Farmer Jim: Help Me Understand Your Reasoning

Sat, September 11, 2010 2:06:00 AM
Farmer Jim's Blog

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Help Me Understand Your Reasoning!

Posted: 10 Sep 2010 06:17 AM PDT

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Firey Question Mark
Help Me Understand Your Reasoning!

I do not understand how people expect me to keep a farm in operation without support. It seems to me that many ignore my pleas for Help not for myself but to Help Feed Hungry Americans. The excuses I hear are lame like “The hungry need to get a Job“, “They brought this on themselves“, “They aren’t any going hungry in America” just to mention a few. Help me understand the reasoning of these remarks. How could anyone could be so greedy and cruel to their own people. Let invite you to come visit the Lighthouse Food Farm, and I will give you a grand tour, revealing the real story on people that are going hungry in America. I hope to reveal it to you in this article to save you a trip.

So you ask me who is hungry in America, many that you meet on the street and would not know exactly how they are struggling to survive. Many do not get the nutrition they need because of the high prices of housing and food. Let me show you a short video on how a family in a low income situation has to shop for food. This video is a news cast that went out in Dubuque, Iowa by Erin Horst as she takes a look at how far families in Dubuque must budget to even buy food.

Please view the video before you get started on this article. It will explain better than I can in several thousand words on how many working families have to struggle to pay their bills and eat as well.

Before I go on with this article, please allow me tell you what I do because of one thing that happened in my life. I came to know Jesus Christ in my life early on in my life. But like many, I went out into the world and worked for a living. God allowed me to have several different careers, educations and I ended my working career as a Vice President of two companies working 80 hours a week (that’s 16 hours a day 5 days a week) not counting being on call on the weekends.

When the owner of the companies decided to sell controlling interest, the buyer took my position as VP and that left me out in the cold. Lost company home, company vehicle and all the perks that came with the title of Vice President with those companies. Fortunately I still had my old mobilehome and land to come home to and that actually was where God wanted me, as I realize now.

At my age, there wasn’t any companies willing to hire an old man like myself because of health risks and insurance costs to them. I was well aware of this because of my past position of being a vice president. Unfortunately corporate america does things like this all the time whether it is legal or not. The other excuses was that I was either over qualified or underqualified for a job I had applied for, all around, and out of our area.

One morning around 2 am God awaken me and sit me straight up in the bed and said ” Clear the Land and Start Growing Food “. That’s exactly what I did, even though what savings I had was what we had to live on until I found a job. But with Gods leadership and lots of Help from individuals like yourself, I was able to get the farm in operation. That farm became a farm called the ” Lighthouse Food Farm ” Giving Hope where there is No Hope.

I took all my savings and 401K to do this including buying a tractor, equipment and installing an irrigation system. The rest of the story will have to be read in another blog that I am working on as my autobiography.

If you can read and watch the information below and not Help Feed the Hungry American Children, Men and Women in our country if you are financially able to help, then I have been a failure at my job that God has called me to do.

They are many Homeless Hungry in America of no fault of their own, but I want to talk for a minute about the family that works every day and barely pays their bills. Onced they have paid their bills, they don’t have money left to buy food with.

After working all week at maybe at a slightly better than ” minimum wage ” paying job. They pay their bills like all of us try to do to survive. But with the food prices that have increase 40% or more, not counting the electric bills and fuel bills increasing, the money they are able earn to survive on, just isn’t enough. Not even when buying cheap foods that are loaded with junk that is bad for their health. Which ends up costing all of us, because of the Healthcare costs that they can not afford.

Oh, have you noticed since the ” minimum wage ” increased that the prices of everything jumped to where your money actually does not go as far now as it did before the ” minimum wage ” was increased? You are correct! The powers that be mean to make sure that the normal everyday worker will NOT get ahead. But that’s another article to come in the future.

What about the elderly and the widows that have been living on a ” Fixed Income ” for years? I was in Walmart today and I saw at least 20 elderly ladies and gentlemen working that should be able to live on their retirement from working years ago. Their retirement just is not enough to pay their bills anymore, much less be able to eat healthy. These people are lucky to be able to even work at their age now.

How about those elderly that aren’t able to work? How about those that are disabled? Are we to allow them to starve to death just because they aren’t able to work? Most of these people are from the ” Old School ” and their pride gets in the way of asking for help.

We did not make the video below but it tells the story needed that is happening all over America and it may be even worse now. Watch the video below to understand exactly what is happening all across America today.

Now we have children going hungry in America as well. Remember that if children go hungry they can not learn at school at their full potential and they are America’s Future. Think about this, if we neglect them now, they could neglect us in our older years when we need help. Believe me, going hungry can happen to anyone. If the wrong things happen in our lives, we most definately could be in the situation that many American children and adults are in now. I am using another video below that we did not make but I think it will get the message across much better than this Old Farmer could ever do.

Here is an example of food cost increase like the cheapest Tuna that can be bought in our area is 0.58 cent per can (smaller cans now as well) that use to be 5 cans for $1 less than a year ago. Fruits and vegetables have skyrocketed as well. But if you buy groceries every week, you already know how the food prices have increased. In fact you may have had to curb your appetite to be able to make ends meet yourself.

Most of the price increases I have personally seen in grocery stores are from Walmart Food Center, Ingles and Bilo’s which is where I shop the most. Every time I go into a grocery store it seems as the prices have increased on food, and have been lowered on items that aren’t needed to survive.

You would think that a huge corporations like they are, would in a time of bad economy, lower food prices instead of some off the wall items we could live without. In my opinion, our society has become all about the bottom line (money and the greed of money) rather than caring for each other.

Today, as I was listening to the police scanner, I heard that a person was ran out of town by our sheriff department because they were standing on the side of the road with a sign that said ” Will Work for Food “. They ran them out of town before I could get to the location to offer some help.

I just could not believe that a person would call the law on someone trying to find a way to work for food rather than ask for a “Hand-Out“. Why didn’t that person at least go get them a 99 cent burger or bag of food and hand it to them, if they didn’t have any work for them. Rather than do that, they decided to spend our tax dollars running them out of town, which cost us all more than the bag of food or that burger would have cost.

Ladies and gentlemen, these are Americans we are talking about here… not second class citizens. What has happened to the “Heart of America“, has it grown so cold that we won’t help our fellow American, our neighbors when they need a helping hand?

Thank you for your most valuable time and attention to this concern of mine for the Hungry in the United States of America. Please watch the last video before you decide to leave this page. May God continue to Richly Bless you and yours.

Jim Bonham also know as “Farmer Jim“

Executive Director of the ” Lighthouse Food Farm” Giving Hope where there is No Hope.

Matthew 25:35-40 (King James Version)

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

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