End the Bogus Debt Debate By Ending the Wars
One Hundred Peace and Social Justice Groups Call Upon Members of Congress to Oppose War Funding
Read the letter and the list of signers:
Then Call the Capitol Hill Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
Freedom Riding to Gaza
Fifty years ago, freedom riders traveled by bus into the U.S. South. Now American freedom riders are joining their allies from around the world on a flotilla bound for Gaza. The U.S. ship is called
The Audacity of Hope.
The heroes on this ship have pledged to sail unarmed and to refuse to use violence. The Israeli military, which continues to illegally blockade Gaza, causing endless suffering to the Gazan people, has pledged to use violent force to prevent the ships getting through.
The Freedom Riders of 1961 asked the U.S. government to protect them. Its efforts to do so were too little too late. The Freedom Riders of 2 011 have also asked the U.S. government to protect them, and thus far received no such commitment. We can ask the U.S. State Department to ask Israel (recipient of billions of dollars in U.S. weaponry every year) not to assault this flotilla, and to allow those transporting aid and letters of good will to reach the suffering people of Gaza unharmed.
Update: The State Dept. must also tell Greece to allow the boats to sail.
Pledge to Stop the Machine in DC in October
October 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan and the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget. It i s time to light the spark that sets off a true democratic, nonviolent transition to a world in which people are freed to create just and sustainable solutions.
"I pledge that if any U.S. troops, contractors, or mercenaries remain in Afghanistan on Thursday, October 6, 2011, as that occupation goes into its 11th year, I will commit to being in Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., with others on that day with the intention of making it our Tahrir Square, Cairo, our Madison, Wisconsin, where we will NONVIOLENTLY resist the corporate machine until our resources are invested in human needs and environmental protection instead of war and exploitation. We can do this together. We will be the beginning."
Peace and counter-recruitment groups, libraries, coffee houses, and schools are distributing copies of
War Is A Lie where they can do the most good.
And an admirer of the book is sending copies to every member of Congress and other decision makers. You can fund this project!
Click here.
Support WarIsACrime
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