Stephen Lendman, Contributor
Activist Post

NATO arrives everywhere violently. Chicago was no exception. During summit activities, city cops are enforcers. They specialize in serving wealth, power, and imperial interests.

Their guerrilla warfare history is notorious. They are reliable state terror partners.

Their tactics include no-holds barred surveillance, vigilantism, and brutality. They are infamous for physical confrontation, flagrant abuse, and criminal assaults.

From 2002 - 2004 alone, over 10,000 complaints were lodged. Many involve violence, brutality, even torture and murder. Only 18 disciplinary actions followed.

University of Chicago Law Professor Craig Futterman heads its Civil Rights and Police Accountability Project (PAP). It's one of America's leading civil rights initiatives.

It focuses on criminal justice issues. Its aim is improving police accountability and the nation's criminal justice system. It faces long odds as America grows more repressive. Police behavior during Chicago's NATO summit is Exhibit A. More on that below.

In 2007, Futterman helped prepare a report titled "The Chicago Police Department's Broken System." It revealed damning evidence of systemic brutality, illegal searches, false arrests, racial targeting, sexual assaults, shoddy investigations, a culture of silence, and apartheid justice.

Disadvantaged Blacks, Latinos, poor, and street demonstrators are most affected.

It called Chicago police a "regime of not knowing." They even get away with murder because of "a deep commitment to the machinery of denial." A culture of silence is encouraged and enforced.

Chicago mayors, City Councilmen and women, along with top police officials share culpability. Main report findings, included:

  • compared to other large cities, excessive force complaints are 94% less likely to be sustained by top Chicago Police Department (CPD) officials; 
  • in over 85% of cases, accused officers aren't even interviewed, except for a brief form report;
  • repeat offenders account for most abuses; and
  • top officials are most responsible for cultivating and supporting a violence-prone system.

The Chicago Justice Project (CJP) independently evaluates city criminal justice agencies. Its purpose is promoting reform and accountability.

In October 2009, it published a 10-year analysis of Chicago Police Board (CPB) cases and decisions. It examined charges filed and rulings. It covered the period January 1999 - December 2008.

It found a "startling difference in outcomes experienced between civilian employees and sworn officers." Disciplinary action against police offenders is lax and undisciplined. Few are punished. Brutality is whitewashed. Serious flaws remain uncorrected. Justice is denied.

In April 2012, CJP reported a "very sad reality." Most police violence complaints are denied. Chicagoans "continue to be frustrated with" unaccountable practices.

Systemic issues remain uncorrected. City officials come and go. Abuses continue. Accountability mechanisms exist but aren't enforced. "The reality is that (for) most types of misconduct . . . there is little to no way to prove definitive guilt" because no one with authority wants to hear it.

Abusive behavior is incentivized to continue. Justice is systematically denied. No significant change occurred since the 1960 Chicago Police Board's creation. Its nine mayoral appointed members oversea CPD practices. Instead of serving responsibly, it systematically whitewashes abuses.

On May 9, CJP headlined "NATO & All the Unanswered Questions," saying:

Ahead of NATO's arrival, little attention was paid to likely police tactics. Local media scoundrels ignored serious unanswered questions. "It seems like the Chicago press are not really interested unless they are taking it from a CPD press release."

CJP listed a menu of questions demanding answers. Most important are ones related to just treatment for nonviolent demonstrators while cops focus on serving NATO.

The fact that local media fell woefully short "is a scary proposition, especially when you consider the history of the CPD and at times their proclivity to misuse weapons" and commit systematic violence against ordinary Chicagoans with impunity.

Former Chicago alderman Paddy Bauler (1890 - 1977) explained best, saying: "Chicago ain't ready for reform."

It's still not ready. It proves it daily on city streets. It serves and protects wealth and power. Ordinary Chicagoans are unprotected and abused. Police brutality victims know best. Their stories are chilling.

Systematic Police Violence

On May 20, the Chicago Tribune headlined "Police, protesters clash in Loop," saying:

Saturday, Chicago cops performed as expected. Violence is standard practice. Beatings and arrests followed "pushing and shoving confrontations."

A police van struck one protester. Someone screamed: "They hit him! They hit him!" An ambulance took "someone in a wheel chair" to a local hospital. Friends identified him as New York-based OWS activist Jack Amico.

Demonstrators marched and chanted nonviolently. Images showed riot-clad police swinging batons. Unknown numbers were arrested and detained. Official reports were deliberately vague.

