Prayer can move mountains – or likewise, can stop a mountain from moving. Some mountains you do not want to move – such as those undersea mountains which connect the continental plates of the Pacific Ring of Fire. When the Lord spoke to our team last year to travel to Bali, Indonesia, to intercede for the volcanos of the Asian Pacific Region – and specified date 03/03/08 through a series of visions (in which I saw fish swimming through our hotel lobby and half of the island of Bali under the sea) – our team departed with haste to Indonesia, arriving in Bali on March 1, two days prior to our target date. For some, this kind of prayer assignment may seem like foolishness. But the Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of Misfits, and many of those who are considered wise in the eyes of the world are fools in the eyes of God.

On March 3, 2008 – after traveling deep inside Bali and interceding for some of the steep and majestic volcano peaks – our team went back to our hotel, and that evening decided to go for a swim in our pool. Shortly after 8:00 PM, I begin to have a heart attack, but at that moment an angel of the Lord appeared by the side of our pool. When he entered the pool the waters became troubled, and I was instantly healed. Exactly one hour later, a 7.0 earthquake shook the region at 9:11 PM (Bali time), epicentered directly north of us in the Philippine Islands.

The reason I am sharing this testimony from 2008 is that it directly ties in to a prophetic warning we received last month in Florida. During my last trip to America, shortly after our Gathering of the Remnant Conference in Rochester, New York, the Lord called our team to go on an unscheduled prayer assignment to the Gulf side of Florida, where for three nights we interceded for the region from Treasure Island. On our last night on the island, I received a vision of a large angel standing over the Pacific with a wheel in his hand. I was told that the center of the wheel represented Indonesia. Hubs from the wheel stretched out to Alaska, California, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, South America, the South Pacific and every strategic point circling the Pacific Ring of Fire. The angel spoke to me that if the center of the wheel moved, nothing could stop the entire wheel from moving. I was then shown cars and vehicles from California to Alaska – from Singapore to New Zealand – littering the coastlands, turned up-side-down by tsunami. After receiving this vision during our last night in Florida, the presence of God was so strong that the city’s power was knocked out, and we had to pack our bags by flashlight.

When our team arrived back in Rochester, I shared this vision at our evening meeting at the Salvation of God Church on Sunday, 09/27/09. We also emailed the warning to churches in Indonesia the following day on 09/28/09, and strongly recommended a 40-day fast between 10/01/09 – 11/11/09. Among the churches we contacted, we did not hear back from any of the pastors until several days later when a 7.9 quake shook Indonesia on October 1. Major prophetic warnings are always followed by major signs which validate the warning. (In retrospect, in 2004 we released a similar warning just prior to the 9.3 Sumatran quake – the word was followed by a 7.5 quake within 24 hours of the publication which was released on 11/11/04 – but the BIG quake would not occur until 45 days later on 12/26/04.)



Chapter 2 Drastic Weather Change and Earthquakes ( The Vision by David Wilkerson-published in  1974)



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