Exposing the Carbon Emission Bluff of the Environmentalist Nazis

Image result for the UN climate Nazis


Around the year 2000 the UN began adding to the momentum of the already fraudulent human activity caused Climate Change agenda. They funded a team of geologists who specialized in core samples to do some drilling and analyze the climate data from several centuries in the past to compare them to today’s conditions. Of course their ulterior motive was to add the findings as additional evidence to the global warming syndrome. But, what happened didn’t support their false assumptions and forced them to find a second scientific team who would draw the conclusions that the UN wanted.

Image result for the UN climate Nazis

Kicking a dead horse

According to the first team of geologists after drilling and extracting core samples that went back to 250 thousand years in the Antarctic, the results were astonishing! What they found was that at this ancient era earth was at its coldest global average temperature ever recorded. The entire planet was in a global frigid state, and guess what the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere was at that time? During the coldest known climate era so far measured the amount of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere was 20 times greater than it is now! Why, how could the flawed presumptions of the Agenda 21 advocates have been so wrong? Because we have been lied to for the last 40 years about the true cause of what climate change really is.

Image result for the UN climate Nazis

Herding the humans

Well, you can certainly imagine the consternation of the UN officials who were dead sure that the fossil fuel industry and transportation usage of the fuel just had to have caused larger amounts of that terrible nemesis of the earth “CARBON DIOXIDE” you know that noble gas that allows photosynthesis in plants that cleans the atmosphere and provides food for just about all species on the face of the planet. But, you see, we can’t have a successful government power grab that limits human activity, prohibits land ownership, discourages the use of personal transportation, while forcing people to live along railroad lines using bicycles whenever possible as they live in stack’em pack’em housing built by UN contractors that has no structural warranty! Just can’t have it!

Image result for the UN climate Nazis

Repeat the lie over and over again

So, what to do? Well the UN got right back to work finding a university that would indeed manufacture the kind of results they were looking for, and guess what, they did. Why those scientific researchers got right back out to the Antarctic to do some more drilling with UN money stuffed in their pockets and a predisposed verdict already on their lips! In fact, how the climate change debacle has been so enduring is that, in fact, no university or organization that needs money for their projects can get any of it unless it is dedicated to the pseudoscience outcome that global warming is human activity caused and that the big old Ogre we know as CARBON DIOXIDE is responsible for making the seas boil, that wild fires spread, and worrying the US military as one of their future priorities! Yes, sir!

Image result for climate liars at East Anglia

More false narratives

Now the fact that in the 1990’s the earth was in a cooling phase and the professors at East Anglia were caught instructing their contemporaries on how to alter their climate models to explain away that nasty old multiple year cooling trend that was screwing up their well laid plans! There had to be some reasonable explanation, right? So, what they did was double down on the lie and say that those terribly uncooperative unseasonable cold temperatures were due actually to global warming! Yep, once you’re in the middle of a big lie, you might as well hunker down and go all the way, right?

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The sun causes Climate Change? Amazing!

And that’s just what these imbeciles did! Then another unfortunate thing got exposed. Oh no! It turned out that NASA had been altering satellite surface temperature readings in support of the global warming false thesis. Oh Dear, there goes the donkey! And, if it couldn’t have gotten worse a NASA scientist, you know, one of those guys that just does his job and reports his findings rather than going along with the gang of propagandists? Well, he found that sun spot activity was what actually caused warming cycles in earth weather and that of late the sun spot activity was almost nil, which scientists term as a quiet period, so this, in effect, explained just why the earth has been in a cooling phase. Gosh, we all know how tough it is to get caught in a lie, but you know what? By golly, they just keep talking about Climate Change anyway like all of these inconvenient lies never happened, and guess what? There are still people out there who have made global warming their religion, and they’re even willing to attack those of us who scoff at it!

Image result for wind farms encrusted in blizzards

When the solution is worse than the problem

Now, let us look at the phony solutions to that nasty global warming that is causing polar bears all kinds of trouble! The answer is millions of electric cars who currently have 30 times the carbon foot print of a gasoline burning vehicle that uses catalytic converters to filter out exhaust emissions. And, since the environmental Nazis have just about stamped out the coal burning plants and fuel oil burning facilities we’ve got good old wind farms and solar panels to run the huge energy demands of an ever growing grid! Gee, am I enthused. But, wait! Hasn’t it already been proven that winter storms, wind deprivation, and night time cause these technologies to fail, much less the fact that we do not have anywhere near the battery size and duration to make up for massive outages in highly populated areas? So, it appears the solution will be to just allow the whole “Green Reset” grid to be overwhelmed by demand, fail, and have lots of people freeze to death or die of heat prostration in the heat of the sweltering summers!

 Image result for energy blackouts

It's only our lives that's all

Add to that the demand put on the insufficient grid of millions of electric vehicles that will need to recharge and we could have grid failure even faster with no need for a winter storm, hurricane, tsunami, or earthquakes. We can just have power blackouts from too many cars recharging at the same time, especially at night when electrical output will be at its lowest! Wow, now there’s the solution! Oh, and here’s another item to add to your Happy Meal! The cost of energy will necessarily sky rocket making heating and cooling of the home unaffordable for many people just like those very expensive electric vehicles which many folks will not be able to afford either! Now talking about being screwed, blued, and tattooed! Just leave it to the left, the socialists, the Democrats, and the environmental Nazis and they can really ensure the fate of civilization. Isn’t that right kids!

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So, here is a predicament for governments. Their solution will not work. So, what to do? Does this fit into their depopulation plan so that fewer people means more conservation of energy and therefore better for the planet so that only the elites and well connected will be able to enjoy the privilege of actually having access to power, transportation, and other modern conveniences? Gosh Wally, how can these megalomaniacs be so pathological, psychotic, and just well-dense? How is it that billionaires like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg think that they are qualified to decide the political and medical fate of mankind? Is that defined as being delusional?

Image result for asshole billionaires who think they can dictate to the people

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