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The plans for the United Religions Organization, a one-world church, is about to become institutionalized. Collaborating are Episcopalian Bishop William Swing, the Gorbachev Foundation and certain leaders of the Catholic Church.
Christian Order 135-145
Christian Order Limited, March 1997
Catholic Family
One-World Church Expected This Year
One of the long-standing goals of the Masonic New World Order seems finally within grasp: its one-world church, in the making for over 150 years, is about to become institutionalized as the United Religions Organization—the UR. Collaborating on the details are Bishop William Swing of the Episcopal Diocese of California, the Communist Gorbachev Foundation/USA, and certain leaders of the Catholic Church, working through the interreligious organization known as the World Conference on Religion and Peace.
Plans for the formation of the UR were first revealed by Bishop Swing at the syncretic service held to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Charter. Attending the service in San Francisco's Grace Episcopal Cathedral on June 25, 1995, were representatives of all religions as well as political and spiritual luminaries like Princess Margaret of Britain, Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, then President Lech Walesa of Poland and UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.
One might ask why a religious service (of sorts—it was permeated with consciousness-raising politics) was held to mark the founding of a political group. The answer is that interfaith religiosity is now a must for important social or cultural events, especially those involving world figures, as this gives credibility and form to the concept of a one-world religion and community. The separation of church and state does not apply to the Masonic Church and State. But there was another reason why religious groups and leaders were part of this particular celebration. Rev. Alan Jones, dean of the cathedral, said the service was "also a summons to the great religious traditions of the world to be in deeper conversation with each other ... as workers for peace, as guarantors of the sacredness of the earth...."
According to the San Francisco Chronicle 1,"prayers, chants and incantations were offered to a dozen deities". But the tone... for the United Religions Organization was really set by a pantheistic ceremony in which children from around the world mingled water from over thirty so-called "sacred waters" in "a great bowl of unity", to the accompaniment of an international) children's choir singing a mournful dirge from the blasphemous Missa Gaia (the earth-worshipping concert originally commissioned by New York's Episcopal Cathedral, St. John the Divine). Mixed together was water from such sources as the. Ganges, Amazon, Red Sea, Jordan and Lourdes. Bishop Swing intoned, "As these sacred waters find confluence here, may the city that chartered the nations of the world bring together the religions of the world."
According to UR literature and articles on and by Bishop Swing, the UR will be launched with the writing of its charter in June, 1997. The institution should be in place by June, 2000, and fully operational by June, 2005. It will be located at the Presidio, the former military base in San Francisco.
Patterned after the UN, with a General Assembly, a Security Council and a Secretary-General, the UR is meant to be for religions what the UN is for nations. It will be a "permanent gathering center where the world's religions engage in daily prayer, dialogue, and action for the good of all life on this earth". The religions will also daily share with the public their sacred scriptures, music, prayers and wisdom. Rather than the Light of Christ, the UR will shine, declares Bishop Swing, "the light of the world's spiritual traditions [paganism and occultism included] into a world desperately in need of light". Parallelling the World Bank, the United Religions will have a "Value Bank" whose investments are aimed at solving issues of environment, population, poverty or disease.
The Presidio has been chosen as the headquarters for the one-world church as part of the Presidio "vision" of being "transformed from a military post into a national park unlike any other. It will pioneer a new role for a national park by creating a global center dedicated to addressing the world's most critical environmental, social and cultural challenges. The Presidio's new role symbolizes the swords into ploughshares concept." It is hoped that the UR headquarters will become "a magnificent and inspiring showcase for the world's religions".
According to the San Francisco Chronicle 2, Swing wants the Vatican City—so to speak—of the one-world religion to include a "Hall of Speaking, Hall of Listening, Hall of Action, Hall of Meeting" and "a world religions theme park to ... foster better understanding of other faiths." Who will finance all this? "Arab money, Jewish money, Christian ... and other foundations," says Swing. By January he already had $150,000 in "seed money" from unnamed private foundations.
When Richard Scheinin of the San Jose Mercury News 3 asked him how he could justify spending "hundreds of millions of dollars" on the UR complex, rather than distributing the money to the needy, he replied: "It costs a lot of money to have a united anything... But once [religions are] together, they will generate money to ... benefit the poor. And if the religions ... can keep peoples from murdering and raping and torturing each other, that's an awfully big dividend."
Swing is worried that religions "are the missing voice at the table of accountability in the world". He sees the UR as an "attempt to bring accountability to the religious forum".
"We're on the threshold of the first global civilization", he told Scheinin. "But there is no global access to [the] soul ... I think that as we become one global unit, we have to find out where religion is in regard to our global tribe."
