Food destruction or food sustainability? Everything you buy is a “vote” for one or other.

cafomeat (2)

According to Natural News enthusiasts, everything you buy matters, whether it is food, drink, or skin care products, everything you buy is a vote for sustainability or a vote for destruction. SD Wells of Natural News writes about how people think because they make exceptions to their own rules here and there that it doesn’t matter much, and that they can support organic food sometimes and “march” or “walk” for the cure a couple times a year
and “it’s all good,” but it’s not.

Your money and your attitude about your money is everything. One dollar spent on a double cheeseburger from McDonalds sends 100 pennies toward the ultimate health cliff, and the ultimate environmental cliff. One
happy meal for your child sends their organs into a frenzy wondering how the heck to digest food that roaches won’t even eat, and how to pee out and poop out pesticide gluten and corn sugar glue.

Your $15.00 spent ordering that Dominoes or Pizza Hut deep dish pizza is supporting Monsanto, Dow Chemical, Bayer, Dupont, Syngenta, and the whole cancer industry. You are basically telling people with cancer who are taking chemo and radiation that you don’t care about their suffering, because you invest in the criminals to perpetuate it.

Every dollar matters. When you go to Wendy’s or KFC, you are supporting what is killing millions of Americans, you are “donating” money to evil, so they can continue what they do best, infect humans with toxic food and reap the profits from bad healthcare. Yes, Wall Street invests in Fast Food, and FAST FOOD GIANTS invest in healthcare, and Healthcare fatcats invest in FAST FOOD, and the cycle of madness perpetuates, and when YOU cheat, when you waste your money, they get stronger.

But you can stop eating meat forever. You can stop eating GMO corn bread. You can stop drinking pesticide
Coke and pesticide Pepsi. You can get the kids off gluten worm and weed killer. You can do it. Make that choice. Don’t cheat. Juice vegetables instead and buy gluten free bread and cook it with coconut oil! Hey, there are ways to make food fast and tasty, and not support evil. You ALWAYS HAVE THE POWER, THE CHOICE, THE CONTROL.

What are you eating? What will be “contained” in your next bite? Are you eating cancer? You can choose
not to eat it. Knowledge is power:

Learn more from SD Wells and the Natural News team of truth seeking journalists
and reporters!

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Comment by Nobody Will Observe on June 11, 2013 at 11:25pm

Good Stuff!

"Destroying the New World Order"



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