Ever Been in Police State and Hadn’t Figured it out Yet?



The first rule of any police state is that the citizens have taken on a new identity by the government. They are now viewed as nothing but potential detainees. From this standpoint all legislation and passage of bills will reflect the mentality of a top down strongly centralized form of institutionalization. America has gradually become this very toxic element of a nation that has deviated from its once Constitutional Republic form of government recognizing God as the source of individual freedom and that privilege not being granted by government. Whereas today most governments do indeed consider themselves to be the grantors of individual freedom such as Communist China and the socialist democracies of Europe.

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Know your rulers

Another deadly indicator of the existence of a police state is when only one political party rules not providing an alternative to its people. May people have speculated that there is no difference between the Democrat and Republican parties that they simply choreograph an ideological debate for public show as Senate sub committees carry on by grilling the officials of the opposite party for audience gratification, but there is most assuredly a difference between the GOP who lean to the right and the Democrats who have adopted all tenets of Communism and lean far to the left.

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The illusion of rule

The most striking difference between the right or conservative way of governance, and I mean governance, not rule. Is that the common sense form of government calling for things like balanced budgets, policies that reflect the will of the people, and using truth broadcast to the voters rather than rhetoric and dogma. When you’re a lefty (Democrat) since most of your policies cause higher taxes in a form of rule that requires more graft, more illegal kickbacks, and more corrupt conduct there can never be transparency as one scheme of trickery follows another in order to attain their convoluted agenda. There will always be false narratives in a leftist form of rule as there is no morality only the law of men and whatever proves more efficacious rather than upholding honor and integrity.

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Creating crises where there should be none

The left will not allow you to co-exist with them. They will constantly be forcing you to accept the unacceptable whether it’s voter fraud to get the candidate they want in office, pornography in your kid’s public schools, or allowing drug addicts to mainline heroin in the view of the public in parks where discarded needles that could be deadly bio-hazards have become routine practices of the Democrats and their leftist orientation. They will never leave those who don’t agree with them alone. Social engineering is prominent among these radically oriented personalities who feel their views are so superior that they have the right to force it down other’s throats. The arrogance is appalling, but it is quite apparent in their behavior.

Image result for ATF at the door steps of families

Under the rule of force

Among conservatives who don’t have the need to force everyone to accept their viewpoints there will be a constant battle with the left over simply being left alone and not regulated or legislated to accept polices that cause disruption in one way or another. Today we see this as the Biden Administration has over spent, created supply shortages, seriously devalued the US dollar, funded violent protests through the DNC and implemented energy policies that burden the citizens of the country by limiting resources rather than giving the public a choice. So, forcing radical changes in people’s life style is not above the form of rule that Democrats, leftists, and police states love to dictate. WE KNOW BETTR THAN YOU SO SHUT UP AND PUT UP!

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The new methodology of persuasion

Why not use unelected bureaucrats require a new form of air conditioning coolant that will require new more expensive equipment for the auto and the home costing thousands more for those just getting by now. How about prohibiting gas stoves, outdoor BBQ’s as these cause climate change? How about cutting off grazing land to the cattle ranchers and jailing them when they cause a standoff over the BLM’s pointless regulatory oppression? How about cutting off water rights to framers and cattlemen just because the Bureau of Land Management says so! Why not simply accept that some people are going to be shot to death by US Marshalls or the ATF whenever they have pushed hard working people too hard?

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How much farther will they push us?

We can sit in the comfort of our own homes and watch documentaries about the atrocities at Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidians in Waco, or the Bundy Standoff in Montana, all disturbing examples of out of control government waging a war against the rights of the accused without rule of law or proper oversight to control them. However now we await the disposition of one Donald Trump who has been under continual attack since he began running for office in 2015. After a succession of state and city courts in New York and other jurisdictions under Blue (Democrat) control, who could be murdered in a federal prison without his Secret Service detail in the police state manner of dealing with political opponents. People will argue that America is not under a police state, and if that’s true why you should have to be profiled for buying $1,000 dollars’ worth of money orders to mail payment for your bills? Something is wrong people!

Image result for Presidnt Trump at New York trial

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