By Clayton R. Douglas
(Epiphanies are relatively rare occurrences and generally follow a process of significant thought about a problem. Often they are triggered by a new and key piece of information, but importantly, a depth of
prior knowledge is required to allow the leap of understanding)
I have always thought of myself as the canary in the coal mine. The government has been on my ass for one thing or another since I applied for and was denied admission to Officer’s Candidate School (OCS) for scoring too high on the entrance exam. (“You didn’t fail. Anyone with your IQ will question orders!” If my perceptions are correct, reading about the last few years in my life in “Mystery
Babylon, the New World Order Unveiled” should scare the hell out of you unless you can learn from my misfortunes and plan accordingly. What you need to understand is that the government is scared to death of people it cannot control and that number is rapidly growing. The other thing you need to know is that opposition to tyranny is right and although doing so will introduce you to a war as old
as time itself and bring the wrath of your controllers on you, God is watching over those of us doing his work. What may seem like failure in one area could just be the path we had to take to get to where we needed to be.
A few months ago, I was ready to quit. Nothing seemed to be working. Everything I had warned you about over the last twenty years that they had called me a radical conspiracy theorist for saying, was now being mentioned on your mainstream media as old news. I use this as confirmation for my controversial theory that God is alive and well in the Twenty First Century and He uses the Internet
to communicate with us. Burning bushes are just kinda passe now. But there is a down side. The Devil has a password and access to it also. He uses Domains like Google and Facebook and lovely Nigerians, too. Sometimes what appeared to be heaven sent inspiration and support evaporated like dust in the wind. But as one door closed, another is opened.
A radio station expanded my show to two hours but then, after becoming really popular, they began to try to limit what I said. I was told not to use the J word so much when talking about liars, banksters, chemical companies and body part merchants. But when they fired me ...for fear of the
Jews, another stepped in with NO censorship. The opportunity came up when someone interested
in working with me moved me to a new town to begin afresh. It provided a few months of rest and sanctuary to allow me to plan and construct my new Paradigm. If I had not moved to Corpus, I would not have found the next piece to the puzzle!
There is a very real war on religion, all religions. The trolls in my chat room putting down Jesus and Muslims are merely reflections of headlines of attacks increasing on Christians and Muslims from around the world. The Jewish propaganda machine cranks out half truths and innuendos to bring
about the Masonic planned Third World War between the two religions and demoralize the
populous. I looked up the word paradigm and found this about “Paradigm Paralysis” which
is where we as a nation and a race find ourselves: “Perhaps the greatest barrier to a paradigm
shift, in some cases, is the reality of paradigm paralysis: the inability or refusal to see beyond the current models of thinking!”
That seemed to be a good description for the problems we have as our thinking has been constructed and controlled and we have been programmed to accept our status quo as slaves as our reality. “They don’t call TV programming for nothing” CRD In these short weeks of relative safety and security in a new town devoid of friends or distrations, I got a new take, a new direction and new insight into very relevant facts. Among a multitude of ephipanies, (An epiphany from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια,
epiphaneia, “manifestation, striking appearance” is an experience of sudden and striking
realization.) was that nothing I had done or conclusions I had come to in the last half
century had been wrong. Outrageous, impossible, frightening, ahead of its time or outside
our range of experiences perhaps, but not wrong.
One of the first was my decision to edit and update the novels and short stories I had written 45 years ago. What I wrote was considered “Science Fiction”. I cover Ancient Aliens, Atlantis, and a future where laws against victimless crimes like possession of Marijuana were abolished in 46 states. Fiction
no longer! You can now smoke pot in 20 or more states now without going to prison...if you bribe a doctor. The next, and most important was my decison to bring back the Free American Magazine on line. I had tried a number of times in the ten years since my “accident” to restart it without much success. It occurred to me that I had been stuck in the Twentieth Century and had not progressed much from the good old days of exacto knives and rubber cement. On September 1 the first edition
of the New Free American became available at my online store, Because I did not have to wait for printing, buy gasoline or pay UPS or USPS to ship, and because so much is happening so fast around the world, I could get two issues a month out. This is the third.
The opposition didn’t quit. I sold a few copies in a few days and the second issue was ready when I got a notice from DHS controlled Google that my page had been designated an “attack page” that has malicious links and potential customers were warned off. Google was blocking my page. It took a week to eliminate all of the old pages they said contained malware. Funny thing, I had not updated or changed most of those pages for years. It did little to dispel my anger and frustration and I don’t blame my latest roommate for wanting to get rid of me. I found an RV park a few miles outside of Corpus Christi that I might be able to afford...if my website is not blocked and I could sell a few issues of
the new mag. But God stepped in again. My recent show with Col. Gordon Duff (Tuesday Sept 24 Gordon Duff Veterans Today) made this even more apparent when, near the end, he said, “Clay, your Liberty Village Concept is the best hope we have for turning this whole thing around!” My Liberty Village Concept is so simple it may be hard for many to grasp. “Grow food, not Grass”, power your own home with all that God Gave Us and tell the bankers, power companies and government paid bureaucrats
and Zoning to “Kiss Our Collective Asses!”
