This song defined my generation and it's just as relevant today, sadly, as it was when it was first recorded by Buffalo Springfield in 1966 and released in 1967. We knew then just as we know now that something was very, very wrong. We didn't know what it was exactly although we had some vague ideas. We attributed the inequities in our society to a small group of old white men. Little did we know that the very same small group of corrupt white men would turn into the vast and comprehensive military industrial complex we have today combined with a leviathan corporate banking cartel that, as Matt Taibi says, is like a giant squid, it's tentacles reaching around the planet sucking it dry. We thought then that we might have overcome the opposition with love only to find that same opposition used hate, separation, controversy and disinformation to create a deep chasm between each of us. We became opinionated and separated individuals striving for the same glitter and gold that our parents sought out and we left our ideals behind.
And here we are today, the problems significantly worse, the giant squid a 1000 times larger filling itself with all that was once good and that's now gone from our lives. That would be freedom.
Comment by fireguy on September 23, 2010 at 1:54pm
This is a very old post but a good one, so I'll throw in.
The defining issue of the 60's and 70's was Vietnam. The reason was the DRAFT.
If there had been an all volunteer force in the 60's we would still be fighting that war because nobody would have cared, just like nobody cares about kids now signing up for the military. "You knew what you were signing up for so quit complaining".
When the government can snatch your father, brother, son, grandson, uncle, cousin or neighbor, shave their heads and send them to Vietnam or some other place against their will, people begin to get mad and take mass action against the war.
As long as they can keep the economy trashed and our kids have no other prospects for employment they will have a willing recruitment pool. Great plan, seems to be working out well.
Somehow we need to find a defining issue that the masses will react to. There are so many issues it divides and confounds the people who would rise up against a single BIG problem like the draft.
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