Frankenfood: the term now used by many to elucidate the inherent dangers of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). Since the 1980s American government officials have sold out to corporate interests without regard for the safety of its citizens. Republican and Democrat administrations alike have allowed dangerous and life-threatening products to grace the American dinner tables with no regard for the safety of its constituents. This trend remains apparent today with the naming of Michael Taylor as the Senior Advisor to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, M.D.
The Senior Advisor position, apparently created recently by the Obama administration specifically to place this scumbag into a position of policy making power within the FDA, will allow Mr. Taylor to address issues of food safety. While food safety should be, without a doubt a priority of the FDA, this recent move once again illustrates the corporate cronyism that has permeated Washington D.C. for decades. This is not Mr. Taylor’s first stint with the FDA, he will actually be returning to the government’s watch dog organization for the third time! Taylor first held the position of FDA staff lawyer and Executive assistant to the FDA commissioner from 1976-1981.
Upon leaving the FDA, Taylor spent the next decade as a lawyer for the firm King and Spaulding where he acted as Monsanto’s lawyer and lobbyist. In this capacity, Taylor was instrumental in lobbying for the overturning of a law which protected the American people from dangerous carcinogens in our food supply (definitely someone you want in charge of food safety huh?).When Monsanto developed rBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone) which many scientists claim to be incredibly harmful for milk cows and humans alike, Taylor once again became an employee of the FDA with the primary goal of getting genetically modified seed and Posilac (rBGH) approved for use in the United States. Once this was accomplished, Taylor took the position of Monsanto’s V.P. in charge of public policy.
The fact that our president has allowed this pathetic industry shill further access to policy making that will benefit the very company that he has shown time and time again to have his allegiance to, reveals to us that no matter who sits in the oval office, corporate greed and influence calls the shots. Keep in mind that this is the very same administration that has been forthright and public about their organic garden and strictly organic food being served in the White House. By this appointment, Obama has made it perfectly clear that his children deserves far better than yours.
Taylor, the man now in charge of “food safety” for us “lowly Americans”, was instrumental in ensuring that dairy farmers that chose not to use the carcinogenic rBGH could not even label their product rBGH Free and made possible the FDA’s decision to determine that GM foods are “substantially equivalent” to organic foods. This is despite the fact that the bulk of the FDA’s own scientists clearly stated during the safety trials that they held serious concerns over the safety of GMOs regarding allergens, carcinogenicity and more.
Could it possibly be a simple coincidence that Taylor is back at the FDA at the exact time that Monsanto’s Smartstax corn is coming to a farm field near you? This is a seed that is genetically modified to the extreme with eight modified genes! A recent study that looked into Monsanto’s three most popular GMO corn seeds to date, Mon 863, Mon 810 and NK 603, linked these products to organ damage in mice. The researchers used Monsanto’s own research after a European Court made the papers public in 2005. Monsanto apparently knew that their corn caused organ damage and Taylor still worked to get the FDA to approve its use in America. Now he’s back at the FDA and I can only assume that his agenda this time is equally nefarious.
We must also consider the recent global law known as Codex that will essentially outlaw organic gardening and farming and bring to light what the FDA’s agenda has been all along: pharmaceuticals are the only products that promote health and treats disease. Nutrients have no health benefits. The only thing standing in the way of this becoming the law of the land here in the states is the 1994 DSHE Act (the Dietary Supplement Health & Safety Act) and Taylor will now have direct access to the policy making decisions that could directly affect and overturn this law. Keep in mind that Senator John McCain just recently tried to do this within the legislature and withdrew his support of a Bill that he co-sponsored only after the American people rose up and complained in force. The FDA, with Taylor’s help, will be able to set policy that will de-tooth this law and allow Codex to become law here. We must not allow this to happen.
At one time America was a noble nation with noble intentions. That unfortunately, is no longer the case. Most of us can remember from our history lessons, the Nuremburg Trials that took place directly after WWII. This following quote from the opening statements from this famous trial applies today. Grievously however, it now applies to yet another fascist regime, The United States of America:
“A nation which deliberately infects itself with poison will inevitably sicken and die.” Brig. General Telford Taylor.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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