
“We are lived by forces we barely understand”. (W.H. Auden)

“Africa must not relegate the Continent to become the locality for disposal and deposition of hazardous chemicals, dangerous drugs or biological agents for emerging diseases”. (Dr. Cyril E. Broderick, September 2014)

“Genetic engineering can do far more damage than nuclear bombs”. (Michael Crichton M.D., novelist)

“Tell them the biggest lie, yes. But, they have to want the kind of lie you’re telling. It has to give them equal parts of fear and fascination”. (Ellis Medavoy, retired propaganda operative). 

Given that plagues have been known to alter the course of history, this recent Ebola epidemic deserves our studied attention. Epidemics qualify as one of the “Greater Forces” that have the potential to alter our world as we know it and this has been true throughout human history. Plagues often serve as catalysts for major social, political and economic upheavals. To date, the four deadliest epidemics include; Black Death outbreaks from 1347-1351, during which bubonic plague and its airborne pneumonic offspring decimated some 3/5 of the European inhabitants. We now know that this is a flea borne plague, which kills about 2/3 of its victims within four days, recognized at least as far back as the Roman Empire and the Plague of Justinian in 541 A.D. This painful scourge, which reportedly left some 25 million dead, decimated nearly half the population of Constantinople, now modern Istanbul. An estimated 5,000 citizens died every day. In modern times, bubonic/pneumonic plague was utilized by the Japanese as one of the several bio-weapons employed by their Imperial Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1941). They introduced infected fleas into Chinese territory, ostensibly in the interest of conquest and colonization. 

In 1918-1919 the Spanish Flu actually killed more people than World War I and infected nearly a third of the global population. The causes of this outbreak remain highly controversial, especially among those who maintain that various influenza and other government-promoted vaccines may have actually served to weaken the immune systems of both the military and civilians; collectively stressed populations during and after World War I. 

Beginning in the late 20th century, around 60 million unfortunates have been infected by HIV/Aids, since it was first reported in 1981; and another 30 million are living with this as a chronic condition. (Daniel Jennings,, September, 2014).

During my Rolfing training in Berkeley, in the late seventies, I was sleep walking, as usual, until it was disclosed to me that Nick Rock, a young actor from New York and my genial gay roommate, was diagnosed as our country’s first AIDs patient. Within our local bodywork community, it had been believed that Nick had “cat scratch fever” and we were naturally concerned that after showing some serious symptoms, he was not showing any improvement. Inexplicably, this previously healthy and physically fit young man, rapidly declined and died. Only many years later, after randomly selecting Randy Shilt’s, And the Band Played On: Politics, People and the Aids Epidemic, (1987) in a San Francisco bookstore while waiting to meet my husband for a date night dinner, did I finally realize the truth about my friend and colleague’s untimely demise.

And then there was smallpox, which raged through the Antonin Plague 165-180 A.D., killing 5 million people, including two emperors, (regime change) and may have greatly weakened the late Roman Empire; and promoted the spread of Christianity by diminishing faith in their pagan deities. Smallpox, which also has a hemorrhagic variety, is thought to have emerged within the human population as early as 10,000 B.C. Scars from its characteristic pustular rash have been documented on the mummy of Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses V; and this disease was known in China in 1122 B.C. Smallpox killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans toward the end of the 18th century, and earlier, including five reigning monarchs, (more regime change), and blinded countless others.

The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that smallpox was responsible for 300-500 million fatalities during the 20th century. Together with other European diseases, smallpox devastated many indigenous populations following the discovery of the New World. It is widely believed to have been employed as a major bio-weapon in genocidal attempts at population control, and to eradicate indigenous peoples throughout North, Central and South America as well. It was probably employed in Australia and New Zealand also, since this is what colonizing white people seem to believe is their mission. (Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel, 

While smallpox was eradicated in 1979, varicella continues to live on in laboratories, as do all of the above mentioned organisms; as sources for actual and potential bioweapons. Here, one might bear in mind the fact that at the close of World War II, the Third Reich’s top virologists and bioweapons specialists for racially and genetically targeted diseases for population control and eugenics, (so-called science-based genocide), were sent to U.S. and British laboratories under Project Paperclip. The Pentagon has been interested in filoviruses with high mortality rates since the seventies and one wonders.

