The communists and various Muslim terrorist groups have deeply penetrated the Democratic Party and many of these “converts” are serving in Congress.
Trevor Louden told us who’s behind the Deep State takeover of the country. The end result associated with this takeover will be FEMA camp incarceration and genocide as predicted by Bill Ayers, the man who started Obama’s political career.
He ruled in the White House for eight years. How does a man get elected President after serving less than one full term as a U.S. Senator?
Does being a community activist/antagonist qualify you for the highest office in the land?
Were the Soviet defectors correct in saying that Obama is the manifestation of a multi-generational plot to bring America to her knees?
It’s easy to comprehend how and why Putin would want to destroy America. But is Obama is his accomplice in this mission which could imperil all of us?
Former FBI Weatherman Task Force supervisor, Max Noel, said that the FBI used a CARL test when it did background checks on various suspects.
CARL is an acronym for “Character, Associates, Reputation, and Loyalty” and is used to assess a candidate’s fitness to hold the highest office in the country.
On each of these four points of power, Obama failed and failed miserably.
Like a lot of FBI law enforcement agents and officials, Max Noel was stunned by the fact that someone like Barack Obama could run for the presidency. For some “unexplained” reason, Obama was never vetted before he became a candidate for the presidency by the FBI.
This is the result of our national security system being involved in an internal plot to allow the installation of a blatantly communist advocate into the highest political position in America.
Soviet Defectors Warned of Deception and the Emergence of a Manchurian Candidate:
Obama was predicted by Soviet defectors.
High-ranking Soviet defectors said that the Russians have been engaged in a multi-generational plot to destroy the United States from within and from without.
Domestically, the Russian communists are in the midst of completing a coup d’état, with the help their communist stooge, Barack Obama.
These three same high ranking Soviet defectors offered as proof how the Soviets are setting the table for America’s demise.
The fourth defector warns our country of a Manchurian candidate leader whose job it will be to hand over a weakened America to the Russians.
America will most likely be attacked by Russia and China when we move into civil war.
Why Did Obama Move To Obscure His Background?
The Manchurian candidate sat in the Oval office for 8 years and by a quick examination of his family members with CIA affiliations, along with their exposure to the MKULTRA mind control experiments being conducted at the University of Hawaii, it’s easy to see.
With the stroke of his pen, just elected President Obama quickly moved to seal off his records from public view. But, he was too late to completely hide his background since researchers, like Wayne Madsen, had already found a ton of information to show what Obama omitted, is that his rare rise to power can only be explained by his family’s CIA roots.
The election of Barack Hussein Obama was the culmination of what the Soviet defectors were warning America about for decades. It was all part of a documented long-term strategic plan to recruit selected candidates into intelligence, while guiding these individuals and their families into high-ranking intelligence community positions before executing the meteoric rise to power by one of their own.
George H. W. Bush was a former CIA director, and CIA member going back to the 1950’s and thanks to Wayne Madsen, we now know that Obama’s family was CIA and not just CIA, but a CIA mind controlled family.
Former CIA Director and Pres. George H. W. Bush, shakes hands with former Chilean dictator during welcoming ceremonies at International Airport, Thursday, Dec. 6, 1990, Santiago, Chile.
Obama had been prophesied by Soviet defectors Lunev, Golitsyn, Suvorov and Bezmenov, and he came to fulfill his mission. Unfortunately, for the communists, Obama couldn’t hand off his mission to Clinton, who would be the one who would deliver America to the New World Order. Trump happened and America “temporarily” woke up.
The Obama Family’s CIA Background
Question: What does Barack Obama and the “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski have in common?
Answer: Both Kaczynski and Obama had significant exposure to the MK-ULTRA experiments; Kaczynski at Harvard and Obama at the University of Hawaii and the Ford Foundation much earlier. Think it’s crazy?
Read these excerpts from Wayne Madsen’s exceptional investigation into the Obama family CIA background:
“President Obama’s own work in 1983 for Business International Corporation, a CIA front that conducted seminars with the world’s most powerful leaders and used journalists as agents abroad, dovetails with CIA espionage activities conducted by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham in 1960’s post-coup Indonesia on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation.
Dunham met and married Lolo Soetoro, Obama’s stepfather, at the East-West Center in 1965. Soetoro was recalled to Indonesia in 1965 to serve as a senior army officer and assist General Suharto and the CIA in the bloody overthrow of President Sukarno….
Soetoro worked for the elitist Ford Foundation, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Bank Rakyat (the majority government-owned People’s Bank of Indonesia), and the CIA-linked USAID while she lived in Indonesia and later, Pakistan…..
Barack Obama, on the other hand, cleverly masked his own CIA connections as well as those of his mother, father, step-father, and grandmother (there is very little known about Obama’s grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham.“
Madsen demonstrated that virtually all of Obama’s relatives were CIA operatives. Madsen even found more CIA connections to Obama’s first employer. Madsen went on to describe how Obama’s family was clearly exposed and was intimately connected to MK-ULTRA’s mind control program at the University of Hawaii. Info Wars carried Madsen’s expose available here.
President Obama’s family and former Goldman Sachs executive, Treasury Secretary and World Bank leader, Timothy Geithner have been joined together at the hip for decades.
Tim Geithner’s father worked for the CIA in the Rockefeller funded Ford Foundation in Asia.
U.S. President Barack Obama (R) talks next to outgoing U.S. Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner in the East Room of the White House in Washington, January 10, 2013.
Geithner’s father was in charge of micro-finance for the Ford Foundation for all of Asia. From Wayne Madsen’s work, we know that President Obama’s mother was in charge of micro-finance in Indonesia.
You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!
Geithner’s father was Obama’s mother’s boss. Most likely, Geithner’s father tagged Obama as a potential presidential CIA Ford Foundation, well–groomed Manchurian candidate.
The two universities that Obama attended, Harvard and Columbia, were prime CIA recruiting grounds. The Ford and Rockefeller Foundations continued to fund Columbia’s Soviet studies programs through the early 1980s, where Obama was a student. And guess what Obama was studying?
Obama was enrolled in a Soviet studies program taught by Zbigniew Brzezinski. And to those who are new to NWO conspiracies, you might wonder who is Brzezinski?
Brzezinski was the former National Security Adviser under President Carter. But more importantly, he was also the co-founder of one of the most influential globalist organizations in all of history, the Trilateral Commission.
If you know your New World Order history, you have chills going up and down your spine about now. Remember, Brzezinski, in his book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (1970), that he laid out the NWO conspiracy to control all nation states and usher in a totalitarian world government.
Trilateral Commission co-founder, former National Security Adviser to Carter and Obama’s former professor and now political handler.
There are two chilling quotes by Brzezinski in his book that come directly to bear on Obama and his meteoric rise to power:
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era
“In the technetronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason.”
In the second quote, Brzezinski is calling for the installation of CIA/MKULTRA mind control leaders. Brzezinski saw his former understudy, Obama, a President with an undeniable “magnetic and attractive personality exploiting the latest communications techniques designed to manipulate emotions and control reason.”
Comrade Obama’s ascension to the presidency has been a long time in the making. Interestingly, Barack Obama’s past associates especially the communist terrorists which funded his Harvard legal education and ultimately launched his political career as an Illinois state senator, (Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn,) have been in lockstep with Obama his entire adult life.
However, Dohrn and Ayers were not the first to indoctrinate Obama with the Marxist communist philosophy. That started with Frank Marshall Davis.
Entire article here:
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"Destroying the New World Order"
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