Flouride Is In Your Drugs And Water - Enormous Effects

Flouride Is In Your Drugs
And Water - Enormous Effects
By Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD

Almost everyone has at least heard the recent news stories citing links between certain antidepressant drugs and suicides and even school shootings. Several surveys have shown that a majority of school shooters were taking SSRI- type antidepressants before they committed their heinous acts. What most people have not heard is that in most cases these were fluorinated drugs (Paxil and Prozac, etc.), the chemical structure of the drug included the toxic element fluorine.

A growing number of studies are showing that fluorine added to drugs and to drinking water can have a profound and prolonged harmful effect on the brain. At present, I am reviewing all the studies done on fluorinated pharmaceutical drugs and their effects on the brain. What I have found is shocking. There is a strong link between the use of many of these drugs and violent behavior, including homicides and suicides.

In 2002, a number of murder/suicides occurred on the military base at Fort Bragg, N.C., which were linked to the fluorinated anti-malarial drug Lariam. The Canadian military experienced a similar rash of murder/suicides and uncontrollable aggression among its soldiers taking the drug as well.

According to the "Physician's Desk Reference," used by doctors to prescribe medications, the commonly used fluorinated antibiotics Floxin, Levaquin, and Cipro can cause nightmares, psychotic reactions, paranoia, agitation, manic reactions, aggression and hostility, hallucinations, and even depersonalization, all symptoms associated with acts of homicide and suicide.

In fact, in their own clinical trials, pharmaceutical companies found homicides, homicidal acts, homicidal ideation, and aggressive behavior to be a side effect of the fluorinated medications. In addition, it was found that children with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) taking the medications experienced hostility episodes 17 times more often than depressed patients.

Of particular concern was the finding that 1.1 percent of healthy, psychiatrically normal people who took an SSRI anti-depressant experienced one or more hostile episodes, while none taking the placebo had such an event.medications remain in the brain for prolonged periods after discontinuing the medication, more so with fluoxetine (Prozac) than Paxil.

In 1990, about 220 fluorinated pharmaceutical drugs were on the market. Now some 1,500 are under development. With millions of people taking these classes of fluorinated drugs, events similar to those at Virginia Tech are bound to occur. This incident was a great tragedy. I send my prayers for all those who were killed and injured and especially to their families.

It has been estimated that such side effects with these anti-depressant medications, as well as other fluorinated medications, are grossly underreported to the regulatory agencies. One study estimated only 1 percent to 10 percent of cases are ever reported. Why more people are not affected may be related to the abnormal brain chemistry of depressed and OCD-affected people.

What is unusual about the effect of fluorinated drugs is that they trigger planned violence rather than just violent outburst. This is what we also witnessed in the mass shooting at Virginia Tech. Make sure that the medication your doctor prescribes is not a fluorinated one.

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