And now, in Africa, there is Ebola, again. While there have been 19 known outbreaks of Ebola in relatively isolated rural villages, this one is different, having reached major urban centers in West Africa where it has not been previously known. Moreover, there are concerns that the current version of this highly contagious, often lethal virus, may be airborne via respiratory routes, hitch a ride onto international flights, cross borders, and sail throughout the Mediterranean with the potential to become a global pandemic. The strain causing this recent outbreak is of a lineage known as Ebola Zaire, so named as it emerged in 1976 in Zaire, somewhere near the Ebola River, in what is now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo. This Ebola virus belongs to the family Filoviridae, order Mononega virales. One of the first photos taken in October, 1976 reveal this filovirus as an elongated, tubular, wormlike particle with a characteristic “shepherd’s crook”. Ebola virus attacks and disables the immune system of its host. Early symptoms resemble influenza, including headache, sore throat, cough, fever, muscle pain and weakness. As the disease progresses, patients suffer vomiting, diarrhea, and severe dehydration. The final stages are marked by visceral liquidation; the vascular system dissolves resulting in internal hemorrhages and bleeding from every orifice, evoking passages from Edgar Allen Poe’s Gothic fiction classic …… “No pestilence had ever been so fatal or so hideous. Blood was its Avatar and its seal…the redness and the horror”. (The Masque of the Red Death, 1842). 

The pandemic possibilities of this current epidemic first came to my attention in the sci-fi medical disaster film “Outbreak” released in March 1995. As the story unfolds, a fictional devastating, Ebola-like virus called Motaba appears in Zaire (Congo) and then in Smalltown USA. Film critic, the late Roger Ebert, called it “One of the great scare stories of our time. …the notion that deep within uncharted rain forests, deadly diseases are lurking and if they ever escape their jungle homes and enter the human bloodstream, there will be a new plague the likes of which we have never seen.” (Chicago Sun Times, 1995). Other critics dismissed this film’s warning premise as “an absolute hoot”. (Rita Kempley, Washington Post, March 10, 1995).

Still dozing within the pervasive fog of our mainstream media matrix, I failed to notice or pay attention to the salient fact that the pathogen named in the film was Motaba. As this blog plot thickens, we now know that reversed, this spells Abatom, the name of a small, privately owned, pandemic research “think tank” in Jericho, Ibadan, Nigeria; located directly in the middle and between places where past Ebola outbreaks have occurred and where this new contagion is now taking place. (J.C. Collins, August 2, 2014), (

Five months later, still in 1995, along the theme of pandemic contagion, Richard Preston’s The Hot Zone, appeared on the New York Times bestseller list; a genuine page turner which I read on a flight to Munich, which was coincidently dealing with an Ebola related Marburg hemorrhagic virus in laboratory primates. German scientists subsequently euthanized all of their lab monkeys and any potential health threat to humans was declared to be over. Still asleep and blissfully unaware throughout my fast paced reading of this so called medical fiction, I also failed to notice that the author had made a point of expressing gratitude for his research grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. This seemingly unimportant acknowledgement now leads us even deeper into more than one dark labyrinth of complexes within some interrelated rabbit holes of undetermined depth. 

Industrialist Alfred P. Sloan, as head of General Motors, was a Nazi collaborator, and ardent admirer of Hitler. Sloan’s hatred of blacks was almost as intense as his hatred of Jews. He had a close connection with the eugenics movement which eventually became the Human Genome Project. The Sloan Foundation, together with the Rockefeller nexus, held a long standing interest in population reduction, including their involvement with the introduction of mysterious new vaccines together with the World Health Organization, which has a stated policy of population reduction, as clearly set forth in Agenda 21. ( This dubious enterprise led to a massive vaccine initiative to vaccinate against relatively rare tetanus in The Philippines, Nicaragua, and Mexico. These vaccine vials, distributed by the WHO, were found to contain hCG, which when combined with tetanus toxoid carrier, stimulated formation of antibodies against human chorionic gonadotropin, rendering women incapable of maintaining a pregnancy and potentially inducing a covert, involuntary abortion. Population control under the cover of health care. (

This seemingly altruistic Sloan Foundation also funded the Community Blood Council of Greater New York, Inc., which allowed more than 10,000 hemophiliacs and countless others to become fatally infected with HIV/Aids. Moreover, The Sloan Foundation held 24,000-53,000 shares issued by Merck and Co., whose president George W. Merck was director of America’s biological weapons industry and whose Hepatitis C and polio vaccines have been suspected of transmitting AIDs; and who knows what else. (Population Control:” Aids/Ebola and other man-made diseases”, S.R. Shearer, July 29, 2014). Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s seminal work, Aids and Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional, contends that both Ebola and Aids were bio-engineered by scientists working for the CIA.