Hotels domiciling heads of state and their entourages are heavily protected. Nothing is spared to serve them. "Asked how he was holding up, one protester (said): 'Exhausted.' "

Earlier Saturday, police and activists clashed downtown "when protesters tried to push through a line of police on bicycles. An officer went down." Other riot-clad ones moved in violently. Several arrests followed.

Each time marchers tried veering from where cops directed them, confrontations occurred. Thousands of police were everywhere downtown. They came riot-clad in groups, phalanxes, on bikes, horseback, squad cars, and overhead in helicopters.

Asked how far police would let protesters go, Deputy CPD Superintendent Debra Kirby said "(t)ill they tire out."

In fact, momentum increased. It continued all day through late evening. Number grew. Monday may prove most daunting. Large protests and marches are planned.

Participants know what's ahead. They're struggling on two fronts - against NATO and Chicago cops protecting global menace participants. Why else would they brave notoriously violent police for ending wars and justice.


By Paul McGuire
22, 2012

The NATO Chicago Summit will bring in 28 heads of state to discuss NATO’s new “Smart Defense” program which promotes, “a renewed culture of cooperation that encourages Allies to cooperate.” However, on May 10, 2012 Russia’s Vladimir Putin sent a warning to both the U.S. and NATO in a Victory Day speech in Red Square about military action against Iran and Syria. In addition to escalating tensions with Russia and the Middle East, the NATO Chicago Summit has become a magnet for demonstrations from both leftist and libertarian activists. Just like in 1968, at the Democratic National Convention, the whole world is watching the political theatre via the global media.

In 1968, highly organized radicals from the Students for a Democratic Society, from which the Weather Underground split off, and the Yippie (Youth International Party) movement, that was founded by radical activist Abbie Hoffman, protested around the Democratic National Convention. The media created the narrative of a “police riot,” and the demonstrators chanted in front of the television cameras the mantra, “The whole world is watching.”

As I have written in earlier articles, I was demonstrating with Abbie Hoffman when I was fifteen years old in New York City. I attended meetings where the leaders of the counter culture mapped out mass demonstrations. Ironically, many years later I read that George Soros attended meetings given by the radical-poet Allen Ginsberg, in the East Village at around the same time. Although, he is quite a bit older than I am, it is possible he was in some of those meetings.

Although, I did not go to Chicago, I remember Abbie Hoffman and the other radicals constantly talking about organizing the discontent. Many of these same leaders are behind the Occupy Wall Street movement and they are organizing the discontent on the left and the right. People are losing their homes and jobs because of the international bankers and the debt incurred by wars. The entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States, the total value of our economy, is about $15 trillion. The GDP of the entire world is $63 trillion. J.P. Morgan currently holds $71 trillion in derivatives. Some people refer to these derivatives as weapons of monetary destruction.

The top 25 banks in the U.S. hold $230 trillion in derivatives. Unless this is handled with sound monetary policy it could cause a global economic collapse.

Like many of the demonstrators today, I had held to a utopian belief that we could build a brand new world based on higher consciousness and new ideas about a one world government run by people with this higher consciousness. I did not understand that behind the façade of Utopianism there existed the brutal realities of a World Communist movement financed by the Wall Street bankers to enrich themselves! The reason I never joined the Weather Underground is because I was for a new era of planetary consciousness based on love. Guns, bombs and violent revolution where millions get killed or imprisoned represented the lower consciousness that I believed the human race had to transcend.

The Occupy Wall Street movement is one of the many groups behind the NATO Summit protests. The demonstrators have attracted the sympathy and support of conservatives, libertarians and the Ron Paul movement for its efforts and attempting to reign in the international bankers and U.S. military imperialism. The conservatives and libertarians do not support some of the organizers and funders, but they do support the people who are trying to speak out. A myth has been created that the Occupy Wall Street movement and related groups are part of a leaderless movement. In some cases that may be true, but this movement has a vast network of relatively unseen leaders.

Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, former Weather Underground leaders, appeared on Democracy Now and criticized the NATO Summit. What was interesting is that Ayers and Dohrn are strategically using the same language and terms of what the media would call the right, a libertarian / Tea Party-style movement. In between organizing protests, Ayers and Dohrn made comments like,

“We’re deeply involved because NATO is a global secret cabal. It is the military arm of the global 1 percent” and “NATO is the largest global military alliance in human history and that its key elements are that it is about permanent war, it is about dirty war, it is about nuclear war, and it is about hot wars—really four of them right now. So we don’t really know what it is. They are secretive.”

