Dis-Infowars blaming dead Nazis for current Zionist actions

Alex Jones is a shill for the Zionist machine. He misses no opportunity to divert attention away from his paymasters and onto long dead anti-internationalists, mainly but not exclusively, Germans.

Alex Jones has excelled himself in his latest lunatic offering on his site (infowars.com) with an article credited to Jurriaan Maessen, attacking the Green policies on the NSDAP. The article, "The Green Nazis: Environmentalism in the Third Reich" states that 'the Nazis were very much into environmentalism- not for environmentalism’s sake of course, but rather as a means of oppression and control.' According to Maessen, giving people cleaner air to breathe and better access to the forests and other areas of natural beauty was oppressive. By this logic, the Strength Through Joy initiative was designed not to give the workers holidays and better healthcare, but to make them less resistant to working!

The article continues: ‘The Nazis created nature preserves, championed sustainable forestry, curbed air pollution, and designed the autobahn highway network as a way of bringing Germans closer to nature.’ Several nationwide programs were initiated by the Nazis as a facade to cover their real plans. The first, ‘Beauty of Labour’, was created in 1934 to enhance the concept of a comfortable and pleasant workspace for the German worker. In the following year this ordinance was followed up by a ‘Reich Nature Protection Law’ to ensure the worker could walk through parks without worries....(How very sinister!)...But the hardcore environmentalists who had found their champion in the person of Adolf Hitler were soon to be disappointed. By the end of the 1930s, with a World War imminent, Hitler abandoned most of the environmental pretexts he had used to trick the masses, hook, line and sinker, replacing it with a war-ethos of sacrifice for the greater good and ‘lebensraum’.

Read that again - with War looming, environmental policies (such as breaking up the cities to favour a more agrarian existence) were abandoned. Well, of course they were! With the entire force of Organised Jewry against Germany and his allies, the march towards a healthier way of life by dismantling the un-natural and toxic industrialised society of the former plutocratic era, had to be put on hold. The vital matter of survival against the internationalist onslaught had to take priority. Had the European powers survived the Zionist war of aggression, implementation of the Green policies would have been resumed

What utter rubbish the propaganda of Alex Jones is. So the Germans had a policy of looking after the land, making it better for the people and animals, which the Globalists or our day are mimicking as an excuse to bring in a Global Tax? This therefore means that the crimes of the Zionist mafia being committed against US, are in truth really Nazi crimes?

Wait a minute Alex Jones. This is lunacy. Will you now suggest that those of us who oppose Vivisection are evil anti-Semites hell-bent on creating a One World State because the German regime of 1933-45 banned vivisection?

There were good aspects to the Third Reich, as well as bad. This simplistic view of all things ‘Nazi’ as evil, and all things anti-Nazi as good is the stuff of Hollywood, and should not be taken seriously by anyone who is not a very young child, or completely mentally subnormal.

You are a shill Alex Jones. By always focusing upon the German regime of over 60 years ago, you allow the Zionists who were victorious in the Second World War to continue their assault upon freedom. You divert the resistance movement into fighting ghosts, whilst the real enemy gains more power daily and realises the plans set forth in the Protocols of Zion.

Mr Jones - you are an enemy of humanity. You are the worst form of traitor. The other enemies get on with the job of enslaving us, as you put out disinfo and fear stories to confuse the opposition and lead them down a blind alley to the new Gulags. You are a sick man Mr Jones - a sick and corrupt man who has done more than anyone to help our oppressors whilst hiding behind crocodile tears.

You get rich selling lies and betraying those who trust you. You are the Judas of Texas.

In another article on the infowars site, the truth slips out about who is behind the NWO. The article describes how the Junker class built up the Nazis in order to create the opportunity for a Second World War and then used their power in the Army to sabotage the German war effort in order to usher in the New World Order from the ashes of the vanquished European nations?

How does this square with your Jonesy's statements that everything evil is the fault of the Nazis? It doesn't. The Nazis were manipulated by the Junkers in order to create a 'problem' which their Illuminati brethren could then 'react' to with War, leading to the 'solution' of the European Union under the control of the Bankers.

You've slipped up here Alex Judas, and admitted what those who don't wear the blinkers of AJ worship already know. The Monarchies are related by blood to the Rothschilds and are a part of the Global Illuminati family, which expresses itself politically as Zionism.

Thus you have for once told the truth - its not the Nazis who are behind the NWO, but those who they fought and who used and destroyed them - the Zionist mafia of Organised Jewry.