Ebola’s current outbreak apparently began in Guinea in December 2013 along with speculation that this disease was being spread by fruit bats and “bush meat” and then traveled to densely populated urban areas along with the country’s highly mobile population. This explanation was almost immediately met with suspicion in view of vaccine trials known to be going on in West Africa at that time. According to Dr. Cecil Broderick, multiple reports narrate U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) funded ebola virus research on humans just weeks before the present outbreak. Reports continue that the DOD awarded a contract worth 140 million dollars to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical firm to conduct research which involved injecting and infusing healthy humans with the deadly ebola virus beginning in January 2014, ( 

Investigative reporter Jon Rappaport notes that for the last several years Tulane University researchers have been active in West African areas where Ebola has broken out in 2014, together with the U.S. Army Medical Research of Infectious Diseases center, well known as a center for bio-warfare studies at Fort Detrick, Maryland. This raises questions as to whether there has been a “research accident”, or yet another money making scheme launched by the military/industrial/pharmaceutical complex and maybe neither or both.

The formerly French, now Republic of Guinea, sometimes called Guinea-Conakry, not to be confused with Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, or Papua New Guinea, achieved independence in 1958. This West African nation is located on the Atlantic coast, and shares borders with Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Mali, Liberia, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone. Predominantly Islamic, Guinea’s official language is French and the country holds rich deposits of gold, as well as bauxite and diamonds. In recent years, Guinea has been the focus of international human rights concerns relating to torture, the abuse of women and children, female genital mutilation, and has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world. Poverty is widespread, and there is a lack of clean water and sanitation. Malnutrition is endemic as is malaria and a host of other respiratory, parasitic, waterborne and sexually transmitted diseases. The majority of the rural population is illiterate with little access to health education or care. (BBC: 03/28/2014). 

Many residents believe that their government and outsiders cannot be trusted. Rural villagers are hostile to health-care workers who they believe are white people and foreigners spreading Ebola for genocidal purposes. Just recently an angry mob set upon a team of health educators and journalists with rocks, clubs and machetes and tossed their bodies into the village latrine. This attack occurred in an area where the workers had arrived in a Red Cross vehicle and were spraying disinfectant around a market place area, and the locals thought that they were contaminating people. 

Ebola was also discovered in nearby Sierra Leone which soon became the epicenter of the outbreak. This former British colony, called Mama Salone, by the locals, declared independence in 1961 and shares borders with Liberia and Guinea and opens out onto the Atlantic Ocean to the southwest. Home to the world’s third largest harbor, Sierra Leone was one of the centers for the Atlantic slave trade. Predominantly Muslim, the country is among the most religiously tolerant nations. Despite diamonds, gold and a wealth of mineral resources the population lives in abject poverty. Civil wars, coups and corruption have devastated the country’s infrastructure.
The Kenema Government Hospital, located in the nation’s third largest city, was recently attacked by a hostile mob convinced that this installation was spreading disease and that patients are killed in hospitals. This dual purpose facility contained a level 2, U.S. bio-security and bioweapons research lab with links to eugenics and population control advocates Bill and Melinda Gates and the Soros Foundation. American biodefense scientists have been working on viral fevers at this location since 2011. There was also a consortium there consisting of collaboration with Tulane, Scripps Research Institute, Broad Institute for Genomics, Harvard, U.C. San Diego, University of Texas, Autoimmune Technologies, Corgenix Medical Corporation and various other partners in West Africa. ( Following the mob attack, the government expelled the WHO, closed down this bioweapons research lab; and foreign personnel were asked to leave the country. ( (

Doctors Without Borders, the only cadre with experience treating Ebola in West Africa, who have been on site since the onset of this 2014 outbreak, acknowledged that public fears that hospitals were spreading disease were “understandable” and nosocomial transmission is real. This term refers to any spread of a disease within a health care setting such as a clinic or a hospital, and it occurs frequently during Ebola outbreaks. Exposure to the virus has occurred when health care workers treated individuals with Ebola without wearing sufficiently protective clothing. In addition, when needles and syringes are used for vaccines or other purposes, they may not be of a disposable variety or may not have been properly sterilized and so infection spreads. Health care workers may, in fact, be themselves, although unknowingly, infected and also be tending early stage Ebola patients who have not yet been accurately diagnosed. (CDC, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever: fact sheet, April 9, 2010).

