Choose This Day Who You Will Follow

May 16, 2010
From a law enforcement agent

Last night I had a most unusual dream...

There was no specific location... only a room that had no decoration and no specific paint scheme... the setting seemed to be designed to focus my attention on what was said, without distractions.

I was the student. A figure that moved around me, (much like a teacher who paces as they talk), used images to illustrate the point they were trying to make. The figure, (I only saw the swirl of robes.. no face), would move excitedly around me as the images appeared. I got the impression that what they were showing me was of critical importance, and that there was very little time to act on the information.

The presentation was specifically geared to me... images that would mean something to me on a personal level... past relationships and work situations...

In each case, it was pointed out that the event shown was exactly at the 'tipping point'... the point where a decision was made... for good or bad.

I saw many of these events, and there was no comment from the 'teacher'... just excited movement or a sweep of a robed arm at a particular image... as if to emphesize the event.

All of this was meant to show me that we have the gift of free will... WE make the choices, and those choices indicate our relationship with God, (or the lack of a solid relationship).

The last image was of Jesus, in the Garden, just before He was arrested, tried and crucified. I saw the struggle that He was going through... the God part of Him knew what must be done... the human part wanted to live. Even HE was tempted to surrender to the world.

Then I saw the breakthrough... the tipping point... when His decision was made. There was peace and power then...

That was the point where Jesus was victorious! The decision had been made, of His own free will! He was triumphant at that moment!

The scene of the crucifixion was set before me... He could have come down from the cross at any time... but His decision was made and He chose, (in the Garden), to see it through.

What the world saw as defeat, was actually the triumphant moment of history. Then I saw my own, current, situation.

I was shown that soon I will be called upon to make a free-will decision. I will have a choice to either surrender to the world, in order to save my life, or to go against everything that the world, and what my friends and family expect me to do to preserve my, (and their) life... or to make a free and conscious decision to serve God and risk my own physical death, in order to inherit eternity.

Specifically... Soon there will be pressure from the Government and society to accept an electronic means of currency and tracking of individuals, 'For the greater good of society'. There will be a push to require DNA samples from all life on the earth. This is a nefarious attempt to intermix and create a new species, that intends to engineer out the 'God Part' of humanity. This attempt will fail... but the cost in lives will be enormous.

Christians, ( true Christian 'Followers of the Way'), will be the primary targets of the attacks. Marginal, (convenience only), Christians will surrender in droves to the new system, and will put heavy pressure on true believers to do the same.

This is the meaning of the scripture 'Come out from among them, ye, My people".

Your enemies will be those closest to you. They have the most influence on you. The powers of the Government will guide it all, but the ones closest to you will be the real temptors.

To paraphrase: 'Do not fear those who can kill the body, but those who can destroy the soul'. It was impressed on me that the time is close... even at the door.

Soon, you will have to make a choice. The tipping point has almost arrived.

I post this as a warning that these things are near, and you are soon to be called upon to experience your own 'Moment in the Garden'.

The choice will be yours.

What will you choose?

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Comment by Billybob Cornfed on May 18, 2010 at 10:34am
To paraphrase: 'Do not fear those who can kill the body, but those who can destroy the soul'.

Very interesting..2012: The War for Souls by Whitley Strieber is a fictional account of just that...not a great book...but I never considered that something could destroy my soul. As a Calvinist...hmmm...great food for thought

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