Countdown to April 19, 2010 Second Amendment News

Countdown to April 19, 2010
25 days until the march in D.C.!

Visit for the latest updates!

Rattling the Second Amendment Saber
According to Webster's New World College Dictionary, the term "saber rattling" is defined as:

a threatening of war, or a menacing show of armed force.

Some people call it posturing. In the animal world it's related to establishing "pecking order". Some
people would have us believe that a pecking order is a bad thing, that
it's barbaric, and should be reserved only for the animal world. I
disagree. It's a natural thing that will happen no matter how much
people try to suppress it. Pecking order keeps the world in a state of
organized cosmos. Every playground has one, every corporate board room,
and even the halls of Congress. It's the way the world works, and
without it there would be chaos and unending strife. People have to know
who is in charge and who must bend the knee and kiss the ring that

I suppose that's why firearms are so important. They are the equalizing force, available to all free people everywhere. They tell
the 200-pound sexually aggressive male that he must not rape the
120-pound female, who is alone on the street at night with no one around
to protect her. The firearm gives her the ability to kill the stronger

Click here to read the rest of Skip Coryell's article on Human Even...

Two more DC speakers announced!

2A marchRepresentative Paul Broun was elected in July of 2007 to serve the Tenth District of Georgia. Since his arrival in Congress he has been appointed
to positions on the House Homeland Security Committee (where he is Vice
Ranking Member of Intelligence), the House Committee on Science and
Technology (where he is Ranking Member of Investigations and Oversight),
and the House Committee on Natural Resources.
Paul C. Broun, Jr. grew up in Athens, Georgia where he attended
Athens High School and graduated from the University of Georgia in 1967
with a B.S. in Chemistry. In 1971, he received his Medical Doctor degree
from the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta. An internship at Good
Samaritan Hospital in Portland, Oregon and a residency at University
Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama followed.
Paul served in the military as a jet engine mechanic in the U. S.
Marine Corps Reserves and later received a commission as a medical
officer in the U. S. Navy.

For most of his career, Dr. Broun has practiced general medicine and,
in 2002, he went out on his own, establishing a unique practice of
full-time house calls. He has enjoyed the freedom of practicing medicine
without bureaucratic encumbrances and his patients appreciated the
convenience of being seen at home or at work.
Paul's first exposure to politics came at the age of sixteen, when
his father won a seat in the Georgia State Senate. Paul Broun Sr.
represented the Athens area as a State Senator for 38 years. Later, Paul
Jr. himself would become involved politically; first as a volunteer
lobbyist for Safari Club International, a pro-hunting and conservation
organization, then as a conservative Republican United States

2A marchBill Hunt is currently running for Sheriff of Orange County, California. After
serving in the United States Army after high school, Mr. Hunt rose
through the ranks of the Orange County Sheriff's Department, obtaining
a diverse background over 21 years within the department's divisions
including jails, patrol, investigations, training, narcotics, gangs,
SWAT, and management. Mr. Hunt strongly believes that the Sheriff
should be in the business of protecting people's rights, not
restricting them and has been an outspoken advocate for shall issue
legislation in the state of California where concealed weapons policies
are arbitrarily established by the county sheriff. As Sheriff, Mr. Hunt
will issue a concealed weapon to any law abiding resident of the county
not prohibited by law from possessing a firearm and is committed to
joining with other pro-2nd Amendment sheriff's in California to lobby
for shall issue legislation in the state. Bill Hunt has been endorsed
by a host of national 2nd Amendment leaders including Sheriff Richard
Mack, (Ret), Graham County Az., Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County
Az., Suzanna Hupp, former Republican member of the Texas House of
Representatives, Dr. John Lott, Jr., Author of "More Guns, less Crime",
and Dr. Ignatius Piazza, Founder and Director of Front Sight Firearms

Buses from Ohio
Reservations are being taken for bus trips from Ohio to the march in DC on April 19.

We will run two trips, one originating in Cleveland ($55) stopping in Youngstown and a second originating from Cincinnati ($85) with stops in Dayton and Columbus. Buses are
scheduled to arrive in Washington, DC around 9:30 in the morning and
will depart after the March at 4pm.

Meals are extra. Reservations are non-refundable. Seating is limited, so don't delay!

Click here to secure your seat:

Buses from Michigan

Get a concealed
handgun permit that allows you to carry in 30 States!
2A march

I am a National Rifle Association
and Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification certified
that offers a class that meets the mandated requirements for a
permit to carry a concealed handgun in at least 30 states. This permit is
referred to as the Utah non-resident permit; you are not required to be a resident of Utah to obtain the permit.

The class will be held on April 18 (the day before the Second Amendment
March) from 9am - 2pm in Northern Virginia in a metro-accessible location. A
second course from 2pm to 7pm may also be offered. All you need to do is show
up for the class (a gun is not required) and I take care of the rest.

The class fee
includes the required instruction, materials, fingerprinting, photograph,
notarization, permit fee to the State of
Utah, and postage.
There are no additional fees.You will receive your permit within 60 days.

Can you think of a better way to celebrate the Second Amendment than to
obtain a permit to carry a handgun in over half the states of this great
nation? For more information visit or contact Bill
Clark at I accept Visa,
MasterCard, Discover, PayPal, cash, and check.