As this often lethal hemorrhagic virus continues to spread, much of Sierra Leone is under quarantine; residents are advised to refrain from touching, and movements within the country are heavily restricted. This containment strategy can be likened to digging barrier trenches in order to halt the spread of wildfires. Schools are closed, crops are not being harvested or brought to market, food prices are soaring and supplies limited for a population already suffering under a grinding poverty. Government officials plan to maintain the lockdown until the chains of viral transmission are broken. Meanwhile, Ebola has also taken a firm hold in neighboring Liberia.

Liberia is bordered by Sierra Leone to its west, Guinea to the north and Ivory Coast on the east. The official language is English and this country has been called “America’s forgotten step-child” since it is widely believed to have been founded by freed slaves after the Civil War ( 1861-1865). However, this version, like many other patriotic stories surrounding the events of slavery and the Civil War, is not really true. Liberia, named for Liberty, was actually founded in 1820 by nearly 100 free black settlers, and a few former slaves. Much later, these pioneers were followed by thousands of other free blacks who had managed to survive the often perilous ocean crossings over from North America. This migration was sponsored by the openly racist American Colonization Society, with funds from Congress, whose pious mission was to export our country’s free blacks to West Africa in what may be viewed in modern times as an ethnic cleansing. Upon arrival, these newcomers, dressed as they always had been in America, soon discovered that they were unwelcome as “black white people”. Local conditions were harsh, including a lack of clean water, sanitation, adequate nutrition, health care, education, widespread poverty and a plethora of endemic contagious and deadly diseases. Nevertheless, their struggling country managed to declare independence in 1847. (James Ciment,, 09/2014).

The outbreak of Ebola in Liberia’s capital city of Monrovia, named for James Monroe, fifth president of the United States, revealed a darker side to disease containment and plague generated social engineering. Under the government run by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former World Bank and Citibank staffer, and alleged Soros protégé, it was declared that police and military are working together to “cooperate with medical teams”. What this actually means is that thare is medical Martial Law with soldiers at the borders instructed to kill anyone trying to flee, and essentially turning the country into one big concentration camp. In August of 2014, 70,000 citizens in Monrovia were put into quarantine without warning or opportunity to stock up on food or water. Their situation quickly became one where they were shot if they tried to leave and starve if they remain. A natural reaction to such brutally enforced suppression was for those with any strength left to riot, which was then met with tear gas and guns. It is interesting and also disturbing to note that law enforcement personnel containing the quarantined were not wearing masks or any other protective gear. (, August 20, 2014). With a situation likely to become worse, citizens confined to the capital’s West Point slum area were packed into a small peninsula that juts out into the Atlantic. Lack of clean water and sanitation means that there are four, long since overflowing, public toilets for a population of 75,000 and therefore public defecation remains an ongoing source of contagion. (, 09/21/2014).

On September 18, 2014, with her impoverished country descending into chaos, President Sirleaf expressed her understanding of the cross cultural issues which hinder treatment. While she pleaded with families of Ebola patients to isolate them from others, however, as a mother, she added, that… “we know that for families to see their loved ones being taken to a place where they are not allowed to follow is strange and frightening. We also know that a case of Ebola in a family can lead to stigma and shame.” And so, she continued, “some families hide their sick relatives….in secret. By doing this, the virus continues to spread”. 

In response to her plea for international help, Britain and China are sending experts on biological disasters, Cuba is sending 461 doctors and nurses and President Obama is deploying 3000 military personnel “to fight Ebola”. Citing a threat to national and global security, President Obama, speaking at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, declared that the focus of this mission is to establish a regional control center and construct 17 treatment centers with 100 beds each with Public Health Service specialists to new field hospitals to train health care workers and to provide “security”. Some of what U.S. armed personnel will do in West Africa remains unclear. Science journalist Yoichi Shimatsu, who organized a medical information team of microbiologists during the SARS and influenza contagions in S.E. Asia, speculates that this Ebola crisis has made way for an otherwise unacceptable British and American military incursion into West Africa. Their new bases of operations there with Atlantic ports and large airfields provide resources for AFRICOM to operate within the region to continue the fight with Al Qaeda-linked Emirate of the Magreb in Mali, north of Guinea and Boko Haram in nearby Nigeria. He is concerned that this so called Ebola invasion is a man-made epidemic unleashed in a psychological warfare operation aimed at re-colonization of West Africa with transnational corporate control over mineral resources and oil fields as well as legitimizing the phony war on terrorism. Shimatsu warns that Africa’s radical Islamic forces can be expected to launch a jihad against the invaders. (, September 2014).

