Dr. Riki Ott, toxicologist and humanitarian, has advised that three tough choices exist for Gulf Coast residents: 1) Leave, 2) Stay and wear a respirator, or 3) Become painfully ill. EPA whistleblower Hugh Kaufman explained this week that the "dispersant" Corexit is meant to cause internal bleeding and IntelHub reports today, on Day 100 of the catastrophe, that evidence of acid rain and human suffering due to chemicals has become so clear it is logically impossible to discredit it, yet a media black-out continues, enforced by black ops.
Gulf chemicals killing humans
"Independent investigative journalist Dahr Jamail stated that the air was so chemically laden that you could smell and TASTE chemicals in the air! Headaches and shortness of breath have been reported by hundreds of people, yet we are still being told that the air quality is safe," reports Alex Thomas of IntelHub.
"The evidence is CLEAR CUT: Corexit kills... People are SUFFERING. Crabs have been video-taped attempting to crawl out of the water, with some already dead, floating belly up in the water."
Thomas alerts, "Free people throughout the world NEED to be aware of this situation in order for corrective measures to even begin to be put in place."
Many people say choosing to leave the poisoned Gulf area, where air, food and water is contaminated, "is a personal choice," and "People have free will." Disinformation is a weapon of war to control the enemy. When mainstream news media is prevented access to the Gulf coast and workers or broadcasts government propaganda based on disinformation, it suppresses truth to control populations in need and those who could help. Free will is, therefore, no longer operational. Such is the power of advanced brainwashing, now refined into mind control. No population is immune to mind control targeting.
Mind control exists specifically for behavior control, to remove free will. Aside from propaganda and TV, geophysical weapons, including aerosol chemical spraying and HAARP, are among the arsenal to control people to act against their best interest, the greatest evil of all human rights violations. Facts about the Gulf humanitarian crisis are being whitewashed to control minds of the people so that millions will be poisoned and millions of others will not reach out to stop the crime against humanity.
There is no public health campaign protecting people from harm. The precautionary principle sworn oath by medical professions, "First do no harm," is being broken by many. Medical professionals involved in detainee torture are the tip of the secret medical human rights violations iceberg. Furthermore, as the 1planet/1ocean Scientist Consensus Statement includes, "EPA and NOAA have studied impacts of dispersants and oil but continue to withhold data from results of these studies."
A small grassroots group in New Orleans, Stop the Oil Disaster, desperately attempting to educate the public about the dangers, created a flyer about Corexit EC 9500A manufactured by NALCO company in Naperville, Illinois. The flyer quotes from the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), the chemical bible:
#6. Environmental Precautions: "Do not contaminate surface water."
#8. Occupational Exposure Limits: "Exposure guidelines have not been established for this product."
#11. Toxicological Information: "No toxicity studies have been conducted on this product."
#12. Mobility: "If released into the environment this material is expected to distribute to the air, water, and soil/sediment - Less than 5% in air, 10-30% in water, and 4050% in soil/sediment."
#15. Sections 311 and 312: "Our hazard evaluation has found this product to be hazardous."
The flyer advises that the "actual MSDS is on the Deepwater Horizon Response Website," and, "If you are upset about what you see, call the White House 202.456.1111.
The military and chemical spray contractors have poured nearly 2 million gallons of "dispersant" chemicals into the Gulf of Mexico, despite over 100 scientists having signed the 1planet/1ocean Consensus Statement opposing the use of these hazardous chemicals.
"Chemicals in crude oil and dispersants can cause a wide range of health effects in people and wildlife. Crude oil has many highly toxic chemical ingredients, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), that can damage every system in the body," is among the points in the Scientist Consensus statement.
"The combination of Corexit and crude oil can be more toxic than either alone, since they contain many ingredients that target the same organs in the body. In addition, Corexit dispersants facilitate the entry of oil into the body, into cells, which can result in damage to every organ system (Burns and Harbut, 2010).
"Exposure to chemicals in crude oil and dispersants can occur through skin contact, inhalation of contaminated air or soil/sand, and ingestion of contaminated water or food.
"Potential human health effects include burning skin, difficulty breathing, headaches, heart palpitations, dizziness, confusion, and nausea — which have already been reported by some workers — as well as chemical pneumonia and internal bleeding (Burns and Harbut, 2010, US EPA 2010).
Coastal communities could also experience more extreme health consequences, including long-term neurological effects on children and developing fetuses, and hereditary mutations.
"Many scientists suspect the worst of the impacts on the gulf are yet to come...
"EPA and NOAA have studied impacts of dispersants and oil but continue to withhold data from results of these studies."
This document provided by these scientists ends with 5 critical demands, beginning with IMMEDIATE HALT to use of chemical dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico. (See and sign the statement here.)
Pregnant Women Relocation Financial Aid
To help facilitate action on behalf of the Gulf Coast resident evacuees and resist the military backed New World Order, Deep South grassroots efforts have emerged. Last month, Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors began organizing and working. Before that, Stop the Oil Emergency Committee held its Gulf Oil Summit.
A recent financial aid program addition is for pregnant women wanting to flee to protect their unborn babies and or children. Buried deep within the EPA/CDC webpages, for those with computers, internet and research skills, are warnings for pregnant women and small children.
“This warning is Not strong enough in my opinion," stated Emily Harris this week.
