Cologne Authorities To Distribute ‘Respect’ Wristbands to Combat New Year’s Eve Sex Attacks

Cologne To Distribute ‘Tolerance’ Wristbands to Combat New Year’s Eve Sex Attacks

The city of Cologne has announced they will be handing out “respect” wristbands to encourage understanding between individuals on New Year’s Eve and prevent the kind of sex attacks that occurred in 2015.

The wristbands are part of a new campaign called “respect” which is sponsored by the city government and controversial Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker. Many have slammed Reker and the campaign on social media likening it to comments she made shortly after the 2015 attacks calling on women to keep men at “arm’s length”, Kronen Zeitung reports.

At a press conference, Reker said that the campaign would focus on telling people not to sexually attack others or shoot fireworks at individuals, buildings or police. The wristbands themselves are meant to inform others to be respectful when approaching the wearer and prevent potential sex attacks.

On social media, some users reacted to the move with scorn and criticism. One user asked the city of Cologne and Mayor Reker, “What are you doing? Is this appeasement, a gesture of submission or the self-stigmatizing of a culture that is surrendering?”

On New Year’s Eve around 3,000 police are expected to be on duty in Cologne as well as 400 employees from private security firms to maintain order.

Cologne police chief Uwe Jacob said, “We expect a similar occurrence as in the previous year,” and noted that police were prepared for drunken party-goers adding, “I do not care about the nationalities of the revellers, with all due respect. The rules apply to everyone.”

Last year the Cologne police dramatically increased their presence and the level of security around the central Cathedral which led to a rapid decline of sexual and violent incidents.

Despite the decrease in the number of crimes from 2015, which saw over 1,000 incidents, police were accused of racial profiling because they labelled suspects from a migrant background “Nafris” which was seen as a slur toward North African migrants.

Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson(at) 

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Comment by DTOM on December 15, 2017 at 6:24am

Meanwhile, the Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA) has offered advice to German women on how they can protect themselves from rapists: "Wear tennis shoes instead of high heels so that you can run away."


Wichtige Tipps

Mindestens zu zweit oder dritt gehen.
Turnschuhe statt High Heels tragen, damit man weglaufen kann.
Alkohol und Drogen meiden.
Am besten nur aus Flaschen trinken und selbst den Flaschendeckel entfernen.
Nicht nur auf das Handy schauen, sondern aktiv die Gegend observieren.
Im Ernstfall nicht wie ein Opfer, sondern wie ein Gegner handeln: Genitalien, Gelenke, Augen, Nase und Ohren als Verteidigungsziele wählen, weil dort das Schmerzempfinden am stärksten ist.

Hilfreich sind auch Selbstverteidigungskurse.


DTOM: N.B the following is my translation of the above, if a native Deutsch speaker wishes to correct me, please do.

Important tips

Travel in groups of two or three.
Carry gym shoes instead of high heels, so you can run away.
Avoid alcohol and drugs.
Drink only from bottles remove the lid yourself.
Don't just look at your mobile phone, but be aware of what is going on around you.
In the case of emergency don't be a victim, use self defense at strike at genitals, joints, eyes, nose and ears - where the strongest pain can be inflicted.

Self-defence courses are also useful.

You think?

Comment by Parrhesia on December 14, 2017 at 10:27am

This should work as well as "Gun Free Zones"

Comment by DTOM on December 14, 2017 at 7:19am

I'm sure the rainbow lettered wristbands will serve as much use as this video promoting their use for the annual 'Free-For-All Taharrush' cultural enrichment event that the German authorities lay on for the invaders.

Maybe the wristbands could be sued used in combination with the celebrated Finnish technique against 'street harassment' - because of course rape never happens in multi-cult societies.

...or go full Jedi

or maybe this.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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