What Swing seems to be saying is that pantheism, the heresy that everything in the universe is joined together with God in one unified force, is not yet a universally accepted idea. Pantheism is implied by terms such as interconnected, interdependent, global village, global tribe, world community, global civilization, family of nations, etc. A pantheistic world community must, by definition, have unity of religion (i.e., syncretism is pantheism). So Swing says, "the UR will be a symbol that people of faith share a profound belief that all of life is interconnected and that unity is worth striving for". His implied threat is that those who do not subscribe to the "profound belief" of pantheism will be held accountable by the world religious authority—the UR—for causing disunity and strife.
The bishop is friendly with ax-Dominican Matthew Fox, who is now an Episcopalian priest under him. In the fall of 1994, Grace Cathedral was the site of Fox's environmentally-oriented Planetary Mass, an adaptation of a "rave" Anglican Mass he had attended in England. The Dallas Morning News4 described the blasphemous service as a mixture of Christian ritual, occultism, earth worship, theosophy, creation spirituality and an "all-night 'rave' celebrating God and Mother Nature". One participant said it was "totally wild."
"Raves" are dance happenings or love-ins, featuring thunderous techno-music, lasers, strobes, thick smoke and, usually, psychedelic drugs. Presumably drugs were absent at Grace Cathedral, but the bishop himself participated in the dancing, and when quizzed about the service's "pop-culture approach", replied, "Let 'em rave, for God's sake."
Bishop Swing has employed the occult symbolism of earth, air, fire and water in his writings and in his cathedral. He has written that our age is "reversing" "the Noah story where water drowned people". "Now the world is drowning in people.... The water shortage will tell us when the flood has begun." An occult orientation and an anti-population stance, are, of course, standard requirements for any would-be citizen of the new world civilization.
Swing has support in high places. He has been consulting UN religious Non-Governmental Organizations as well as interfaith leaders and other celebrities about the UR. He says he has been given the "green light" from many people, including Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama and the Islamic head of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. This spring he made what he called a "pilgrimage" to the world's religious leaders to gather support. His itinerary took him to King Hussein of Jordan, as well as Rome, Canterbury, Cairo, Jerusalem and other cities. He breathlessly reported an enthusiastic response from Mother Teresa (who later was warned about him and asked to withdraw her support).
After his "pilgrimage", Bishop Swing and his two main collaborators, the Gorbachev Foundation and the World Conference on Religion and Peace, hosted an Interfaith Summit in San Francisco in June. Its theme was "The World's Religions and the Emerging Global Civilization." Its goals were:
(1) "to examine the points of resistance" to the UR concept (emphasis added);
(2) to "create a process leading to a UR charter-writing conference in June 1997"; and
(3) to develop an agenda for presenting the UR vision to the world at Gorbachev's second State of the World Forum, October 2nd-6th.
One "point of resistance" examined was "fundamentalism." As reported by the San Jose Mercury News5, New Ager Robert Muller (a former UN Assistant Secretary-General who was groomed by U Thant to further the UN goal of uniting the world's religions) declared that fundamentalism's "inflexible belief systems" "play an incendiary role in global conflicts". "Peace will be impossible", he said, "without the taming of fundamentalism through a United Religions that professes faithfulness 'only to the global spirituality and to the health of this planet'."
While agreeing that fundamentalism is a "challenge to peace", Swing said fundamentalists are "not the enemy" and they will "bring great gifts to the family of the world". This disagreement between leaders of the religious tolerance school is more than ironic; it reflects the difficulty the UR faces in dealing with the New Age belief that fundamentalists and "creedal religions" cause divisions and wars. More importantly, as articulated by the very influential medium and futurist, Barbara Marx Hubbard, they are seen as holding back the progress of the New World Order and the evolution of the universe towards godhood, an evolution that can only take place under conditions of peace. Hubbard has actually threatened fundamentalists—orthodox Catholics included—with extinction.
The Gorbachev Foundation, one of Bishop Swing's partners, was set up several months beforethe demise of the USSR as the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. It is located at the Presidio. Gorbachev is still a professed Communist. Communism, a Masonic tool, has long been involved in forming the one-world religion. In fact, Communism, which is a form of pantheism has been promoted as the basis for a one-world religion and world unity. Communists have been attending international interfaith conferences for years, even whilst they were the "enemy".
The Gorbachev Foundation convened the first State of the World Forum in San Francisco in September, 1995. Its goal was to begin a five-year process of articulating the "fundamental priorities, values and actions necessary to guide humanity as it develops the first global civilization". Gorbachev proposed a "global brain trust"—an elite leadership—to provide guidance.
Brain trust contenders present at the Forum included James Baker, then Prime Minister Tansu Ciller of Turkey, George Bush, Margaret Thatcher, Brian Mulroney, Vaclav Havel, George Schultz, Rupert Murdoch, Bill Gates, Robert Muller, Matthew Fox, Carl Sagan, Shirley MacLaine and former Humanist of the Year, Ted Turner of CNN, who gave an address. Pagans and witches rounded out the attendees.
