By Debra Rae
September 7, 2012


The late Chuck Colson said it well: “The culture war is not just about abortion, homosexual rights, or decline of public education. These are only skirmishes. The real war is a cosmic struggle between worldviews.” One’s worldview, or compass, entails ideologies or philosophies that offer overarching approaches to understanding God, the world, and humanity’s relations to both.


Any personally held worldview—whether biblical, secular, cosmic, or Marxist—is a broad, though targeted system of thought. Whereas a self-serving worldview seeks to feather one’s own nest, a principled worldview is guided by some developed belief system that works for good and more often than not acknowledges personal relationship with (and accountability to) God.


Intended Utopia: Globalism


That said globalism is a collectivist, one-world state that supplants the biblical worldview with alleged enlightenment. Globalists peddle their wares with undeliverable promise of an emerging egalitarian utopia that John Lennon himself could “only imagine.”


Cosmic citizens join dreamers, as Lennon, in visualizing a brotherhood of man living as one and therefore finding nothing to kill and die for (especially not religion). Smitten by the bug of “political cosmopolitanism,” global citizens willingly pledge allegiance, not to their nation-state of origin or residence, but rather to the world community at large and the euphonious vision it represents.


In the name of justice, globalization speaks specifically to redistribution of the world’s wealth but, then, concentrates that wealth—and power—into the hands of few. Head honchos are strategically postured to manage the world’s huddled masses—all “yearning to breathe free,” but instead destined to burdensome constraints of international law.


At risk are the rightful division of power between the federal government and that of states (Federalism), national sovereignty (exchanged for “harmonization”), personal liberties (exchanged for Earth servitude), and freedom to self-govern (exchanged for global law).


The Big Merge


Countless terms identify this “new order.” Despite subtle nuances in meanings, most can be used interchangeably to mean the collusion between big business (Super Capitalism) and big government (Communism).


Free enterprise capitalism is distinguished by private ownership of property and resources coupled with competitive free enterprise in supplying goods and services. In contrast, super-capitalism is highly concentrated finance capitalism that tends toward anti-capitalism.


Technically speaking, communism is the final phase and goal of socialism (i.e., big government). Based on the theories of the political philosophers Marx and Engels, communism is socialism distinguished by a planned economy (with common ownership of the means of production) and imposed by revolution.


In Managing Globalization in the Age of Interdependence, Harvard Business School Professor George C. Lodge coined the term, “communitarianism,” for what today has emerged as interdependent globalism. A prime example of merged capitalism and communism (communitarianism) evolved from the European Economic Community as the European Union.

In turn, American and Pacific Unions, to evolve from NAFTA and APEC respectively, are scheduled to follow. Said unions will mirror today’s form of Euro Marxism in the tradition of pre-World War II Marxist-philosopher, Antonio Gramsci. An Italian writer, political theorist, and avowed atheist, Gramsci was a founding member and onetime leader of Italy’s Communist Party.


Civil Society (NGOs)


Bear in mind that “the collective” serves us well on numbers of fronts. Churches, scouts, teams, clubs, neighborhood “watches,” extended family—all are integral facets of Americana at its best. America’s celebration of “individualism” is not about greedy super capitalists or Me-centric masses demanding endless entitlements.


Rather, it speaks to rugged individualism with freedom for all, unshackled by excessive governmental intrusion to pursue their own vision of the American Dream. In contrast, communitarianism is a collectivist social philosophy, political theory, legal system—even theology—that explicitly rejects and, in fact, is openly hostile to individualism.


New community governments quickly popping up nationwide feature civil society as the third element of social life (other than State or market). Known as the Third Way, or Third Sector, communitarianism is a sort of post-Marxist collectivism that seeks common ground based on efforts of unelected, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Through these voluntary associations and informal networks, a nation’s citizens link with the State.


Mandatory partnerships among the public-, private-, and social- sectors (i.e., government, business, community, and churches) manage the “common good” through standards and laws that national and international leaders initiate. The end goal is to establish absolute social, personal, and economic control in a collectivist, corporate, and feudalistic society of their making.


