were to turn out and vote, then none of them would get into power!    

All the current political parties are the same, they are controlled indirectly by the conglomerates, and why the Red pill, Blue pill is the only choice on offer, so what really is the point of voting?

And to be honest, currently it is not worth voting for any political party anywhere and that's why a new political party has to be formed, there's no other roads. 

The current system and parties have miserably failed and massively at that.  The world, not just the UK, are screaming out for Real, Radical Reform.

Man needs to work, our leaders has lost all direction and moral purpose.  They are controlled and any opposition to them, is 'controlled' opposition'.

We have to be careful that doesn't happen with the new party

People will try and infiltrate this party with the hope of sabotaging it, this is why this party need millions on volunteers and supporters.

We need people from all walks of life and from wherever, to start there new 'one' party, stay focused and together, too many party's forming in the same countries will ruin such a chance.  Each country needs a brand new political party to take on the status-quo and current Red pill, Bill pill parties.

We have to form a true and independent opposition, one that will fight and defend the majority, and that we are big enough and bold enough to still continue to live with the opposition, for it is time and action that's will prove whether this kind of 'new change' will be successful.

We are not warmongers who want to eradicate all opposition, we understand the world and all it's nations are different, though nevertheless we're all the same.  Most people want love, peace and happiness in quite simple lives, they would never go to war just for the sake of it or to steal someone's resources, that's what 'trade' is all about, healthy capitalism does not need to result in war.

That's why we desperately need a new political parties; one that is going to address the 'real issues and concerns of the people' and tackle all the corruption that's permeates every single part of our societies.  Not one single government institution or establishment is safe in the hands of those allowing, or should we say; 'overseeing' the trillions of pounds being regularly and directly stolen from our public purses. 

Yes trillions have been stolen; that can you imagine if this money was there in public purse. The wonderful schools, hospitals and housing we could all have.  There's more than enough money and food in the world, but the way the current 'capitalistic' system is set-up; "Profit beyond all else", is why there's really such a divide. 

The few are profiteering from the many who have no choice at times other than to require such services; being born in a hospital, an education, or any healthcare issues you are going to require and deal with in your life. 

So important is 'the vote'; that 'we' need to actually invest in political parties.  And this money should come directly from the BBC TV Licence fund or very similar scheme, as we propose scrapping the TV Licence fee.

Though the BBC, like that of our political system, it too has to be radically changed and transformed.  It's argued it should be banned altogether.  In it's current state, it's been proved to have been behind the mass cover-up of pedophilic crimes taking place within the organisation and by prominent members of society.  It's still making and producing pedophilic kind of programmes for our children today.  It's been proved time and again the BBC promote propaganda on a regular basis, and don't always do the necessary checks on evidence that is often put their way, and if someone tries to point that error but to them, then they are often completely ignored.  It's no different than someone going to the police and reporting a crime, but they choose to ignore it.  It's also been proved that the BBC are a massive waste of public money on the wages alone in which that they pay 'themselves.' 

See, when it's not your 'actual money' people don't seem to care about excess and 'waste', and that's all many of these types of establishments specialise in; the hemorrhaging public funds!

And when they argue; "Well, it's all regulated, we aren't breaking any rules."  This is a lame excuse, people in BBC and banking world and other professions in general, such as the legal fraternity; 'regulate themselves', for it's them who set-up the regulators to begin with!  So all these types of 'laws, regulations and statutes etc.' mean absolutely nothing, in their present form they are no more than a front and a farce and why a radical reform is desperately required in these areas.   

People need to know the City of London is Corporation; as are most police forces and other related government bodies are in fact private companies in some cases. Organisations, institutions and establishment long believed to have been run and controlled by the government are in fact private companies with CEOs, boards of directors and share holders.  It's criminal within itself this is going on. That's why the judiciary are earning so much money.  The whole system is corrupt.  Police and lawyers make deals, which is to prosecute someone despite having little or no evidence; by the time it goes the court thousands have been earned by the solicitors, barristers and judges and of course the police forces involved who to take their cut.  This is criminal and when we get in power, we don't forget, we will prosecute these people.

Equal Air Time

All political parties and not just the major players must be given a equal air time on TV and radio.  The same should apply to the media as a whole.  There should be limitations an individual or party can spend on promoting themselves.  It's become farcical, running into multiple millions of pounds to finance a political campaign.  Who has this kind of money?  No one, and why even the most richest or people are financially backed and mainly by the 'bankers'. 

So it goes without saying, whoever reaches power they now have massive debts to settle.  Contracts and favours are handed across the board and the public purse is yet again milked dry and until the next masquerade and the time comes around to re-elect the same crooks back into power again, the only difference is that the colour of the pill changes, the corruption always remains the same!

Okay folks, we hope you get the picture; we know it's going to kop-a'deafen and the majority will ignore it, think it's a fruitless exercise or completely waste of time; yet we can only live in real hope that real radical reform takes place in our world of politics and much, much wider afield; - so far afield - it includes the rest of the planet!


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"We know all these things from sound bytes and bits and pieces of articles but to read something…"
Feb 17
cheeki kea favorited tjdavis's blog post Law & Disorder Soros Report
Feb 17
tjdavis posted a blog post
Feb 16
tjdavis posted a video

The Coup - "The Guillotine"

"The Guillotine" by The Coup from the new album 'Sorry To Bother You,' out nowProduced and Directed by Beau Patrick CoulonDP & Edit - Shawn ButcherAC - Danie...
Feb 15

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