The Interim6 reported that the Forum's main theme was population control. As Gorbachev revealed, "... we shall have to address the problem of controlling the world's population." This theme was woven through the topics of global governance, global security and so on, but "nowhere was the theme more evident", said The Interim, "than in the discussions around religion". In the main, Christianity was blamed for the "population dilemma".
The conference summary noted: "there was a very strong agreement [amongst participants] that religious institutions have to take primary responsibility for the population explosion. We must speak far more clearly about sexuality, about contraception, about abortion, ... because the ecological crisis ... is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage."
The second State of the World Forum this month, at which the UR is to be unveiled for the world, intends to pursue the development of a humanistic global ethic, a set of "basic values" shared by the world's religions, which would allow increased cooperation between them. Chief designer of the global ethic is Hans Kung, the discredited Catholic theologian, who says consensus will decide the contents of the global ethic. Kung has tried unsuccessfully for several years to get this consensus.
In 1991, he told the UN that "religions must ... work with world outlooks that are not religious but that propose views on the deep meaning of life and ethics for living." The global ethic "must center on both man and the universe so that humanistic and religious precepts are included". In 1993, Kung presented his global ethic to the syncretic Parliament of the World's Religions conference in Chicago (hosted by the Catholic Archdiocese). The document said that spiritual renewal "can come about if people embrace the 'ethics underlying the world's religions, whether or not they believe in any of the religions concerned" (all emphases added). Kung's global ethic has nothing to do with Christianity. It takes the platforms of justice and peace, women's rights, environmentalism, and tolerance of vice and sin and turns them into humanistic commandments that replace the Ten Commandments.
Ethics (also called "universal values") are "in" today because, as opposed to the absoluteness of the Decalogue, they are changeable rules. As Robert Muller explains, "Each generation must decide what is right and wrong. We need a science [not a religion] to define what is good and bad. We need ethics in time: What is right today may not be right tomorrow." Revealing the totalitarianism of the New Age, Muller "recommends that each nation establish commissions on ethics to control every aspect of ethics".
Global ethicists are actually following Helena Blavatsky, founder of the New Age Movement. Blavatsky said she wished to revive Second—and Third—Century theosophy, which aimed "to reconcile all religions, sects and nations under a common system of ethics" and "to induce [religions] to lay aside their ... strifes, remembering only that they [all possessed] the same truth" or "ancient wisdom".
Bishop Swing's other main partner is the World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP). It is through this organization that the Catholic Church has become closely involved in founding the United Religions. The WCRP, with strong Catholic representation, was launched in 1970. It had been conceived in 1960 by four American religious leaders, including John Cardinal Wright. The Catholic Archbishop of New Delhi, Angelo Fernandes, was its first international president. The WCRP's 1979 conference featured an interfaith service in St. Patrick's Cathedral. in New York, presided over by Cardinal Cooke.
The UR reflects WCRP goals, such as a world parliament of religions upholding "the common good of all people"—which is precisely what the UR will be, for besides dispensing spirituality, it will also be a debating and resolution-making body —a parliament—"for global good". Also, the WCRP is planning an International Centre for Religion and Conflict Resolution (funded by the Rockefeller Foundation), whilst the UR envisions training peacemaker teams of spiritual leaders, retired politicians and conflict-resolution specialists for world trouble spots (witness the many retired politicians at the first State of the World Forum).
The WCRP promotes planetary rather than national citizenship, i.e., it promotes world government. Archbishop Fernandes, like Robert Muller and other notables, is a "primary endorser" of the New World Order organization, Planetary. Citizens, which is now openly occult.
The WCRP is a UN Non-Governmental Organization, headquartered at the United Nations in New York, with chapters in several countries. It works closely with the UN, UNICEF and UNESCO. Dr. John Humphrey, a past president of the Canadian chapter, wrote the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The WCRP promoted its agenda at the UN's Cairo, Copenhagen and Beijing Conferences and held an interfaith service at Copenhagen.
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Does Pope Francis intend to help the global elite achieve their goal of uniting all of the religions of the world under a single banner? Will he be instrumental in establishing a single global religion for the glorious “new age” that the global elite believe is coming? Is Francis to be the leader of the New World Religion?
Since his election, Pope Francis has made it abundantly clear that he is going to make ecumenical outreach a top priority. Not only has he worked hard to reach out to leaders from various Christian traditions, he has also made it a point to try to acknowledge the mutual bonds that he feels with all other religions.