New Global Civic Ethic


Accepting that autonomous selves do not exist in isolation, but are shaped by community values, so-called “good society” activists embrace a new global civic ethic wherein individual rights are balanced with social responsibilities within civic society.


To collectivists, the State is god, and the world is a “global village” consisting of human resources committed to the common good and controlled by the State. The new ethic “clarifies” values conducive to a borderless, godless, politically correct, and bio-regionalized world community that excludes national sovereignty and private property rights while giving overriding priority to the world’s poor.


As determined by the community’s collective viewpoint, some speech is deemed abhorrent—i.e., “hate” speech—and therefore must be forbidden. Unless they fit prefabricated criteria of tolerance, social justice, and civic responsibility—i.e., community service—personal beliefs in the public square are silenced.


Hegelian Dialectic


To foster collectivism, communitarians (meaning “members of a commune”) employ Hegelian Dialectic, also known as conflict resolution or the Delphi technique. German philosopher George Frederick Hegel (1770-1831) achieved group consensus under peer pressure by (1) posing a thesis, (2) offering its antithesis, and then (3) synthesizing the two.


For example, the contradiction of concentrated money/ power with wealth/ property redistribution provides an enticing dynamic for effecting “change we can count on.” Case in point: Corporate monies fund socialist causes (thesis), ideological socialism counters it (antithesis), and voilà the “New Imperium” (communitarianism) emerges.


Besides dialect-driven consensus, communitarian policymakers employ visioning. They play the sustainable development card and, through crime-prevention efforts, seek to enforce communitarian regulations.


Local Partnerships for the Collective Good


To balance national and local laws against the common good, local communitarian councils and committees are created. Their communitarian goal is to create a postmodern, post-democratic feudal society run by a small coterie of the rich and powerful. To achieve this objective, it is imperative to destroy (1) the middle class (2) the sovereignty of our nation-state and (3) “archaic” constitutional laws.


• Middle Class


Cultural editor for World, Gene Edward Veith contends, rightly so, that “a fashionable disdain for middle-class values animates liberalism.” Accordingly, upper- and lower- crust folks snub the middle class—specifically for their work ethic, religious inclinations, and social respectability.


Even so, stereotypical middle-class norms appeal to most Americans—i.e., having kids, a dog or cat, home, appliances, car, and bank account. Hence, projected guilt is intended to shame middle-class Americans into questioning their rights to private property ownership, free enterprise, and manner of living to which they have grown accustomed.


Entitlement-seeking “have-nots” are incited to begrudge their own meager piece of the American pie and to “even the score.” Unfortunately, the “real change” today’s “third-America” class can count on is this: Minus her middle class, two classes remain—namely, the oppressed and their oppressors.


• Sovereignty of Nation-states


In his 1964 book, No Apologies, the late U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater characterized the Trilateral Commission as a “skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power—political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical.” Once sovereignty of nation-states is morphed into regional unions, the stage will be set globally for the new social order.


• Living Constitutionalism


Strict constitutionalism is deemed archaic because, rightly viewed, the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution speaks to forming a more perfect union (not a “Global Village”); establishing justice (not exclusively for the world’s downtrodden); and insuring domestic tranquility (not by militarizing the police force). It provides for the common defense (not under the UN banner); promotes general welfare (not excluding the unborn and elderly); and secures blessings of liberty (not least of which include private property and religious expression).




In 1921, leading American socialist Norman Thomas gave voice to the collectivist scheme. “Under the name of liberalism,” he explained, the American people will “adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without knowing how it happened.”

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Indeed, on Election Eve 2008, Barack Obama noted, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” While not yet finished “remaking America” into his progressive, collectivist ideal, Obama stands poised throughout his second term to exercise “more flexibility” toward realizing dreams from his father.


Speaking of which, in a recently released documentary, Obama’s America 2016, best selling author and self-proclaimed “renegade conservative” Dinesh D'Souza explores Obama’s vision for America’s ever-evolving, collectivist future. Sadly, to quote the late publisher of Eco-Logic, Henry Lamb, this collectivist, one-world state, unless curtailed, will result in America’s taking on “the lowest common denominator that forced equity demands.”


© 2012 Debra Rae - All Rights Reserved

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