The day after that I made a contact I would not have made had I not been in Corpus Christi. I found someone with an abandoned, 16 acre farm in Hill Country just outside of Fort Hood, Texas who needed help with it. Over lunch I outlined my plan for Liberty Villages that I will go into greater detail later
here as a plan to house and work with Veterans. I have talked about the many problems our vets have been facing and the fact that suicides among Vietnam Vets outnumber the ones killed there. I can relate to them because the thought crossed my mind many nights as I slowly fell asleep... alone, staring at a gun beside me and successfully resisting the temptation to make all the bad stuff go away
in an instant. One of the answers I sought is visible on my site and in this magazine. 20 years ago,
with the first Free American magazine and radio show I helped Dr. Jake Wade start the “Little Red School House” for home schooling here in Texas. That grew into Timothy Bible College. If we had followed in the footsteps of the hundreds of independents who attended and graduated from these remarkable intitutions, we would have had no Columbines or Sandy Hooks. The attacks on Jake
Wade, personally and financially, after appearing on my radio show and my magazine began many years ago and continue today. These schools are an essential alternative to the schools and colleges that do not allow guns or God into their halls but the doors swing wide for the planks of the Communist
(Godless) Judean Talmudic philosophy. (Jesus burning in Hell!)
Please do not be confused at this point if you were brought up in a so-called Judeo/ Christian enviornment. Those churches, if examined closely, contain a pledge to a Worshipful Master in that Masonic cornerstone. What they teach and what you and your children have been subjected to is not the teaching of Jesus but what Jake calls Churchiosity or Religiousity. If you were brought up Catholic or walked up here from Catholic dominated Mexico, you were worshipping a Graven Image of a defeated Christ hanging on the instrument of torture used to kill him.
Let this be your ephiphiny. God is real and alive and intelligent. He looks nothing like Charleton Heston. He is the force that holds our atoms together. He is part of everything and he used his essence to create everything. He determines the vibratory rate of everything. When he created man, it may have
been for his own amusement. If you are omniscient, omnipitent and the only one of your kind in this part of the Universe, you might be bored building butterflies. He created us with a spark of his divinity, gave us amnesia when he put us into this body and, like Shakespeare said, “The Whole World is a Stage.” We provide him with his excitement, intrigue, and adventure. You have heard the term, “God is
Love”. Think of it as your Level Of Vibrational Energy” The more you LOVE the closer you get to the essense of GOD. Jesus tried to tell us this. He also said “You can do what I do and more!”
Jake refers to the Bible as his Answer Book. I think it is. For thousands of years we have read about and wondered about the “Mark of the Beast” and today it is advertised on TV as an RFID chip.
Step back from the esoteric and into practicality.
The opportunity to create a Liberty Village upon a self-sufficent family farm has finally arrived. The location near Fort Hood facilitates the inclusion of Veterans that has always been my plan. I have spoken with the 4 Free American Magazine “Wounded Warriors Project” people and Veterans Today. Gordon Duff, editor of VT suggested, if I wanted to raise money for
this project I needed to form a 501C3 Corporation. No problem. Already on the board of
directors of Timothy Bible College which is an intergal part of the Liberty Village Concept.
I can think of no one I would rather have struture and oversee this project than Dr. Jake Wade.
Originally I wanted each Liberty Village to house half a dozen Veterans who would otherwise be homeless, for protection. Anytime a Communist regime takes over in a country, they go after the small
family farms first. But in a scene from my True Face of FEMA, Col. John Brinkerhoff of FEMA is telling law enforcement in Albuquerque how, in case of a disaster, atomic attack or a single case of smallpox in a major metropolitan area, we would need 400,000 well trained, organized troops to control the
American people. A man stood up and said, “I am in the Special Forces. We were trained to go out into the jungle and teach a village how to take care of itself, its people and defend itself. Why not just send us out into American towns?: W?hy not give them their own base here to protect and defend our people now under attack by Israeli-engineered false flags?
$2.99 each
MAGAZINE AND RADIO PROMO. Send Out to all on your lists
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Good Morning. Wanted to make you aware that the Free American is back and supporting the Militias stronger than ever!
The ADL considered me "Armed and Dangerous" They were right! But my pen is mightier than their swords. Get the magazine from for $2.99 and be reading it within the hour. Let all your friends know. I intend to make the new Free American into an alternative to Television. No Disney cartoons.
I just woke up to the potential here. You can read my magazine and listen to my radio shows on your smartphone, I Pad and computer! I can go to a biker run, set up my tent and chair. Show you my magazine, take your $2.99, send it to your phone or email.
I will power the booth with my Juicebox Solar Generator strapped onto the back of my bike. Got a modem in my pocket. LED lights for nighttime. Watch my videos. Listen to my radio shows at 75 on your Harley. Damn! Why did it take me so long to snap?
This is truth. The government is run by the Banksters. Take back the Central Bank on behalf of the American people. Restore the Constitution and Bill of Rights. If your politician is NOT talking about this as HIS goal, He is the Racist Radical Communist Terrorist he tries to convince you I am through the Bankster owned and controlled Media! Buy a book, make a donation and help me have these criminals, many pretending to be Jews, arrested and tried for Treason! by paypal or My book, "Mystery Babylon" contains all I learned about this criminal operation over the last 30 years. One chapter on the Rothschilds has 300 years of history. Toss in 2000 years starting with the origins of Christianity and the words of Jesus. I put them on the cover of my book, "Mystery Babylon, the New Word Order Unveiled" - "Beware the Jews who say they are Jews, but are NOT!" They are of the Synagogue of Satan! It isn't a Revolution it is the Resistance.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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