DHS Warns Muslim Brotherhood and Iran Forming New “Terror Axis”

Melissa Melton
September 12, 2012

The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) National Terror Alert Response Center released a new terrorism threat warning entitled, “Egyptian-Iranian intelligence meeting prompts fears of a new Middle East terror axis.” According to yesterday’s release, U.S. intelligence monitored a secret meeting that confirmed the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo is working in consort with Iranian spies and “could begin covertly supporting global terrorism.”


This news came on the anniversary of 9/11, the same day U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three of his staff membe... in Libya as anti-American sentiments intensify across the region.

DHS is blatantly recalling 9/11 fears by purposefully using throwback rhetoric to George W. Bush’s “axis of evil” speech given after 9/11 in which he fingered Iran as aggressively pursuing weapons of mass destruction. Just yesterday, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announced that the U.S. would indeed go to war with Iran if our government could substantiate the claim the country is in the process of building a nuclear weapon. This all comes at the same time DHS admits there is no credible, specific terror threat, and the Obama camp is claiming government relations with the (newly-sprung) Middle East (regimes) are strong.

So which is it? Is Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood the ally that Obama’s White House opened formal contracts with earlier this year, giving over $1 billion in military aid to? Or is it the group which called for protests in Egypt and Libya ending in the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, and according to DHS, is currently working to promote global terror with Iran?

The White House knows it cannot have its cake and eat it too. Our government’s response following the attack has been swift, with both President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton scrambling to assure the American people in separate speeches that yesterday’s embassy attack was nothing more than a “small, savage group” and had nothing to do with the post-Gaddafi Al Qaeda rebel government of Libya which we helped put into power. According to breaking reports, the Pentagon is set to approve the dispatch of drones over Libya to seek out responsible insurgents shortly.

While on the surface, the Arab Spring was supposedly “pro-democracy” and Egypt and Libya’s former leaders Hosni Mubarak and Muammar Gaddafi respectively were overthrown to “free” these nations’ people from oppressive dictatorships, it soon came to light that the United States helped to fund, train, and run the Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood that were linked to these revolutions in order to ultimately serve U.S. nation-building interests in both countries.

Stevens’ tragic death is ironic considering that, according to Obama’s speech this morning, the ambassador worked tirelessly as he “built partnerships with Libyan revolutionaries and helped them as they planned to build a new Libya.”

The U.S. has also backed Al Qaeda rebels in Syria, and our government has called multiple times for regime change there in its attempt to continue taking over the region.

As our offensive empire building continues across the Middle East, the White House is having a harder and harder time keeping its stories straight on who we support and why.

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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on September 16, 2012 at 11:18am

Its all Horse Souse Mike ;)  lol

Comment by Michael Rivero on September 16, 2012 at 11:15am

"So when you hear that really big bang, just think, 'Iran did it', 'Iran did it', 'Iran did it', 'Iran did it', over and over again, and we'll have a happy little world war to play with!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Comment by Robert David Hummel on September 16, 2012 at 4:31am

In the vastness of the human and land sapce expanse, along with historically documented facts of our expiriences, one with the other, we need face the facts,....."We're not kids anymore". ...and we're not playing a cowboys and indians game. 

America WAS the worlds power axis, (until March  2009). Previous  American Leardership, (now FAILED), was a calming and persuasive prevention to many major uprisings about the world.

God above is watching the foolishness of America's ways.  We are being provided the opportunity for a "3rd Awakening".   November 6. 20012, is a critical resource toward  improvement, to return Our nation to the path provided by Our Founding and Fore Fathers, their Teachings, Writings, and Prayers have proved intrinsic moral, values and ethics, in the continuem of Our Free America.

Faux-pas,..."Political Correctness", only conceals the facts and realities we need to face.  The candor of discernment, prudence, and responsibility, must be the focus of Our Nations Leadership. Any other less choice will reap the facts of "History Repeating Itself", ergo, The Fall of the Roman Empire.

I suggest we not dwell on a "Blame Game", there is enough for all to share. We need to rapidly engage in Solutions and Resolve of the  difficulties our nation faces, and I repeat, "November 06, 2012", choosing to replace The entire Executive office, is most important first step in the right direction.   On bended knee we are taller than trees, May God Continue to Bless Our America.

Comment by Maria Jesus Casado on September 16, 2012 at 2:58am

Washington-Tel Aviv are the Terror Axis. We are the attackers. Post this in islamic pages to work for peace: "I love Islam. Please, don't fall in a calculated provocation. Integrism has been financed for decades spacially by Arabia Saudi families, court of the Royal Saudi family...which happens to be close friends of the Bush. They need war to maintain power and to destroy democracy everywhere. Research for the truth (also in Voltairenet, Laouche, etc): http://www.globalresearch.ca/blasphemy-as-a-political-tactic/·

Comment by apeman2502 on September 15, 2012 at 1:34am

Aiding and abetting in a capitol crime can get any member of the White House Cabinet imprisoned for life. Conspiracy to commit capitol crimes against citizens of the United states can get any of them hung by the neck until dead. From where I sit, it appears the Obama cabal occupying the White house has taken to emulating the Bush43 administration, with comparable feelings of omnipotence an grandiosity rivalling Don Quixote an Jeffery Dahmer. If I was Hillary Clinton, I would resign before the MPs arrest her. Panetta, J. Napolitano, Holder, and a few others should do an immediate about-face. They issued the photos of the holes the 3 basement Bush41 preset nukes made at the WTCs.

Comment by Al Barnes on September 14, 2012 at 9:36pm

Obfuscation and misdirection in spades.  Obviously dealing off the bottom of the deck.  We should expect it, never accept it and vehemently reject it. 

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on September 14, 2012 at 9:21pm

Sorry....too late...the 

“Terror Axis”

is now the US & Israel

Comment by Consciousness Shift Resources on September 14, 2012 at 8:34pm

The question remains; Who are the real terrorists? I'd say it's the ones who create mistrust and warring. But why? Why would anyone wish for planet earth to remain in a constant state of instability? The answer may be more than most are willing to consider, and rightly so, is only for the fool to know, and the wise to remain willfully ignorant of. 

2012 Consciousness Shift Resources

"Destroying the New World Order"



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