President Obama’s declaration of “War on Ebola” has not been enthusiastically received by an already war weary nation. Factions within the military doubt the wisdom of entering into yet another theatre of war for which we are not adequately prepared. And, serious questions arise as to how our foreign troops might be received by an African population already distrustful of outsiders, AND their own governments. These sentiments were hardly soothed by a story which appeared in Monrovia on the front page of the Liberian Daily Observer, written by Emeritus Professor and Plant Pathologist at Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry, Dr. Cyril E. Brodrick. His report maintains that the U.S. Department of Defense, together with trans-national, Western pharmaceutical companies, are responsible for bio-engineering this current version of the Ebola virus as a bio-weapon and injecting Africans with this pathogen through the cover of their so called, “vaccination programs”. (

Public suspicion and apprehension continued to mount after video documentation surfaced which revealed that at least 45 bodies of Ebola victims were dumped into the source of a major river by Liberian government officials currently partnering with WHO. These videos fueled charges that this deadly pathogen was being deliberately spread via their country’s rivers. There have also been multiple reports of government workers transporting highly contagious bodies of Ebola victims into towns and villages for burial where there have been no Ebola cases or deaths. (CBS News, August 9, 2014). 

Medical professionals here in the USA including Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons have expressed a mounting concern that Pentagon personnel sent to Ebola infected regions could serve as a vector for transmission of this disease beyond the borders of Africa. Meanwhile, our corporate controlled media is hyping fears of global pandemics, medical Martial Law, and a need for miraculous serums; as well as the race to find and market preventive vaccines. Within this rapidly changing scenario, we can now reasonably expect some travel restrictions, airport theater protocols dramatizing a need to screen for fever and other signs of contagion. These measures are likely to prove largely ineffective since the incubation period is 21 days and up until that time those infected may not exhibit any tell-tale symptoms. There are also reasonable concerns that this Ebola variation may mutate into an airborne strain.

It is also highly likely that there will be verified cases showing up out of Africa and here as well. Before you rush to shutter your windows, it is important to understand that this is not Africa and there is ample evidence that with early intervention and fluid management, survival rates will greatly improve. We can also expect the hype around mass vaccination programs to be similar to the fear campaigns launched during the Avian, SARS and Swine Flu fiascos. We may even expect some well dramatized, limited quarantine lockdowns, under some measure of medical Martial Law, southern borders closed at intermittent intervals and so on. Our ever vigilant surveillance state will likely enter the scene with investigation of contacts, as well as contacts of contacts. As a result, we can prepare for stories of mistaken identities, SWAT team home invasions with resulting casualties to families and their pets, shooting events involving anyone fleeing quarantine, biological terror scares involving school children and other innocents, and more of the same. 

No doubt, military personnel, and health care professionals will be told that some new, untested Ebola vaccine is mandatory, and perhaps also for law enforcement and school teachers as well, and many others will be encouraged to believe that their only choice is between potential side effects or Ebola. As usual, multinational pharmaceutical companies will enjoy huge profits, especially since they are legally protected from prosecution in the event of adverse or even lethal side effects. 

Interestingly enough, an unexpected breakthrough has been announced by Liberian Dr. Gobee Logan who declared his finding that, “Ebola is the brainchild of HIV…it is a destructive strain of HIV”. Dr. Logan is health director for agricultural Bomi County which has 2 doctors for about 85,000 people. Inundated with patients in a rural Liberia Ebola Center in Tubmanburg, out of sheer desperation, he got the idea to start using a retroviral agent, Lamivudine, a nucleoside analog, after he read in scientific journals that HIV and Ebola replicate inside the body in much the same way. Dr. Logan now reports that if patients report early, there has been a mortality rate of only 7%. One wonders what Dr. Leonard Horowitz would make of this new information. More speculation and information concerning the role of government agendas and the role of pharmaceutical companies throughout the African continent is available on James Corbett’s video discourse: “Ebola: Turning Panic into Profit” ( More on this subject is also available in John le Carre’s medical fiction novel: The Constant Gardener and the film by the same name; which he claims is based upon real events.

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