Europe Rides The Beast: Official EU Symbols Tell Us Exactly What The Global Elite Plan To Do To Humanity

The Lisbon Treaty, which came into full effect on December 1st, basically ended the national

Europa Statue EU Headquarters Brussels

sovereignty for most European nations.  Most of the important decisions for the citizens of Europe will now be made by a small group of European elitists - many of them totally unelected.  But for the global elite, the consolidation of the EU is just one step towards a larger goal.  You see, the ultimate desire of these elitists is to merge regional alliances such as the EU into a world government.  In fact, in symbols used on official European coins, posters and artwork, the elite have sent us a message telling us exactly what they are planning to do to all of humanity - if anyone out there is willing to listen.

The picture at the top of this article is of a statue right outside EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.  It is a statue of the pagan goddess Europa riding a bull.  EU representatives openly acknowledge as much.  According to Greek tradition, Europa (from which Europe takes it’s name) was a beautiful Phoenecian woman of high ranking who draws the attention of Zeus - the great Greek sky god.  Zeus becomes so enamored with Europa that he transforms himself into the most beautiful white bull that anyone has ever seen. Europa spots this beautiful bull and climbs on top of it and suddenly the bull plunges into the sea and rapes her. Zeus then takes Europa away to Crete where he finally reveals his true identity.

The following is a version of the story of the goddess Europa from the San Diego State University website.....

One night Europa had a dream. In this dream two continents, which were in the forms of women were arguing over Europa. Asia maintained that since Europa had been born in Asia she belonged to it. The other continent, which was nameless, said that her birth was not important, that Zeus would give her to it. It was early morning, disturbed by the dream Europa did not go back to sleep. She summoned her companions, who were all daughters of nobility and of her age. It was a beautiful day and they went off gathering flowers by the sea. Zeus noticed this charming group, particularly Europa, who was the prettest [sic] of the maidens…Zeus appeared to the group as a white bull. A white bull more beautiful then any other…The bull laid down in front of Europa. She slid on to its back. Instantly, the bull charged off, plunging into the sea, and began to swim rapidly from the shore. Europa saw that a procession had joined them, Nereids riding dolphins, Triton blowing his horn, even Poseidon. From this she realized that the bull must be a god. She pleaded with him to pity her. Zeus spoke to her and explained his love. He took her to Create, where he had been raised. He promised that she would bear him many famous sons.

So what does all of this have to do with today?

Well, you see, Zeus (the bull) is associated in the Scriptures with the true master of these elitists.  In Revelation 2:12-13, we read the following....

"To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. I know where you live—where Satan has his throne."

So what was so special about Pergamum?

That was where the Great Altar of Pergamum (or Pergamon) was.  Wikipedia tells us that following about this altar.....

The Great Altar of Pergamon, a massive stone podium about one hundred feet long and thirty-five feet high, was originally built in the 2nd century BC in the Ancient Greek city of Pergamon (modern day Bergama in Turkey) in north-western Anatolia, 25.74 kilometers (16 miles) from the Aegean Sea. The Great Altar of Pergamon has figured in lists of the Wonders of the World.

It has long been assumed that the magnificently-scaled and opulently decorated open-air altar (it is not a temple) was dedicated to Zeus.

You see, that is why in Revelation chapter 2 Jesus said that Satan's throne was there.  It was this gigantic altar of Zeus that He likely was referring to.

So by using this ancient legend as a symbol for the EU, the elitists are telling us that the plan of their master (Zeus or Satan or Lucifer) is to seduce Europe (Europa) and ultimately to dominate it.

We see this same legend promoted on coins, on posters and in artwork all throughout the EU.  Some examples are posted below.....

A 2 Euro coin was released in Greece that depicts a woman riding a beast.....

A Woman Rides The Beast 2 Euro Coin

In 1996, a 5 Euro Coin was released that depicted Europa riding the bull.....

1996 5 Euro Coin Europa Riding The Bull

To commemorate the second election of the European Parliament in 1984, a stamp was released with this same symbology.....

A Women Rides The Beast European Stamp

A cover of Der Spiegel featured a picture of a woman riding a beast carrying the EU flag with the headline: "Good Morning Europe".....

A Woman Rides The Beast Der Spiegel

Here is a German phonecard made by the EU.....

A Woman Rides The Beast German Phone Card

Time Magazine published some artwork of a "United Europe" that featured Europa riding the beast.....

Time Magazine United Europe Europa Riding The Beast

The photo below is a Europa statue in front of the Winston Churchill Building.....

Europa Statue in front of the Winston Churchill Building

Not only that, but other EU symbols send messages that have a very deep meaning.  According to tradition, Nimrod was the one who began the building of the Tower of Babel.  He also built the very first empire after Noah's flood and he tried to establish the very first world government.  With that in mind, check out the EU poster below.  This poster was the official poster promoting the EU Parliament before it was banned because of protests from numerous groups.  Note how clearly it connects the EU with the Tower of Babel.....

EU Poster Tower Of Babel

By using this symbology, the EU elitists were basically saying that they wanted to complete what Nimrod started - the building of a world government.

This ties in directly with the symbology of the woman riding a beast.

You see, not only does a woman riding a beast hearken back to the legend of Zeus and Europa, it also has a direct connection to the Bible.  In the book of Revelation we also read about a woman riding a beast.  In Revelation 17:3 it says this.....

Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.

That beast in the book of Revelation represents the world government led by the Antichrist.  By so prominently using the symbol of a woman riding the beast, the global elite are very clearly communicating that they are connected with this coming Beast system.  They know what the Bible says when they use symbols like this.  It seems like they are almost bragging about it.

You see, the elitists at the very top of the pyramid are hardcore Luciferians.  They also know that Antichrist is coming, and they plan to serve him.  They believe that they are actually going to win the end.  They have confidence in their "god" just as we have confidence in our God.

Satan has deceived himself into believing that he can win this thing in the end and he has deceived his followers into believing the same thing.  Such a thing seems inconceivable to Christians - but this is what hardcore Luciferians actually believe.

In fact, one thing that is common among the Luciferian global elite is a compulsion to tell us exactly what they are about to do.  In this case, they are very open about the fact that not only do they intend to deceive and subjugate Europe, but they intend to do the same to all of humanity.

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