SAM webstore enjoying high traffic!
Shoppers have been flocking to the Second Amendment March webstore the last few weeks!

Our new sponsorship items have been very popular and will be a great help for pulling off a successful event.

Visit our webstore today and help us with a sponsorship, donation, or purchase some great
SAM merchandise like shirts, hats, coffee mugs, and more!

D.C. Second
Amendment March Rules and Code of Conduct

If you do not intend to comply with item #1, do not attend.
If you break the law, Second Amendment March will not be responsible.
It is each attendee's own personal responsibility to be familiar with the firearm laws in the areas in which he/she will be traveling.
Please be courteous to everyone you encounter, including D.C. police and National Park Service rangers.
Please be sure to dispose of all trash. Let's strive to leave the grounds in better condition than when we arrive.
If you have any concerns while at the event, please notify a volunteer or event organizer immediately.
Your attendance at the Second Amendment March indicates your intent to comply with these rules/code of conduct and all local and federal laws.

Call to Action - National Radio Shows
Grassroots at its best is
when the people tell their story. Spreading the word is a critical component in
the success of the Second Amendment March.

You - as
an organizer, donor, Board member or participant can make the difference by
telling your story. The more interest we can generate the better the
opportunity to secure interviews, obtain commitments to covering the event and
getting the word out over the air.

Please contact the following
National Radio Shows (check local listings for air times) and tell your story.
Use the Second Amendment Talking Points below when referencing the March. Be sure to include the website whenever you

Radio Shows

Sean Hannity 800-941-7326

Mike Gallagher 800-655-6453

Bill Bennett 866-680-6464

Glenn Beck 888-727-2325

Rush 800-282-2882

Laura Ingram 800-876-4123

Mark Levin 877-381-3811

Hugh Hewitt 800-520-1234

Dennis Prager 877-243-7776

Don't forget to call your local radio shows!!!

Most shows have an "open mic" show - usually Fridays. They may not take
your call if you are "off" topic. Keep in mind you can make your comment relevant
- 2nd Amendment protects everything!!! Don't get discouraged - you may not get in the
first, second or tenth time. Keep trying. Listen carefully to the screeners
instructions: turn down your radio, pay attention to time zones, etc.

Key Second Amendment March Talking points:

· April 19th
- on the grounds of the Washington Monument

· Peaceful,
non-partisan - know the mission:

The mission of the Second Amendment
March is to galvanize the courage and resolve of Americans; to petition our
elected officials against establishing anti-gun legislation; and to remind
America that the Second Amendment is necessary to maintain our right to self

· Use the website:

· Encourage participants, donors and sponsors

- please contact Liz Foley, National Media Director -

Front Sight Sale!
Training at Front Sight Firearms Training Institute can run in the thousands of dollars. But, for a limited time only, you can buy a training voucher
through the SAM webstore for any one of six different classes and pay
just $199!

This offer is only for prospective students who have not been to Front Sight before.

SAM YouTube Channel
Help us promote the March by visiting our YouTube channel and forwarding links to the videos to your friends and family members!

This is a grassroots undertaking and we need each and every one of you to help with promotions!

SAM Affiliated Podcast
The Second Amendment March is pleased to announce the Urban Shooter podcasts as an official SAM podcast. Kenn Blanchard, author of Black Man With A Gun, will be using these podcasts to help promote and keep his listeners informed about the March.

Thank you, Kenn!

Organizing a bus?
Are you organizing a charter bus to take participants to the Second Amendment March in Washington, D.C.?

Let us know about it, and we'll post the contact information on our site so people can reserve a seat with

We have just added a pdf file to the bus coordinator form that provides information on available bus parking within D.C.
If you need assistance with the logistics of coordinating a bus, please contact our Georgia coordinator, N.J. Davis, at
State Meetings & Rallies
State rally
Where: East Lawn Capitol building, Lansing, MI
When: April 13th, 2010
Time: Noon-3:00 p.m.

The Missouri statewide march has been announced for April 8th in Jefferson City. Contact Bruce Gravlin for more information!

The Montana statewide march will be held on March 27th at noon at the state capitol.

New Hampshire
Second Amendment March founder Skip Coryell will be a speaking guest at the 2010 Free State Project NH Liberty Forum on March 18th -21st in Nashua,


Ohio Second Amendment March
When: April 10, 11am
Where: Ohio Statehouse

Subscribe to the Ohio SAM newsletter to keep informed, or watch this space.

State Rally

When: March 27, 1pm
Where: State Capitol

The Texas second amendment march will be on Saturday, April 17th in Austin at the capitol. 12 o'clock noon is start time

State Rally

When: April 12, 2pm
Where: Bell Tower, State Capitol

Please RSVP
We now have an RSVP form on our website that allows our supporters to let us know if they plan on attending their state march, the national march, or both.
This information will help us greatly in determining how many attendees to expect, additional resources that we may need to secure, and how many hotel rooms we should block
We have created the form to require only a minimal amount of informtation. However, the more information you provide to us, the better we can serve you.

Rest assured that we value your privacy, and this information will not be shared with ANYONE outside of the Second Amendment March organization or our event planning partner, One
Step Promotions.
To RSVP now, please
go to
State Coordinators

Check the list below for your state Coordinator. If you don't see a Coordinator for your state, email Skip Coryell to volunteer!.

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