Almost no mainstream coverage of an April 19, 2010 Treasury press release which outlined the attack on 'cash in hand' which will occur as a three-pronged attack - cleverly wrapped up as part of Earth Day to make it virtually unassailable by the weak of mind:

"Starting today, Treasury will begin implementing a three-pronged initiative to dramatically reduce the number of transactions that are conducted on paper by moving them to electronic systems.

First, Treasury will require individuals receiving Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Veterans, Railroad Retirement and Office of Personnel Management benefits to receive payments electronically. Individuals will be able to receive benefits either through direct deposit into a bank account or Treasury's Direct Express debit card. Today, one million Americans are receiving their benefit payments through Direct Express and they have found the card safe, convenient and easy to use. The requirement will apply to new enrollees beginning on March 1, 2011 and to existing check recipients beginning on March 1, 2013. Currently, 85 percent of federal benefit recipients receive their payments electronically. Moving all recipients of these benefits to electronic payments is expected to save upwards of $300 million in the first five years.

Second, businesses currently permitted to use paper Federal Tax Deposit coupons will have to make those deposits electronically beginning in 2011 with a few exceptions, primarily businesses with $2,500 or less in quarterly tax liabilities that pay when filing their returns. Currently, nearly 98 percent of all business tax dollars are paid electronically through Treasury's free Electronic Federal Tax Payment System. IRS research has shown that businesses using EFTPS are 31 times less likely to make an error. This change will save an estimated $65 million in the first five years.

Finally, Treasury will eliminate the option to purchase paper savings bonds through payroll deductions for federal employees on September 30, 2010 and for the private sector by January 1, 2011.

This policy covers only paper savings bonds purchased through payroll sales; individuals will still be able to purchase paper savings bonds at financial institutions for themselves and as gifts. Payroll savers will be encouraged to continue their purchases through Treasury Direct, a web-based system that allows investors to buy and hold electronic savings bonds. Transitioning employees to electronic payroll purchases saves employers administrative costs and allows employees to manage their own bond accounts. This is estimated to save nearly $50 million in the first five years.

Let me emphasize the key points:

1) to get Social Security, SSI, Veterans, Railroad Retirement and OPP benefits, you're going to have to have direct deposit or a Treasury Direct debit card.

2) Starting in 2011 all but the tiniest small businesses (under $10,000 in annual tax liability) will have to do online quarterly tax payments and

3) Paper Savings Bonds are toast come the end of this year.

This may not seem like a big deal, but it really is because it's a direct attack on the unofficial 'underground economy' which will work its magic by simply eliminating cash.

I expect that part of the long-term migration path in electronic moneyland will be Treasury Direct setting up online payment systems or simply (in time) buying that everything you make - and everything you spend - will go through a government-controlled monitoring process.


So let me lay out my 'nightmare' scenario of 'next steps' in the bankster coup to take over the whole word:

  • First, the carrot to get on the electronic money bandwagon is pretty simple: No money if you don't get direct deposit, etc.

  • The stick is increasing media coverage of the threats to Internet 1.0 from cyber threats and the rollout of cloud computing, internet 2.0. We're already seeing books like Securing the Borderless Network: Security for the Web 2.0 World appear on the market and some buzz about the differentiation of security between the original net and Internet 2.0/cloud operations.

  • Then all we need will be some kind of regional 'terrorist' attack on the web to give government reason to shut down and migrate everything to new standards. Already we see stories with increasing frequency like "Five extremists arrested in France for Internet Jihad Posts". It'll all be used to seize - and then license - internet use over time.

  • With Web 2.0/cloud (and the government getting there first - along with the biggest of big business) and with the migraqtion path to electronic money well-set, we then enter the era of the 'global company store' and the revolution by the banksters and New World Order will be complete.

  • Toss in some onboard mandatory RFID access/biometrics and you're done! Benny Rules World (along with the other bankers) and national governments become obsolete as their physical currencies no longer work without computational horsepower and everything in digiland can be controlled just so on the fly by 'experts' - who in turn will usurp the rights of nations by telling - not asking - them what their money is worth..

I'm not saying this is bad - only that it's coming. Mandatory RFID/Biometrics? A report this month in WorldNetDaily notes "Microchips in Obamacare? Not yet Analysis: While not explicit, law opens door to future possibility..."

And know what the really graceful part of all this is from a strategic planning standpoint?

Just as millions get moved into this new electronic world, along comes an 'out of the blue' [limited] nuclear exchange with electromagnetic pulse weapons and suddenly everyone is broke and owing the government with no way to pay since electronics are then down - and that in turn gives ownership of almost everything...and the great social re-engineering of the planet will be underway.

Oh - also - as I'm working on the report for Peoplenomics this weekend, we'll also likely see the end of widely accessible air travel - but that's for subscribers.

Not a pretty picture. but sure as I told you yesterday that the market would bounce back over 11,000, it seems likely to decline shortly.

We it declines down to the levels of March 2009, say in the 6,600 Dow range, it will then become necessary again (as it was in 2001) for their to be some kind of 'attack' as a great public distraction to keep the masses of sleeping sheep from realizing that corporate feudalism is here and that it comes concurrent with a global economic Depression. Except this time, it will be more like the Modern Dark Ages.

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