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Prior to a 6.8 Richter scale earth quake in Morocco that so far has killed 420 thousand people strange lights were seen in the sky.  Were these the same lights seen in the skies over Lahaina over the Island of Maui? In 2022 west Maui was devastated prior to Lahaina’s tragedy. Other unidentified lights in the skies have been seen preceding earthquakes in other countries too, does this give us any solace over these events or explanations, no. But, it does present a problem. What is the actual cause and so do the lights have anything to do with the cause? Just remember a 10 on the Richter scale would mean the end of the world.

Image result for tectonic light plasmas

Sketchy explanations?

For years what people have thought as nocturnal UFO lights have been theorized as light plasmas created by tectonic pressure in areas near fault lines? In the darkness of test laboratories scientists have created small light plasmas when compressing the kind of rock deep in the earth’s crust such as basaltic or granite with machines designed to exert such force that the rock is crushed. In the milliseconds prior to the breakage of the rock under intense pressure a light plasma appears suspended in the air. Could this be the same phenomena when scaled up to the titanic forces of tectonic plates deep underground? One can only speculate.

Image result for the magnetic poles

Magnetic poles?

Another theory is that due to the movement of the electromagnetic pole shifts this may have something to do with the appearance of the earthquake lights. Once again, is this really scientific guess or plausible denial of other forces that may be at work?  Environmental terrorists attempted to use cavitation generators to exacerbate an underwater fault line and cause an earthquake! It seems man has learned to play with fate and Mother Nature too. Could underground cavitation be achieved by focusing intense micro waves or lasers on an underground cavity or fault line to generate a catastrophe?

Image result for Morocco earthquake lights

Instilling uncertainty

Why would such a terrible thing be planned and executed by some unknown Machiavellian group? Are disasters a good way of fearmongering, punishing political foes, or distracting the public from the true source of the social engineering going on by an emerging world government? Why of course! The people of the world are being assaulted on every angle, terrorism by military force, fear mongering over pandemics, climate change paranoia, thought Nazi fascism, gender dysphoria, and fears of a nuclear holocaust, anything it takes to keep people in fear and in suspicion of one another or one nation prepared for War with others. The psychology of sociological manipulation is rife within our current sphere of existence.

Image result for Philip J. Corso

Another possibility?

The infamous H.A.R. P. project being run by the US Army in Alaska has seen a lot of speculation over its true purpose. Philip J. Corso former WWII Army intelligence Captain and author of the book entitled “The Day After Roswell” claimed that the H.A.R.P. program created a laser tipped missile capable of knocking down multiple incoming enemy re-entry vehicles from space of extraterrestrial origin or human design when launched.. Others claim that H.A.R.P. generates powerful micro waves with its array of antennas into the upper atmosphere that when that air at a certain altitude becomes super-heated and unstable it will reveal underground installations when properly reflected over a topographical target. Could that same capability go one step further and create a tectonic plate disruption? Once again food for thought. In fact the US Army has already admitted this part of the H.A.R.P. mission. Plausibility? Yes. Certainty? No. Nothing is certain in the underworld of subterfuge.

Image result for the H.A.R.P. program



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