Ayers, Dohrn and the people behind Occupy Wall Street run a highly sophisticated operation.

They employ advertising agencies, marketing firms and depth psychologists that can sell revolution with the same sophistication an ad agency sells a soft drink. They understand the power of language and symbols. In addition, according to an article in FRONTPAGEMAG.COM entitled, “Occupy Wall Street and Soro’s Fingerprints,” November 4, 2011, author Matthew Vadum writes, “The fingerprints of the preeminent funder of the activist Left today, George Soros, are all over the anti-American “Occupy Wall Street” movement.” Vadum writes that Soros, “wants to radically transform America. He has said that European-style socialism “is exactly what we need now” and favors American decline. Soros, a currency manipulator with an insider trading conviction, praises Red China effusively, saying the totalitarian nation has “a better functioning government than the United States.” This was Rockefeller’s response to China after Chairman Mao’s bloody revolution killed millions of people.

The international bankers have a long history of financing both sides of a conflict. The bankers financed the Communist Revolution in Russia, Adolph Hitler and they financed the American and British war efforts. The bankers own NATO, the demonstrators and the media. It is all political theatre based on the Hegelian Dialectic designed to move society forward into a one world economy and one world government.

This is where the plot of the political theatre surrounding the NATO Summit demonstrations becomes complex. On one hand, NATO is one of the many globalist institutions financed by the international bankers. The Bilderberg Group, another globalist group, will also have demonstrators in an event called Occupy Bilderberg.

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was formed in 1949. The original signing members were Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This block of ten nations, excluding the United States, is comprised of the European nations which once formed the Roman Empire. Due to the fact that NATO was originally composed of ten nations, many Bible prophecy scholars believed it was the ten nation confederacy of nations in the Book of Revelation that would be headed up by the Antichrist. The prophet Daniel predicted that in the last days there would be a Revived Roman Empire ruled by a powerful charismatic ruler known as the Antichrist. In Daniel Chapter Two, the prophet Daniel interprets the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon. Babylon was located in modern Iraq.

“And the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and shatters everything; and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will break in pieces and crush all the others. Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” --Daniel 2:40-43

The fourth kingdom is the Revived Roman Empire. The ten toes may represent ten kings, ten kingdoms or ten regional global governments. Obviously, NATO consists of far more than ten nations. It is equally possible that the ten toes refer to ten regional global governments, including the European Union, the African Union, the Asian Union and the North American Union (consisting of the merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States). This would explain why the United States is not directly mentioned in the Bible by name. The game plan of the Council on Foreign Relations is to unify all the North American and South American nations into one regional global government. One of the primary organizations facilitating such a union is the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).

What is interesting about the plans of the international bankers, NATO, the Bilderberg Group, establishment Republicans and Soros is that they all believe that they are shaping history and that they are creating the New World Order. But, the reality is that there are invisible forces pulling the strings and some of these forces are multi-dimensional. The prophets in the Old Testament like Daniel, the Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ all predicted in advance where history would go. The globalists’ plans for a one world government and a one world economic system are not at all new. The Apostle John predicted its coming on the isle of Patmos when he wrote the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible. Moreover, the entire account of the Tower of Babel and Nimrod in the Book of Genesis is a warning to mankind about a godless one world government.

After the one world government and one world economic system is put into place, as predicted by Daniel thousands of years ago, an eternal kingdom will rise. A kingdom that is not built on corruption, theft and the slaughter of billions of people.

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“And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Inasmuch as you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold—the great God has made known to the king what will come to pass after this. The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure.” --Daniel 2:44-46

Ultimately, the universe has laws and within the laws of the universe each person is accountable for his actions. We are approaching a time of incredible global chaos; and it will appear for a time that evil is triumphing. But that will be an illusion. Every brutal dictatorial regime in history has been sooner or later crushed and every dictator is dead. The universe is also accountable, both financially and spiritually. Financial systems are mirrors of multi-dimensional spiritual realities. The American people want financial prosperity. Financial prosperity is they by product of spiritual prosperity. The Pilgrims and Puritans understood that and prospered.

I explain this in the DVD series, “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Econom...

© 2012 Paul McGuire - All Rights Reserved

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