Amazingly, Catholic Culture web site is reporting the One World Church is expected to take place this year. Supposedly it is to become institutionalized as the United Religions Organization—the UR). Collaborating on the details are Bishop William Swing of the Episcopal Diocese of California, the Communist Gorbachev Foundation/USA, and certain leaders of the Catholic Church, working through the interreligious organization known as the World Conference on Religion and Peace.
Simply put, all workings are through and about the United Nations/UNESCO along with all the Global Council Trustees. This group is kind of kinky in that two of the trustees from the US are a scary story into themselves.
Don H. Frew of Berkeley, CA is a Wiccan elder, a High Priest of Coven
Trismegiston and a National Interfaith Representative for the Covenant of the Goddess. Joining him as one of the trustees is Audri Scott Williams who has a Master’s Degree in ‘Indigenous Mind’ and if you aren’t sure what that is – the Indigenous Mind recovery is a process for individuals to recover and remember the ancient earth-based knowledge and spiritual wisdom of their ancestors.
Honorary Chairs to name a few are George P. Schultz, former Secretary of State and Chairman of the President's Economic Policy Advisory Board during the Reagan Administration. During the Nixon Administration he served as Secretary of Labor, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Secretary of the Treasury, and Chairman of the Council on Economic Policy. He was also a Senior Staff Economist on the President's Council of Economic Advisors during the Eisenhower Administration. Schultz’s wife Dame Charlotte Schultz joins him in this group.
Why am I addressing this? In 2007, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Cardinal of Buenos Aires, Argentina, invited the visiting Episcopal Bishop of California, William Swing, to bring his assorted syncretist colleagues to the Cathedral for an interfaith service with him. Swing’s group is part of the United Religions Initiative URI, and the purpose of the syncretic worship was to celebrate the URI’s 10th anniversary of its installation in Latin America.
What was so important about this group that the future Pope Francis wanted to celebrate their anniversary in his cathedral?
To answer this question you must first understand the future New World Order, to be a pantheistic global community, comprising a one-world government and one-world religion or church. By definition, a pantheistic world community must have a unified religion; whilst uniting people under one religion helps them to peacefully accept world government. New Age spokesman, the dangerous Robert Muller, former UN Assistant Secretary-General, forecast that by 2013, “based on the common spirituality,” we should have entered “a new age of … all-encompassing synthesis”.
Muller wrote the book New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality
Although Muller grew up in a Catholic home, he admits that he wasn't inspired to become a "really spiritual person" until years later when he joined the UN. Nevertheless, he feels that his Catholic upbringing prepared him to accept the New Age worldview which he held while alive.
While serving at the UN, the person who most impressed Mueller was UN Secretary-General U Thant, a Buddhist. Muller Claimed U Thant taught him there was no difference between spirituality, religion and life – things his Catholic religion had taught him but that U Thant was a better teacher.
In 1919, New Age leader and occultist Alice Bailey, in her book, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, revealed the plan for a “Church Universal”.She described her idea as a union of occultism, Masonry and Christianity, whose “definite outlines will appear towards the close of this century.”
“Church Universal” or one-world church, in the making for over 150 years, materialized in June 1997 as the United Religions Organization. Chief partners in its establishment were Bishop Swing (URI); the Communist Gorbachev Foundation/USA; and the syncretic World Conference on Religion and Peace, known today as Religions for Peace. Also associated were the British World Congress of Faiths and its American counterpart, the Temple of Understanding.
In 1996, Bishop Swing (URI) (former Episcopal Bishop of California), called the process of forming the United Religions “The United Religions Initiative 2000,” the “initiative” being the “scaffolding upon which others can stand to build a permanent structure”. This transitional name, the United Religions Initiative (URI), is still being used, although the one-world church became functional in 2000; but calling it the United Religions Initiative allows it to pose as merely another interfaith organization, rather than the institutionalized world religion.
This only intensifies the visit Swing made to Argentina to meet with the now Pope Francis.
Swing is also pro-homosexuality and anti-population which agrees with the UN stand.
February 2014: An Argentinian interfaith group originally created by then Archbishop Bergoglio is greeted in Israel by Peres, who praises the Pope because “he returned religion into a spirit rather than an organization, a faith more than a church”.
September, 2014 former President Shimon Peres emerged from his Vatican audience with Pope Francis after proposing a kind of United Nations for religions. Still believe this process is not in the works?
He used the talks to highlight human rights abuses from Hamas and to discuss the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe.But the main topic of conversation was Peres’s idea to create an UN-like organization he called “the United Religions.”
Peres said the Argentina-born pontiff was the only world figure respected enough to bring an end to the wars raging in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world.
ONE WORLD RELIGION RISING! Pope Francis Meets With Charismatic Church Leaders To Plan Return To Mother Church
"Destroying the New World Order"
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