The CDC webpage Harris referenced includes: "The effects that chemicals might have on a pregnant woman and her unborn baby would depend on many things: how the mother came into contact with the oil, how long she was in contact with it, how often she came into contact with it, and the overall health of the mother and her baby.
CDC's final bulleted point is to contact a doctor if ill. That point raises the non-consensual human experimentation issue: Research involves monitoring test subjects and test effects. The doctor then becomes, knowingly or not, complicit in the atrocity of harmful research. Additionally, "research" is "proving" the major health impact of the Gulf operation is "mental."
Most Gulf "research" is being funded by BP that enforces laws about what can and cannot be included in the study and reported, paying professors, experiencing university financial cut-backs, top dollar to participate in the Gulf of Mexico crime against humanity cover-up. (See one of many examples: www.lsu.edu/research/pdfs/LSU_BP_RFP_062510.pdf)
After conducting over 900 interviews in an LSU research on "the spill effects on wildlife and humans," as reported by the Houston Business Journal, it was concluded that poisoned victims are simply experiencing "stress," a mental health condition:
"The survey found that self-rated stress more than doubled since the oil spill, as compared to a year ago, and nearly 60% of the sample population reported feeling almost constant worry about the spill during the week before being interviewed, while 70% are worried they may have to move away from the area. Some 35% also reported experiencing headaches, migraines or stomach issues caused by the stress." (Author's emphasis)
With that type of "research," one might deduct that the millions of Gulf wildlife, drenched in oil, suffocating on beaches from lack of oxygen, were suddenly mentally ill from trauma of their dstroyed homes being, and thus died of emotional "stress." What else when BP does not allow testing organs of dead animals or testing animals that died after the first 92 hours of exposure to Corexit; or testing seafood to see if it has Corexit in it? Of course, BP is not alone. It is only one part of the petrochemical-military industrial complex Gulf operation, but easiest to scapegoat to distract the masses while the military continues to achieve its Full Spectrum Dominance.
Rather than participate in the Gulf Coast massive human experiment that some view "an extinction level event;" and rather than risk being re-victimized by health professionals no longer practicing the Hippocratic Oath of "Do no harm;" and rather than risk miscarriage or birthing a disabled baby, one woman is helping provide another choice.
Emily Harris is helping pregnant women move: supporting and working towards voluntary relocation assistance for all pregnant women and small children living any where along the Gulf Coast.
She told the writer today, "If a woman is pregnant or has small children and needs relocation assistance, tell them to phone me on my cell phone, 510.733.2409, email me using touch.mobile@gmail.com."
Harris says there is money available for women to relocate if they are stressing about safety, but nobody has contacted her for this assistance, yet.
Harris can also be found on on Facebook where her favorite quote is, "I expect to pass through this world but once; and any good thing, therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."
She said, "Tell people to contact me. There is help. We need to get this information out to the women."
New Help Gulf People non-government placement program
World-renowned atmospheric aerosol operations expert A.C. Griffith and his partner, Kimberly Dawley, have begun a new placement program for U.S. refugees. They base their actions on predictions that "Continental United States is to experience a chaotic fleeing north of many millions of people from the Gulf who will die in the process, beginning as early as August of this year."
After NSA and CIA contracts, A.C. Griffith became a full-time "crime fighter" ten years ago. He had carried top secret clearance and a cryptographic clearance. He has investigated a myriad of issues, including the ongoing military atmospheric aerosol operations, science, world politics, economics, and prophecy.
Kimberly Dawley assists Griffith with many of his investigations. Her research has delved especially into law, emerging diseases, and health issues. She supports Griffith with computer, email, and website assistance. She and Grffith have received a flood of emails from Gulf Coast residents.
"They want to know what to do. They want to know where to go. But they cannot go. They do not have the resources. They have nowhere to go. They have no save haven. And we have a fascist government offering them no safe haven. Presumably the majority of the citizens of the United States north and west of the Gulf will offer no safe haven," Dawley reported.
"Our fascist government is out of control and corrupt. Our fascist government is lying to us. They lie, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie to us. Our fascist government is broken. Our economy is in shambles. Our small businesses and families are bankrupt. And on, and on, and on, and on," she wrote.
“There is nowhere to put 20 to 40 million people who will need to evacuate the Gulf, many of whom are destitute. Who cares about the Gulf Coast residents? It has nothing to do with where you live, right? Why should they matter? What possibly could you do about them?
"These Gulf Coast residents have awakened from a terrible slumber. All their instinctive survival instincts are telling them to flee. But they cannot.
"Those who evacuate now will have a greater chance at survival.
"How many of you have an empty house or a cabin you do not use? How many of you have a camper you do not use, a piece of land where a camper could be placed? How many of you have a spare bedroom or a garage you could empty? How many of you could talk to your city representatives about housing Gulf Coast evacuees in empty stores, warehouses, even foreclosed homes?
"How many of you, if you had a chance to speak to one of the Gulf Coast residents on the telephone right now, would still not care? How many of you could refuse to turn away a fellow Christian or a fellow human being for that matter in their time of need?
Dawley negates the perception that people would leave if they wanted, and it is just a matter of free will.
"I can assure you their stories are heartbreaking. They want to survive. They are fighting to survive."
Copyright Deborah Dupre' July 24, 2010 All Rights Reserved
The author grants permission to republish the title and first 2 paragraphs of this article provided they are linked to the original article her on Examiner.
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