Enter Your Zip Code Here To Find Out What’s Really In Your Tap Water

Enter Your Zip Code Here To Find Out What’s Really In Your Tap Water

CE–Do you know what’s in your drinking water? Probably not. Toxic substances are constantly found in contaminated drinking water around the world, and it’s not just developing countries, but also developed countries like Canada and the United States.

According to the Chicago Tribune, an analysis uncovered toxic lead in the tap water drawn from more than 70 percent of the homes across Chicago. Substances like aluminum, mercury, other heavy metals, prescription drugs, and more have been found in other public drinking water supplies.

This has been a major problem for a while, which is why The Environmental Working Group (EWG) released a new Tap Water Database that allows people to enter their ZIP code or their local utility’s name, in order to find out what’s in their tap water.

According to Live Science:

“The database contains results from testing by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on drinking water from 2010 to 2015, which includes tests on water from nearly 50,000 water utilities in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. In addition, the EWG incorporated results from water tests done by state agencies.”

So, what did they find? They found that, in total, approximately 270 contaminants were identified in drinking water across the country, which also included lead and arsenic.

You can access the ZIP CODE based database HERE.

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Comment by Parrhesia on April 28, 2018 at 12:04pm

Have a well, but I still filter.

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on April 28, 2018 at 10:56am

This place has one of the worst recycled cesspool water plant/process in Va. Sometimes when I turn it on in the morning, there's an overpowering "clorox" bleach smell to it, so bad, it disgusts me to even think to give it to my best 4-legged pal much less use this shit to make a pot of coffee.... then to completely get me pissed again 2 weeks later is the little monthly note arriving to kindly remind me that we have the privelage & honor to pay 35-40$/mo for this privilege to be slow-poisoned.

....And don't do what I did and try to say "fuk 'em" & opt-out this silly rigged game...

So I told em once to cut this shit water off I'm not paying for sub-par chemically treated shit water any longer. makes me ill, dog hates it, the smell Is overwhelming, etc. I Appreciate your services, but I can take care of my lone water needs with cleaner, better quality water for almost free.

...They cut it off all right.... but then 10 days later I get a big red danger sign taped to front door saying my house is deemed unsafe, uninhabitable due to no internal working plumbing/water, must reinstate town water services or abandon condemned property by suchNsuch date!!

..why U gawdamn con artist bastards! (Who here still thinks one "Owns" their home/shelter/property?

Well now I see this bleach water is actually even way worse with this research group's revelation... Here's analysis of this towns H2O.........


EWG's drinking water quality report shows results of tests conducted by the water utility and provided to the Environmental Working Group by the Virginia Department of Health - Office of Drinking Water, as well as information from the U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History database (ECHO). For the latest quarter assessed by the EPA (July 2017 - September 2017), tap water provided by this water utility was in compliance with federal health-based drinking water standards.

5 contaminants detected above health guidelines

7 other detected contaminants

Includes chemicals detected in 2015 for which annual utility averages exceeded an EWG-selected health guideline established by a federal or state public health authority.

  • Bromodichloromethane


  • Chloroform


  • Dichloroacetic acid


  • Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs)


  • Trichloroacetic acid


    end of report
Fookin lovely....Now with all kinds of Bonus Cancer death in this shit as well.... & not even mentioning the time-tested, "industry-standard" addition of sodium calcium hydrochloride (acidic rat poison)
So..... coincidence that the cancer death rate here has doubled in a 20 year span????
...FUCK NO, ...there's no such thing as coincidences in politics, be it Local, State, or the Felonious Federal fuckballs in the Deep Swamp

So a long-needed/wanted "Big Berky" has now been finally ordered ;) 

Also curious as to how bad other area's are here in US

..Feel free to post your locations water quality report here

....especially if it's heavily polluted....or even on the other end of the spectrum,...especially post if it's extremely clean (such a place?)

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