For links etc visit: http://newsfromatlantis.blogspot.com

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Comment by Rufus on June 22, 2009 at 6:31am
Your point about 80% of the Ashkenazim having lived on German soil is very interesting. It explains why most of the false Jews one comes across have German names (Stein, Mann, Blum, Sachs etc). If the Nazis really had liquidated the Jews in the Second World war, then the Germanic names would have died with them and only be used by Germans. This is not the case, and points to the lie of the 6 million.

The Nazi regime was used to establish Israel. It was funded by Ashkenazi bankers and many leading officials and high ranking officers in the armed forces were Ashkenazim. The Holocaust was a propaganda piece used restrospectively to justify the destruction of Europe - this in much the same way as the Slavery issue was used to justify the brutality of the Northern States against the Confederacy States of America. Incidentally, most of the slave owners were in fact Ashkenazim, yet once again Europeans were (and continue to be) libelled.

Alex Jones produced the excellent 'Wake up or Waco' which documented the FBI murders and the subsequent rebuilding of the Church. I held the man in high esteem for his commitment to ordinary people and his willingness to get stuck in and get his hands dirty. Over time, his films got slicker and the politician bashing got under way - blaming everything on the visible puppets. Does anyone seriously believe George W Bush could have masterminded the World Trade Centre attrocity - using his family to bypass security measures so bombs could be planted, and organising for NORAD to stand down and allow the attacks to occur? This is what Jones would have us believe.

Jones' films have over the years become more sensationalist. Fair enough dry facts are not attention grabbing (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports is as dull as is imaginable), so I understand why he needs to keep things fast-paced. In the TV age it is a lamentable fact that information has to be transmitted in an entertaining manner.

What doe irk is the way that Jones has mixed lies into his films and websites. I have argued before that he should be exposing the interwoven Zionist networks - the Rothschilds, the European Monarchies, Illuminised Freemasonry, the Papacy after the Vatican II, AIPAC etc. To some extent he has touched upon certain aspects of these networks, but he hasn't 'joined the dots' to show that there is a unity of purpose and a definite shadow organisation pulling all the strings. Instead he attack politicains and known figures. It could be argued that to delve too deeply woulfd incur serious, probably fatal consequences. I accept this. However, rather than exposing the apparently disconnected facets of the conspiracy and allowing people to do the work themselves in order to see who is behind the emerging global slave state, Jones throws in the red herring of the Nazis, the Holyhoax, and worst of all the notion that elected politicians have power and that removing the puppets removes the string pullers.

The 'Ron Paul for President' campaign gave people the false hope that they could elect an honest man and cure all the ills of the USA in one fell swoop. The establishment control the elections. All the campaign achieved was to fleece followers of Jones and gain information for the Security Services as to who was involved in the resistence. If the FEMA camps Jones speaks of start being filled, the people he enticed to back Ron Paul will be high on the list.

Were Jones to stop short of the Ashkenazi issue for his own safety, that would be understandable. However, he deliberately and willingly throws lies into the mix. He directs the opposition to attack lond dead Nazis, even though his own research cannot have failed to awaken him to the fact that the NSDAP was manipulted by the Ashkenazi elite, and used as a vehicle to destroy the social cohesion of Europe. He claims the rabbinical Illuminati is German - by this logic the Bilderbergers must be Dutch for having first met in the Netherlands! He mentions false flags but unquestioningly shows images of dead bodies in Auschwitz which have been 'enhanced' by the propagandists of the establishment, and present victims of allied bombing as victims of German genocide. This is reprehensible.

I suspect that somewhere along the way, Jones has been compromised - maybe threatened with having his family hurt, maybe blackmailed for some indiscretion or foible he has managed to keep secret. Look at his films over the years - the biggest smoking gun is the Bohemian Grove farce. He has become a mouthpiece of the Ashkenazim - pushing the propaganda that the 'evil Nazis' are responsible for all the woes of the world. He cites Operation Paperclip as proof that the USA was taken over by the SS because the US Government had the sense to take the top NSDAP scientists into America to advance their own military and technical abilities. That isn't sinister - it is logical.

Jones has made too many 'mistakes' which let the Ashkenazim off the hook and divert anger on to the German State of 1939-45. He has done so well pushing this emotional smokescreen that his supporters rail against anyone who opposes him as a 'nazi', 'Cointelpro', etc. This way the messenger is attacked and the message is silenced in the pro-Jones camp. Jones serves the agenda well. His 'money bomb' gets people to raise money which could be used in potentially effective localised campaigns, and to send it to him so he can create more misleading propaganda which by the very fact of fighting puppets and shadows leave the puppet masters unscathed and actually serves their agenda.

I repeat, Alex Jones either has always been one of 'them' or he has been turned. Either way he cannot be trusted. Take what you will of his information (which contains much truth amidst the lies), but don't trust the man. He is a false messiah, leading his followers wherever his handlers wish. His followers act as would cult members following their spiritual leader - this is unhealthy in itself. Extreme caution is advised in dealing with this dangerous individual.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on June 19, 2009 at 9:05pm
This is Cointelpro style bull shit, Rufus you and your NAZI friends who cheered on Von Braun are sickening. YOU are the sickness in this movement a Disease, a cancerous growth of utter horse shit. You need to be admitted to the psyche ward before you and your friends do some crazy shit. I can't believe we have fucking NAZI's on here, your a 100% raciest and a retard beyond belief. I don't worship Alex Jones but I don't lie about him ether. Schizophrenics like you are out of your mind, the DHS reports FIT YOU and your NAZI friends perfectly. The last two big shootings where done by NAZIS and Racists like you. Mentally unstable people like you who are known liers who get away with spreading this shit boggle the mind. You have ZERO idea about what your talking about, your "facts" are made up non-sense from the dark abyss of the Schizophrenic mind. It seems your only point to be on here is to take down Alex Jones to spread lies and act like a pompous shit when challenged.

I'm seriously about to leave 12.160 as I don't want to be associated with douche bags like you. This entire site takes a HARD hit by allowing this nonproductive outright lieing to be continued, defamation of character isn't free speech. BTW I'm a GERMAN and you make me sick asshole. Go ahead write your "your just an obsessed alex jones listener" comment, act like your some intellectual with your propaganda 101 nonsense that the weak minds on here will buy. I criticize Alex All the time with the truth not schizophrenic lies like you look at my forum posting.

How bout I pull your lies back up from the last psy op you tryed on here ... do i have to ... YEA I DO cause idiots will believe your slick lieing ass!

This person Rufus (thanks for the links adap2k) who says "it would be treason to humanity to let this shill continue unopposed" Obviously has one goal in mind. To push this focus on the Zionist routine and to discredit Alex by ANY means possible. These type of people push the Zionist info for one reason to get you mad at the Zionists and to draw your attention away from the bigger picture of whats going on. They also like to go after Alex because by doing so they get attention LOTS of attention many have made careers doing so. This guy on his Blogs is just plain obvious that hes a foaming at the eyes and mouth Disinfo Blogger. heres some quotes and by the way if you erase your blogs I just captured them all on my website downloader you'll just look even stupider.

From: http://alexjonesisazionistshill.blogspot.com/ "There is a definite and obvious pattern with Alex Jones. He is constantly shifting blame away from Israel, Zionists, and Jews, and onto the Goyim or onto mysterious entities, such as "The New World Order"." {Note his use of 'mysterious entities' like they don't exist, see where he wants you to look just at the zionists not the agenda or the idea called the NWO}

"Please tell me all the Jesuits and Illuminati people who own the Media, Federal Reserve, Educational/Historical propaganda, Hate the Muslims, Want a pure race state, etc……. There are not any, for they are only Zionists." {here note that he says that "Jesuits and Illuminati" "Federal Reserve" are zionists ... that the whole thing is zionists. The other disinfo people that push the Vatican Assassin stuff are just the opposite and say its all the Jesuits and Vatican runs it all.}

"Alex Jones is a Zionist who has no patriotism towards America, he is here like most Zionists are in the Diaspora, to confuse you and to turn traitor on whatever country, outside Israel, they live in. They dont care about any INDIVIDUAL country but the entire Earth coming under their control." {No patriotism? just an outright lie, and again he thinks its all the Zionists}

In http://endwhiteguilt.blogspot.com/ a site he links to the first article there has jew over 35 times in one article. This is this guys MO almost every post he makes is about jews / zionists or attacking alex jones. Now that i've looked more into what hes about i can say he is largely obsessed with the Zionist / Jewish are the cause info' which translates to racist ideology. If all you focus on is just jews and you ignore everything else and your soul purpose in life is attacking Jews... It doesn't take a psychologist to figure out his personality type. look at the pic on http://14wordsnetwork.blogspot.com/ Rufus is purely racily motivated and not here to "help" get truth out hes here to lie, hes here to deceive and acts like a paid blogger out to divide and confuse. I'm trying not to call you a racist but your ideology and your motivation seem to be in line with some one who is.

From: http://newsfromatlantis.blogspot.com/search/label/Alex%20Jones "Alex Jones is a shill, a CIA operative and an agent of the Globalists." {AJ CIA and working for Globalists? If you guys believe this guy and want to side with him go ahead but hes a flat out lier}

From above: "Of course Jones has good sources - he has Mossad researchers giving it to him."

so if you believe Rufus is truthful you believe Alex Jones is a Zionist CIA operative with Mossad researchers working in his office and is bought and paid for by the globalists and he wants to promote globalization then go to Israel to live after hes done....?

If you think rufus is a truthful person and that the zionists are behind all the worlds woes let me know.... I don't need to waste time on this rufus any longer he has discredited himself to the fullest.
Comment by Rufus on June 19, 2009 at 8:04pm
Alex Jones blames the visible puppets for the crimes of the hidden elite. He claims George Bush and his coterie commited the 9/11 massacre, but shys away from the involvement of MOSSAD. He makes the foolish statement that the PNAC were working to build an American Empire, whilst refusing to acknowledge that PNAC is Zionist through and through.

Similarly, Jones points to the Nazi regime as a German monster. He states that Prescott Bush funded the Nazis, but fails to pass on th information that Bush was merely a go between channeling money from the Warburgs/Rothschilds etc to the Nazis. Who were these bankers? Zionist Ashkenazim.

Obama, Bush, Hitler - puppets to a man. The real power is in the shadows.

Jones lies about the Illuminati. He makes the absurd ststement that Adam Weishaupt was a German, and that the Illuminati was formed as a Germanic Death Cult. The Illuminati under Weishaupt plotted on Bavarian soil, but it was not German. Weishaupt was the son of a Rabbi.

At every turn, Jones hides the domination of the Ashkenazim. In the Second World War, the real Jews - the Sephardim - were butchered by people acting under the control of the Ashkenazim. Jones doesn't even differentiate between the Sephardim and the sick anti-humans who took over Palestine and now falsely call themselves Jews.

Jones works for the Ashkenazi agenda. He is a Zionist apologist. He consistently attacks the puppets put in place by Organised Jewry, but never attacks the hidden power itself.

Precisely because the Nazi movement was used as a tool to further Ashkenazi racism, to destroy Jews and Gentiles alike - precisely because Hitler was a patsy of the same ilk as Bush - the vicious evil Ashkenazi Zionist mafia must be exposed. Otherwise they cannot be stopped.

Jones has his infowarriors fighting shadows. The Nazis were a tool - the Zionist power used them to weaken Europe to pave the way for the Global Superstate. Without Zionist stooges such as Hitler, Stalin and Churchill, Europe would have remained a collection of strong free nations. Now the EU is a Zionist bloc which serves the Zionist will - exactly as planned by those who set up the Nazi regime and those who fought them.

Jones has proven his loyalties by consistently misleading the opposition. He is a Zionist stooge and an enemy of all who seek freedom. He must be exposed.

There is a great deal of unhealthy idolotry from Jones' supporters. He is a liar. No one could have carried out the Bohemian Grove infiltration in the way he did unless invited to do so. If he was a real threat he would be dead, or at least incarcerated on some trumped up charge - not getting fatter and richer selling his lies to people desperate to escape the coming 'prison planet'. He is a willing tool of our enemies, herding thoses who knowe something is wrong down a sfe path of pointless resistence, opposing false and irrelevent enemies.

Hitler is dead. The Nazi movement is a fact of history. The real power continues through the Rothschilds and the Ashkenazi monarchs and aristocrats. Jones knows this but hides it - because he is one of their lackies. Wake up Infowarriors - your hero is an infiltrator placed in the movement to control you and mislead you so his paymasters can realise their goals unhindered.

Look at how Socialinfowars.com mysteriously ground to a halt and then foldede when those of us who could see what Jones was doing began to make an impact. That couldn't be tolerated. Jones is a serious part of the problem and will remain so as long as decent people refuse to examine the reality of his message.

Opposing Zionism isn't anti-Semitic. Zionism is an Ashkenazi phenomenon. Ironically, those who suffer at the hands of the Ashkenazim include the Sephardim - the real Jews. Jones is a liar and a swindler and a Zionist asset. Do your own research. Then join with those of us who have awoken to the big lie and expose Jones and his collaborators.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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